Some of you know that I've been going back and forth on career issues now for awhile. I have been considering several different options that would also fit with my need to be home as much as possible with my children...particularly now while they are so small....and of course with our caboose on the way....I will want to be home full-time for a little longer.
That being said, I continue to volunteer a couple of hours a week to give myself an outlet for me, etc...
Anyway, I have recently begun considering the idea of going into pharmacy and getting my PharmD...It would be an intereting mix of science and working with people...and there are so many fascinating career options....clinical, retail, research...the list goes on. I have a fairly strong science background and so this really seems like a great idea.
In any case, I have been looking into Creighton University and I'd like to get some feedback. Creighton offers students the option of doing the didactic portion of their program through distance education. You are provided a preceptor, have a lot of contact through email/fax/telephone/chats, etc with your professors...but you do most of the learning of the subjects throught their online classroom format: streaming audio, etc. I have taken 2 dl courses in the past and enjoyed's tough to stay motivated when you aren't in the classroom..but it is possible to get a lot out of the classes.
The thing can do this program full-time or part-time...and all labs that require you to go on campus to Nebraska are done in 2 week blocks in the summer. do the didactic work for that particular class and then you spend 1 or 2 weeks from 8-5 in the lab as opposed to an hour or 2 a week for 14 weeks on-campus. Thomas feels that he would be able to take vacation during that time if we would get to that point.....
All of the clerkships then (at the end of the study) are done just like on-campus students, but they are arranged in your local area through the U.....and the hospital that Thomas works at (just down the road from us) is fully accredited and has pharmD students working there. By the time I would hit clerkships, the baby would be in Kindergarten.
Can anyone give me some feedback? I think my biggest concern with the distance learning format for the didactic portions is that it wouldn't be taken as seriously...though it wouldn't show up on my transcript that I'd been a distance student. I know that during grad school though there were classes that I only attended for the exams...It was just better to go to the library and check out books and read at home than to listen to the being on-campus wasn't all it was cracked up to be. It would be great to be able to be oncampus and be involved with other students as well...but would it be worth the trade off of having to put the kids in after school care?
I don't know..I'm just swinging back and forth on this....does anyone have any thoughts pro or against this that they would be willing to share? I wouldn't start the program if I decided on it for at least another year or so.....of course...if I want to do the on-campus program at the Uof MN I couldn't start for another 8.....
PS...sorry to be so wishy-washy
That being said, I continue to volunteer a couple of hours a week to give myself an outlet for me, etc...
Anyway, I have recently begun considering the idea of going into pharmacy and getting my PharmD...It would be an intereting mix of science and working with people...and there are so many fascinating career options....clinical, retail, research...the list goes on. I have a fairly strong science background and so this really seems like a great idea.
In any case, I have been looking into Creighton University and I'd like to get some feedback. Creighton offers students the option of doing the didactic portion of their program through distance education. You are provided a preceptor, have a lot of contact through email/fax/telephone/chats, etc with your professors...but you do most of the learning of the subjects throught their online classroom format: streaming audio, etc. I have taken 2 dl courses in the past and enjoyed's tough to stay motivated when you aren't in the classroom..but it is possible to get a lot out of the classes.
The thing can do this program full-time or part-time...and all labs that require you to go on campus to Nebraska are done in 2 week blocks in the summer. do the didactic work for that particular class and then you spend 1 or 2 weeks from 8-5 in the lab as opposed to an hour or 2 a week for 14 weeks on-campus. Thomas feels that he would be able to take vacation during that time if we would get to that point.....
All of the clerkships then (at the end of the study) are done just like on-campus students, but they are arranged in your local area through the U.....and the hospital that Thomas works at (just down the road from us) is fully accredited and has pharmD students working there. By the time I would hit clerkships, the baby would be in Kindergarten.
Can anyone give me some feedback? I think my biggest concern with the distance learning format for the didactic portions is that it wouldn't be taken as seriously...though it wouldn't show up on my transcript that I'd been a distance student. I know that during grad school though there were classes that I only attended for the exams...It was just better to go to the library and check out books and read at home than to listen to the being on-campus wasn't all it was cracked up to be. It would be great to be able to be oncampus and be involved with other students as well...but would it be worth the trade off of having to put the kids in after school care?
I don't know..I'm just swinging back and forth on this....does anyone have any thoughts pro or against this that they would be willing to share? I wouldn't start the program if I decided on it for at least another year or so.....of course...if I want to do the on-campus program at the Uof MN I couldn't start for another 8.....
PS...sorry to be so wishy-washy