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Work Mojo

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  • #46
    Good luck on your interview! I'm in the camp of liking being a working mom, but I like my job, which makes a huge difference.
    Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


    • #47
      Thanks for the positive vibes!

      Interviewed last Thurs for about 1.5 hrs. It went well, a question or two tripped me up (ie what is your vision for this position), but I know how to BS and use all of the phrases the head wants to hear. It was a confidence booster for me in terms of my interviewing skills.

      I was the last interview and I think they interviewed 7-8 of us. This was apparently only round one, and I believe round 2 is coming during the week of 7/8. Should know by the 2nd if I get another interview. They are looking for an 8/1 start date.

      So the baby bump remains hidden. This has been difficult and draining, to say the least. And it can't last much longer, I'm 14 weeks tomorrow, and will be close to 16 weeks by the time the 2nd round is done.

      I also had a parent (not the one you would think) cause a baby bump scare in my world of work. My dad called a campus office to check up on my sister's scholarship status. He starts trying to market my sister and how she's following in older sister's footsteps, blah blah blah. So he keeps going and oh, you probably don't know Scarlett. The woman on the phone says yes, I do know Scarlett. He then puts his foot in his mouth and tells her I'm pregnant with twins. I could have killed him. After he said it, he did tell her not to tell anyone. This person is someone I work with a few times a year on events, and I work with her office on a fairly regular basis. Her division and my office are closely knit in a variety of ways. All I can keep picturing is their head calling my head and saying "gee, your employee Scarlett is pregnant". Now I have to call her today and threaten her within an inch of her life if she divulges. My dad did feel really badly about what he said, and I know he's just excited about becoming a grandpa and the babies. But holy moly Batman, this was the last hiccup I needed! So thankful this is a short work week.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


      • #48
        Nice dad!

        Frame it in a "we want to make sure everything is okay" way--she will feel REALLY guilty about telling if it you say it like that.
        Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


        • #49
          Good tip ST! Thanks

          I'm also going to say something along the lines of "your discretion is appreciated". Obviously I'm not going to get into all the job issues with her.

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
          Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


          • #50
            Update: no final round interview for me. I'm not surprised or upset. Everything happens for a reason. I am good but the head has something (or someone) else in mind. The three final candidates come today and my dept gets to meet them. Woohoo.

            So at the end of the day yesterday, I sent her an email asking for a bonus and a raise. It was always my plan to ask for it if I didn't get to move up. I've been asked to meet with her at 10am. I'm nervous because she seems to be in a pissy mood already this AM.

            Oh and the person my dad was a little too chatty with is out of the office this week. But apparently still checking her email. She emailed me about how nice my dad was. No mention of his slip up. Will still need to grill her when she gets back on 7/7.

            Is it the holiday yet? I told DH that this is a time where I miss being able to have a drink. So I encourage those who can to have a glass of wine for me lol!

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


            • #51
              I'm sorry. Good luck this morning!
              My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


              • #52
                She grilled me about the timing of my email and I caved and I told her about the babies. I just can't handle the pressure anymore. My one co-worker who knows (and had a fight with my boss this AM) and DH both think I shouldn't have told her today. So glad I'm getting support from them :eyeroll: They aren't living MY life everyday and having to hide this. So now I feel like an asshole who couldn't stand up to the pressure and therefore made a rash decision. I thought I would feel relieved but now I just feel depressed.

                I have been told that my request was poorly timed and very strong, but will be discussed at my performance review next Friday. She kept saying that compensation was going to be a part of my performance review, whatever the hell that is supposed to mean.
                If I didn't have meet these candidates later today, then I think I would go home sick. That is how crummy I feel.

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending

