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How often do you wash your hair?

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  • How often do you wash your hair?

    A couple of weeks ago New York Times ran an article about a new trend of weekly hair washing. I've heard about this before but more in the context that shampooing every day is bad for your hair, not that any contact with water should be avoidable. Apparantly there are also products now for these non-washers, such as dry shampoo and such that they can dab on their roots to absort oil build-up. I can get behind no-shampooing idea but no washing of any kind (even just rinsing) strikes me as gross. Isn't it akin to not showering for a week and just dabbing baby powder all over instead?

    So what are your thoughts and how often do you usually wash your hair (I'm not counting camping, being sick, not having hot water for a day, etc.)?

  • #2
    Re: How often do you wash your hair?

    Every day that I go to the gym or exercise at all- why? because I'm a stinky sweaty mess when I'm done. I've always loved the 'go work out at lunch and dawb the powder on your hair in lieu of shampooing' articles in the ladies magazines. If I put any kind of powdered anything in my hair after the gym, it would turn into glue paste.


    I 'get' the not shampooing daily thing though. My hair always behaves better on Day Two. Wet it, dry it and it looks GREAT.



    • #3
      Re: How often do you wash your hair?

      I also never understood how women can work out during lunch. It takes me an hour every morning to take a shower and make myself look presentable, how do they fit working out into that time too? Something has to give.

      I usually either just rinse out or condition my hair every day. If I'm really lazy or running late, I pull it into a ponytail and nobody can tell the difference. I try not to shampoo more than once a month or so because my hair is so dry to begin with. I always wanted to live in a dry climate but didn't realize that it'll dry my hair into straw consitency.


      • #4
        Re: How often do you wash your hair?

        I wash my hair 2-3 times a week. I have heard it refered to like this: Hair is more fragile than a silk shirt. You wouldn't want to wash that every day. I also only wash the ends of my hair if it is very dirty. Otherwise, I just wash my scalp.
        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


        • #5
          Re: How often do you wash your hair?

          I wash every other day. I put mousse and volumizer in my hair before I blow dry it, so by the end of Day 2, it's pretty gross and my scalp is shiney so it's definitely time to shampoo the next morning. And usually on Day 2 I wear my hair back in a low ponytail or using a clip. I feel like people can tell that it's a little too shiney since I have dark hair.

          I have a girlfriend that shampoos once a week. She said she just gradually trained her scalp and now she's able to wash it once a week. Days 1 -3 on average she wears it down, and then the rest of the week she wears it up.


          • #6
            Re: How often do you wash your hair?

            I wash my hair every day, and I can't imagine NOT doing that. My hair is very thick and it would probably save me tons of time if I washed it less often, but the idea just grosses me out. I have a much easier time dealing with it when it is freshly washed and dried, too. Putting my hair up or into a pony-tail is quite a task because it is so thick, and usually leaves me with a headache a couple of hours later, so that isn't really an option.

            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


            • #7
              Re: How often do you wash your hair?

              I'm a greaseball. I have to wash at least every 36 hours or I get that drippy look.

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                Re: How often do you wash your hair?

                Originally posted by house elf
                I'm a greaseball. I have to wash at least every 36 hours or I get that drippy look.

                Me too. Plus, there's so much dirt that flies around in Chicago with the wind that I have to do it at least every 24 hours. I'm greasy already at 24 hours...
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #9
                  Re: How often do you wash your hair?

                  I'm more of the 2-3 times a week. My color would be so washed out and my hair so dry if I washed it more.


                  • #10
                    Re: How often do you wash your hair?

                    I wash mine every other day usually. My hair is really fine and it gets greasy if I go too long. My hair coloring suffers for it though.


                    • #11
                      Re: How often do you wash your hair?

                      I am other. I have not washed my hair since December. I am not kidding. I have thin but curly hair and I have the world's driest hair, it NEVER gets greasy ever. I just use conditioner. Since I stopped, my natural curl is back, and I feel like my hair looks so much better.

                      I started following this website after it worked for my sister -

                      I stopped using shampoo on my girls too in December and their rat's nest at the back of their head has mostly disappeared. My parents washed their hair this weekend and the rat's nest was back the next AM.
                      Mom to three wild women.


                      • #12
                        Re: How often do you wash your hair?

                        I wash it every day, but I try to use shampoo & conmditioner every other day, and just conditioner every other day.
                        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                        • #13
                          Re: How often do you wash your hair?

                          Because of three kids and longer hair, I now wash every other and have for the last year or so. My scalp is not getting the message. It is kind of gross by the end of the second day. I haven't thought about getting it wet and doing conditioner but no shampoo. I just figure that if I have to dry it I might as well wash it.

                          I'll have to try that suggestion on Bryn. She is botticelli curly and her hair turns into a rats next without enough and frequent conditioning.


                          • #14
                            Re: How often do you wash your hair?

                            I'm a once-a-weeker. Long, thick, dry, curly hair.
                            Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                            • #15
                              Re: How often do you wash your hair?

                              Every 2nd or 3rd day. But I rinse and condition at least once between washings. If I don't do anything, it's just ok, but if I rinse and condition but don't wash on the second day, my hair looks amazing!

