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Luxury item quiz

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  • #16
    Re: Luxury item quiz

    We do not watch much tv so the big screen would be a waste. We already have a great mixer and knives. As far as the plane ticket - I would have jumped on it if it was an international ticket - I do not handle plane rides more than 4hrs - 5hrs is pushing it. However, for domestic flights, I am ok with coach. My mom and I tried a spa day last year for her birthday and we both were ready to bolt out of there. Hanging out in a bathrobe is not my idea of relaxing - much less sitting still to get multiple "beauty treatments" The shoes, albeit nice, are not my style. If nobody had heard of these shoes, and I thought they were comfortable, beautiful, etc, then I would want them....might even pay the hefty price tag. But the fact that they are in style or that everyone seems to know about them, puts them off my list.

    Soooo, I pick the food...or rather dinner. A friend of mine (who probably would have picked the shoes) once asked me how could I stand pricey restaurants/foods because once you eat it you have nothing to show for it...other than on your butt. Food for me is an experience. I can remember every time I have taken a bite of something that has put a smile on my face...does not happen often. There can be good food, even great BUT when you experience that exceptional bite it is memorable. Ok - I am a foodie.
    Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


    • #17
      Re: Luxury item quiz

      I would have picked the plane ticket if it was international or for two people. I think those shoes would kill my feet esp being way pregnant.

      I went for the value- the big ticket item. I could drop some serious change on a new mixer and a huge assortment of extremely good quality knives.
      Mom to three wild women.


      • #18
        Re: Luxury item quiz

        I chose the spa because I have never in my life had a facial, massage, manicure or pedicure and recently started thinking that it would be nice!

        The mixer and knives appeal, but I already have a mixer and knives that are the nicest things in my kitchen (though not as nice as the ones you are featuring!).

        If I was a US citizen and the plane ticket was international I would have picked that, and paid to take the baby with me. Not DH!

        The shoes and TV do nothing for me.

        If I chose the dinner I would have to leave the baby with someone and that would stress me out too much. DH can have him while I am at the spa!


        • #19
          Re: Luxury item quiz

          Easy, easy, easy. Plane ticket, hands down. The rest is just stuff that you can't take with you. Life is meant to be lived, baby!

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #20
            Re: Luxury item quiz

            I chose the stand mixer and knives. I love to cook. The knives we currently have are decent, but are at least 10 years old and were only a moderate quality to begin with. My current stand mixer was my grandmothers, so I don't think I would really give it up, but even though it is a Kitchen Aide, it is a really basic model and doesn't have any of the fancy attachments I would like. Since I am planning on not working during residency, I will be cooking a whole lot more than I do now.

            I would love the TV, but honestly, I don't want to encourage DH and DS to watch any more TV than they already do. A trip is nice but not necessarily alone. (Unless it is a one way ticket to paradise ) The shoes aren't really my style. Dinner would be grand, but I don't think I would take DH as he isn't a true foodie. And the spa treatment would be nice, but I get vaguely creeped out by the whole having strangers touch me thing...


            • #21
              Re: Luxury item quiz

              Isn't it obvious that I would be the second person to vote for shoes (Lily beat me to the first place). I feel like they're following me everywhere these days. I can't watch TV or even a DVD without some famous person flaunting them at me. It would also probably be the only thing that I would be too cheap to actually get. We already have a TV, knives and mixer and DH made me promise that we can go to Per Se for his birthday next year (he better make partner because that's where the dinner money is coming from). I would have jumped at the ticket if it was to Australia or Japan but I don't think even cross country is worth it, checking in early and getting exit row works just as well.

              Now I'll be thinking about those shoes even more. May be I should ask DH for them for my birthday, after all they do cost as much as Per Se, so we'd be even.


              • #22
                Re: Luxury item quiz

                You could wear the shoes to Per Se.


                • #23
                  Re: Luxury item quiz

                  I picked the spa, and given the condition of my left foot and leg (you know that feeling a millisecond before your foot cramps? That what my foot feels like ALL THE TIME) I'd really like that spa treatment today.

                  Luckily there are several Circle School moms who are massage therapists and as soon as we get the next set of bonuses, I'm all over it.



                  • #24
                    Re: Luxury item quiz

                    Another foodie here! I picked the dinner, but I would probably go somewhere in Dallas since we can't afford to go to New York. I'd do unspeakable things for another round of the chef's tasting menu and wine pairings at The French Room. Best meal I've ever had!

                    I love massages, but manicures and pedicures kind of freak me out. I don't like other people messing with my nails, especially the cuticles.
                    My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


                    • #25
                      Re: Luxury item quiz

                      I'm so pathetic that I didn't even know "pumps" refered to shoes. I thought it was some foodie thing...

                      I voted plane ticket. Get me out of here!!!

                      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                      • #26
                        Re: Luxury item quiz

                        Originally posted by NYCHoosier
                        If you're thinking about them that much, you clearly have to get them. Do you have a cobbler in PA? The soles are slick.

                        $5/wear, I like the way Lily thinks!

                        I chose the shoes because they're fabulous.
                        Sadly, the only shoe repair place I have seen in the past 15 months is about 25 minutes away. For now I bring all my shoes/boots to NJ every few months. I miss having a cobbler every few blocks in NY and popping in during my lunch hour. I like the way Lily thinks too but down here, even if I wore them every chance I got, I'd be lucky if I got 10 wear a year out of them.


                        • #27
                          Re: Luxury item quiz

                          I picked the spa treatments - I love pedicures and massages and everything. The shoes aren't my style, have traveled a lot and spent too much time on airplanes, and don't watch that much TV.

                          I'd probably spread out the treatments though - I think all in one day would make me feel antsy.

