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**OFFICIAL**christmas party HELP thread **OFFICIAL**

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  • #16
    Re: **OFFICIAL**christmas party HELP thread **OFFICIAL**

    Oy, I'm sorry. IMO, that counts for saying you are sick and taking to your bed. I'm sure that DH tells eczema patients that People magazine, a glass of wine, and a bowl of icecream are the bestest and fastest cures.


    • #17
      Re: **OFFICIAL**christmas party HELP thread **OFFICIAL**

      Originally posted by LilySayWhat
      It's the dryness. I get this EVERY winter but since moving this far north, it's really exacerbated. It's awful because I got a solid night of sleep last night for the first time in 4 days, and it's thanks to benadryl. In other words I can't take anything for the itching save for night time.

      Lily I too have allergies straight from hell. I think allergies have exasperated my current 3 week cold and haven't been able to hear out of my left ear for over a week. This last year I had weird breakouts all on my face and skin that looked like hives from hell. My face would blow up like a bloodhound and then add a smashed ripe tomato to the skin and that's what I looked like. Being on Zyrtec and then an over the counter like sudafed helped. Also I searched for anything to help, and the Eurcerin redness products helped my face, maybe some of their body lotions could help you out. Also I used cortisone ointments to help kill the itching, and it did help. But man, Benadryl and steriods were my closest friends and allies. It sucks to have your skin go ape.

      Hope things get better soon. I have a Christmas party for DH on sunday, at the chairs house, and I've been hounding DH for a dress code. Just to freakin ask someone. He finally e-mailed someone and I'm still waiting. I told him if he didn't find out I wasn't going. Can't stand the idea of having nothing to say and sticking out like a sore thumb. Can you tell I'm not excited?

