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Anyone quaking in their boots about selling their house?

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  • #16
    Re: Anyone quaking in their boots about selling their house?

    Oh no. Do you have a Mr. Clean magic eraser? You could test that in an inconspicuous spot. I've used that on a wood table and it took the marker off but also slightly affected the finish.

    Showing a house is just a ginormous PITA.


    • #17
      Re: Anyone quaking in their boots about selling their house?

      Originally posted by cupcake
      Oh no. Do you have a Mr. Clean magic eraser? You could test that in an inconspicuous spot. I've used that on a wood table and it took the marker off but also slightly affected the finish.
      Thanks for the tip... I'll get one and give it a try.


      • #18
        Re: Anyone quaking in their boots about selling their house?

        Originally posted by monadatter
        Originally posted by cupcake
        Oh no. Do you have a Mr. Clean magic eraser? You could test that in an inconspicuous spot. I've used that on a wood table and it took the marker off but also slightly affected the finish.
        Thanks for the tip... I'll get one and give it a try.
        I wasn't able to get the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser yet, and a friend loaned me something else. It is amazing!!! The sharpie from this morning came up with the tiniest dab of this stuff on a damp cloth... with a very light rub. Then, I tried it on a years old permanent marker scribble on the floors in a different room.... I had to use a bit more (but hardly any) and rub with just a little force... and.... presto!!! It's all gone! The finish on the floor still looks perfect.

        This stuff is called "Enjo Marble Paste". It is made of finely ground marble and precipitate chalk. My friend said it is quite expensive... but lasts forever (I can attest to the miniscule amount I just used) and is absolutely amazing!!! I've never seen anything like it. The container says it is for use on all hard surfaces.

        Maybe the house will sell after all!


        • #19
          Re: Anyone quaking in their boots about selling their house?

          ohhh....I might need some of that. It can't cost more than re-finishing your floor, right?


          • #20
            Re: Anyone quaking in their boots about selling their house?

            I think it was about $30... so definitely less than refinishing the floors!
            This morning the friend who loaned it to me told me about some of their other products. There are microfiber mits and mops and stuff that clean dishes, bathrooms, floors, etc. with only cold water and no product - get up the worst kinds of grease and then wash out of the mit with hot water. Sounds weird.. .but she says it's true and gets every mark and bit of scum off. I don't know how it gets germs off though. She said it is sold by individual distributors.


            • #21
              Re: Anyone quaking in their boots about selling their house?

              So I had realtor come see the house and do a market analysis. I went with a well regarded high profile guy. His suggested price would make it the cheapest house in our entire county ( think 150,000+ people) when I searched by square footage. I dont know what to think. Maybe my house is really yucky, but I really dont think so. I guess I will get a second opinion
              Mom to three wild women.


              • #22
                Re: Anyone quaking in their boots about selling their house?

                There is something to be said for a quick sale but that does sound odd. I hope you get better information from the second opinion. You've done so much to your current house and the last one so I can't imagine your house is yucky or that you are in denial about that!


                • #23
                  Re: Anyone quaking in their boots about selling their house?

                  Talk to at least two or three more realators, and ask each of them why you should choose them over the others.
                  wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                  "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                  • #24
                    Re: Anyone quaking in their boots about selling their house?

                    I actually thought about that chapter with this guy. I just looked at his listings, and he is pricing our house way lower than dated homes in the same neighborhood. I dont get it. He is OUT in my book ( i just hope he isnt right).

                    When we sold our old house, my neighbor told me there was a realtor out front one day reading the flyer- the realtor told her our house was vastly overpriced. We had a close to full price offer after two weeks on the market. That realtor had the nerve to call me about a month later to follow up with me. He got an earful.

                    I have an inherent distrust of people who work on commission.
                    Mom to three wild women.


                    • #25
                      Re: Anyone quaking in their boots about selling their house?

                      This just in:

                      The number of forclosures in San Antonio is at their highest levels since the oil bust 20 years ago.

                      I guess it's trickling in from both coasts. Luckily, our neighborhood is insulated from most of the problems.

                      As for the Realtors, I used to tease my DC realtors all the time when they held open houses at my house because it's never about selling MY house, it's all about them getting more clients to sell houses TO.

                      It's scary out there.



                      • #26
                        Re: Anyone quaking in their boots about selling their house?

                        Originally posted by DCJenn
                        It's scary out there.

                        ITA. As if I weren't scarred by our Cleveland experience, the current market just makes me want to curl up in the fetal position and not budge. I like my house - and I LOVE the idea of not having to sell a house anytime soon. I'll just sit here and build up equity and not touch it until this housing crisis is over. They're still building out here, and I don't understand who's buying! 38 new homes in my subdivision, another phase of a neighboring subdivision of 100 homes ... it's insane.

