Re: How often do you wash your hair?
I wash every day, but maybe I should start shampooing less frequently and just doing conditioner in between? :huh: My hair is really coarse and dry at the ends, but it feels ... unnatural to not wash it every day. BUT, when I was in the hospital after having DS#2 I couldn't get up and shower for 3 days (yuck!) and while my hair felt awesome
... my scalp was nasty. Maybe what someone else said is true, though, that it just takes a while for your scalp to adjust to being washed less frequently. Hmmm. I'm really going to try this ... will let you know how it works (because I know you're all dying to hear!
I wash every day, but maybe I should start shampooing less frequently and just doing conditioner in between? :huh: My hair is really coarse and dry at the ends, but it feels ... unnatural to not wash it every day. BUT, when I was in the hospital after having DS#2 I couldn't get up and shower for 3 days (yuck!) and while my hair felt awesome
