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mel gibson

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  • #16
    Eh. I'm not in on the brain tumor theory. My current speculation is vacillates between 1) he has always been an ass and it was well hidden by his closed compound/closed family lifestyle previously or 2) the tape was doctored by someone doing a good Mel impersonation for financial gain by Oksana.

    Evidence for 1: his dad is a nut job if I recall. I remember reading something early in Mel's career about his father having wacked out, religiously steeped views including denying the Holocaust. See This could be "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree". After all that's DAD.

    Evidence for 2: Oksana doesn't strike me as a real peach. She's been in several relationships with minor and major celebrities - and had a child with/married Tim Dalton before meeting Mel. She met Mel while he was still married and got preggers while he was still married. Honestly, I thought it was pretty impressive that Mel announced the pregnancy and his separation from his wife so quickly. (Not for his wife but I think the Hollywood standard would be to make the other woman and pregnancy disappear - not talk about them on Leno.) So, I'm not sure that Oksana isn't a crafty woman who has been cut off financially and is using a new way to pressure the man.

    I'm not a huge Mel fan but I wouldn't underestimate the skankiness of some women around men with money. Of course, I'd never want my daughter in a room with him alone, either.
    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


    • #17
      He is nothing more than an ass who uses his power to abuse those around him. I have come into contact with men like this that are also members of the Society of St Pius X, it is an extremist sect of the Roman Catholic Church, and is a splinter group of the Catholic Traditionalist movement. They are so completely out of touch with reality. Seriously, talk with some of these folks for awhile and you will leave wondering, "what the hell was that?" The men most certainly feel entitled to anything. This misplaced religious bent combined with the power of fame and fortune along with an alcohol problem has not been a good combination for Mel Gibson.
      Married 20 years to MD/PhD in year 3 of MFM fellowship. SAHM to five wonderful children (#6 due in August), a sweet GSD named Bella, a black lab named Toby, and 1 guinea pig.


      • #18
        I have come into contact with men like this that are also members of the Society of St Pius X, it is an extremist sect of the Roman Catholic Church, and is a splinter group of the Catholic Traditionalist movement. They are so completely out of touch with reality. Seriously, talk with some of these folks for awhile and you will leave wondering, "what the hell was that?"
        Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Pollyanna View Post
          He is nothing more than an ass who uses his power to abuse those around him. I have come into contact with men like this that are also members of the Society of St Pius X, it is an extremist sect of the Roman Catholic Church, and is a splinter group of the Catholic Traditionalist movement. They are so completely out of touch with reality. Seriously, talk with some of these folks for awhile and you will leave wondering, "what the hell was that?" The men most certainly feel entitled to anything. This misplaced religious bent combined with the power of fame and fortune along with an alcohol problem has not been a good combination for Mel Gibson.
          I've heard of the group, but don't know much about it. What are they about? Is Gibson a member? I thought he was no longer a practicing Roman Catholic. I thought he practices some version that is not associated with the actual denomination, but it a splinter group that is ticked off about Vatican II. He says that he is a Roman Catholic, but in saying that, he means, "I practice Roman Catholicism not as it is today, but a version of it that I think is the right way to do things."


          • #20
            Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post
            He says that he is a Roman Catholic, but in saying that, he means, "I practice Roman Catholicism not as it is today, but a version of it that I think is the right way to do things."
            Which clearly means "having sex outside of your marriage and beating up women".

            I agree with part of Angie's theory, but I don't think the tapes are fake. I think she was probably provoking him, knowing he's a violent, racist ass and she knew she could get him to spew that crap and record it for her own gain. I do think she's a woman of questionable character (which in no way means she deserves to be abused), and has been playing her part in all this as a way to get revenge on him for abusing her. If I'd been abused, I imagine that's the least violent path I'd take towards revenge ...


            • #21
              Oh - the two parts didn't go together. I was thinking either he's always been batshit crazy OR she's playing him for the dollars. I like your combination of the two, though.
              Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
              Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

              "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


              • #22
                Originally posted by GrayMatterWife View Post
                I've heard of the group, but don't know much about it. What are they about? Is Gibson a member? I thought he was no longer a practicing Roman Catholic. I thought he practices some version that is not associated with the actual denomination, but it a splinter group that is ticked off about Vatican II. He says that he is a Roman Catholic, but in saying that, he means, "I practice Roman Catholicism not as it is today, but a version of it that I think is the right way to do things."
                I just looked up "traditionalist catholic" on wikipedia and got a huge amount to read, including a discussion of how Rome views the SSPX. It sounds like there are several different types of Traditionalist Roman Catholics--some in communion with the Holy See, some not. I can't figure out if Gibson's church is in communion with the Holy See--not that it matters to this discussion. I was just curious!


                • #23
                  I just looked up "traditionalist catholic" on wikipedia and got a huge amount to read, including a discussion of how Rome views the SSPX. It sounds like there are several different types of Traditionalist Roman Catholics--some in communion with the Holy See, some not. I can't figure out if Gibson's church is in communion with the Holy See--not that it matters to this discussion. I was just curious!
                  Random tangent:

                  It is interesting--look up "Marylike Modesty." My mom and I had a good laugh at that today. My family came across quite a few of them (though they were more of the traditionalist mentality than part of another sect and certainly didn't make up the entire homeschooling crowd) during the brief period my younger siblings were homeschooled. I was the "evil teenager who went to public school and wore jeans."
                  Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.

