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Speaking of the best money ever spent...

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  • #16
    Jennifer (Rapunzel),
    If you're am I! I hate to be touching others when I'm sleeping! We got a king-size bed about 4 years ago and I will NEVER go back! I concur with the photocopier...although I put my kids back in public school this year. Other items I'm grateful for:

    My monsterous van...I'll never go back to a minivan!

    My deep freeze & my fridge with water on the door.

    Massages - (we have a school here so it only costs $25 for an hour of heaven)

    DSL internet - Like the rest of you, I never want dial-up again.

    Our house has a walk in pantry that is around 8'X12' & I love having all that space.

    My scroll saw...I love to cut wood!



    • #17
      That pantry is a definite luxury! It's filled with buit-in shelves & also holds the washer & dryer & my deep freeze. I somehow manage to use nearly all the space!



      • #18
        I don't like anyone to be touching me when I am asleep, either. If there was something wider than a King, I would be interested, because once DH falls asleep, (even now, 4 years after residency) he is OUT, and if he is on my side of the bed, it takes a LOT of effort to get him back on his side.

        I agree with the copier.....I used to teach a lot of voice lessons, and it was so nice to have my own copier. Now I use it for worksheets and stuff during the summer for the kids.

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #19
          The key to the king sized bed is "that way we don't have to touch each other if we don't want to."

          This, in my opinion, is also ONE of the keys to a happy marriage. Another is the dishwasher. We would never have made it past living in sin if we hadn't had a dishwasher installed in our 1st apartment together. Pathetic, but true.


          • #20
            For us:

            1) Icemaker (when DH was in med school we had a tiny freezer, and no room for ice)

            2) DVD player for car (allows adult conversation up front)

            3) our leather sofas...they are a little piece of heaven! (and we got them on sale!)


            • #21
              Icemaker!! Yeah! We just got one this year! All these mod cons rock! See what living in 100 year old houses does to you? Lovely mouldings, no appliances......

              I think our rooms are too small to house a king sized bed comfortably. When we had one, it took up the whole room. Probably another old house thing.
              Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
              Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

              "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


              • #22
                I'm totally jelous of the dishwasher, king size bed and Sara's panty (or any pantry). Since our bedroom is not much bigger than the walk-in panty, we won't be indulging in a king size bed any time soon.

                So far best money we've ever spent are:
                - weekly cleaning service
                - Sharper Image massage chair and foot massager
                - Netflix
                - Le Crouset grill pan


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ladybug

                  Ohhhh, want one, want one! I have the 7 quart stew pot and I'm in love!
                  The Dutch oven? I just saw the kiwi color one....ooohhhh ahhhhh....I would love to have one for the fall and winter. This post is perfect timing because I was daydreaming about what I would do with some spare cash. I'm going to help a friend with her business for a few days and I'll bet I make enough for a Dutch oven.


                  • #24
                    I've thought about this post, and I have yet to actually sit down and write it, because my list is huge, and rather embarrassing. What does that say about me? Am I obssessed with material possessions, or am I just very appreciative of the things that I do have?

                    My list in no particular order:

                    1. My Big Tub. I love taking baths, and until we got this house last year, I haven't fit in one very well.

                    2. The King Size Bed. I think this topic has been well-covered, but wanted to agree with the needing room to sleep thing. Dh says that I used to like to cuddle when we slept. I don't remember that. Either I was faking enjoying the cuddling or I have definitely changed.

                    3. The Tivo. Praise to the makers of the Tivo. I love it, I love it, I love it. There is nothing like watching tv when you have Tivo. It makes it so much more enjoyable. No more annoying commercials. No more missing things because your spouse needs a roll of toilet paper. I can watch triple the t.v. in the same amount of time. Some would say that isn't a good thing. I beg to differ. I can watch an hour of American Idol in 20 minutes.

                    4. The Ice Maker and Water in the Door.

                    5. The Microwave. I can't believe there are people out there who don't have them, but it's true.

                    6. The Dishwasher. Doing dishes by hand? I shudder - bad memories of our first couple years in student housing when we were newlyweds.

                    7. My Hoover Floormate

                    8. OxyClean - Gets out almost anything.

                    9. Clorox Wipes. How did I clean anything before Clorox Wipes?

                    10. Cable Modem, Wireless.

                    11. My SUV and my kids' car seats. That's right. I guzzle gas. I really want a Highlander Hybrid though.

                    12. All of my kitchen gadgets. I have too many to name. Cooking at other peoples houses drives me nuts.

                    13. My phone system. We have 6 phones plugged into one jack (expanded something er other) , and I can almost always find a phone that way.

                    14. 101 Dalmations and Lady and the Tramp. They both contain lots of animated dogs and will keep my daughter happy and entertained, should the need arise.

                    15. Laurie Berkner videos, downloaded from Noggin. For the same reason as #14. I highly recommend these for any toddlers or preschoolers out there.

                    16. My leather couch and recliner. Comfy.

                    17. My Peg Perego Stroller, and Peg Perego high chair. Totally awesome products.

                    18. This computer. It is my best friend.

                    19. My house on the end of a long road at the end of the cul-de-sac. This provides unending thankfulness from me. Privacy, not worrying about the kids playing outside, lack of traffic, etc. are all good. I don't know if I will ever buy a house that isn't on a cul-de-sac.

                    20. Our digital camera. Remember film?

                    I have a huge wish list too, so I won't go into that. I'm sure I left some things off of this list that are also great loves, but this is what I could come up with as I typed.
                    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                    • #25
                      I will second the Peg Perego high chair, but it was gift.

                      Other things I that I forgot to put on the list-

                      1. Direct TV w/ TiVo- that was our "reward" we gave ourselves.

                      2. DSL- never getting dial-up again

                      Gas, and 4 kids


                      • #26
                        oooohhhhh...I second the Clorox wipes!



                        • #27
                          My John Deere self propelled lawn mower!!!!!!! Maybe one day I will be able to afford a riding one or pay somenone else to do it for me.
                          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

