When my other children were younger, I just took classes at the local college/university. If one of them were sick or anything happened, I just stayed home.
Since actually entering the working world I have been slammed over the head with the 2x4 of reality.
You would think that since I only teach on MONDAYs and can reschedule any Friday things at a moments notice that there would be few glitches in my 'working woman' lifestyle, right? WRONG.
The kids are always off of school for something or one of them is sick. Last night, my friend who watches Aidan for me while I teach called to let me know that she has bronchitis and her husband has pneumonia
. I didn't have the foggiest idea of what to do about today. I tried to convince Thomas to take the morning off....
ummm, ok..it was a dumb idea!
I ended up going to lab with Aidan (17 months). We were only supposed to be doing a peer review of a written assignment, so I had everyone turn in their papers and offered to look over them and make comments. Then I had everyone make an appt. to come to my office this week for 15 min. each to personally go over the assingments with each of them. I think they even get more out of it that way....and yet I felt like a fool standing in front of them with a 17 month old on my hip who kept pointing at them shouting "ball, ball, ball"
How do you guys do it?
Since actually entering the working world I have been slammed over the head with the 2x4 of reality.
You would think that since I only teach on MONDAYs and can reschedule any Friday things at a moments notice that there would be few glitches in my 'working woman' lifestyle, right? WRONG.
The kids are always off of school for something or one of them is sick. Last night, my friend who watches Aidan for me while I teach called to let me know that she has bronchitis and her husband has pneumonia

I ended up going to lab with Aidan (17 months). We were only supposed to be doing a peer review of a written assignment, so I had everyone turn in their papers and offered to look over them and make comments. Then I had everyone make an appt. to come to my office this week for 15 min. each to personally go over the assingments with each of them. I think they even get more out of it that way....and yet I felt like a fool standing in front of them with a 17 month old on my hip who kept pointing at them shouting "ball, ball, ball"
How do you guys do it?