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Wine Country

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  • Wine Country


    What did wear wine tasting? I'm not even really sure what the weather will be like, I guess I should figure that out first!

    The first day we're camping on the friends vineyard, so I'm honestly probably just going to sort of mix workout clothes with some more normal looking light sweaters and maybe teiks (although if it rains, that will suck! I don't think I'll have room for hunters though, so maybe I'll just wear hiking shoes).

    I think we may have to do some some hike to vineyard changes, but I've been able to pull that off before. However, that was April. It was a little chilly, not really sure what to expect in late September/ early October.

    Any ideas or advice?

  • #2
    No need to dress up for wine tasting. We honeymooned in Napa and it was all jeans and sweaters.

    Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


    • #3
      Layers. Layers. Layers. Nice jeans and sweaters work.
      Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


      • #4
        How about the restaurants in napa?

        Looks like it will be in the 80s during the day and 50s at night.

        I wore jeans tieks and a light sweater last time I went to Sonoma (only one vineyard for the afternoon), and it was fine, but thinking I may be a little warm. I may try to lighter dresses with boots....


        • #5
          I really need new clothes! This shouldn't be hard for me.


          • #6
            By the way - off topic, but i freaking HATE this jcrew collection thing. If I wanted to spend $400 on a shirt, I'd go to Neiman Marcus or something. I miss when jcrew was just a little more expensive than the gap.


            • #7
              I say something for walking. Unless you are going to the biggies (where the tours usually go), you may be walking on unpaved areas. I prefer the smaller wineries because you can only taste/buy their goods there. These usually are not sandal friendly...think dusty feet. . Also depends if you are touring the winery/vineyards or just hitting the tasting rooms. If you are touring, think climbing steep stairs and trekking through rows of vines.

              I say flats/boots with nice jeans. I have even worn nice shorts before...for those hot days.
              Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


              • #8

                This is what we wore! I wore riding boots the whole time.. It was cooler then mid February ... I wouldn't chance the ruin of tieks!
                buckeye born, raised, and educated... thankfully, so is my wonderful med student husband...


                • #9
                  Wine Country

                  Cool. I just ordered two new pairs of shorts, and three new pairs of black jeans to try. Plus a few new light sweaters. I may try to run to Anthro and gap today or tomorrow. (We have somewhat limited shopping options in the city, and I had to schlep out to the mall last week, not sure if I'm up for it again!).

                  We are not going on a tour, just getting a driver. Our itinerary isn't really set yet - but I know we are doing at least one tour at Far Niete.

                  So in terms of shoes - at least for the tour, would you wear something you don't care about much? Think they'll get all dusty and gross? (Luckily, I have essentially only comfy shoes because my feet suck so badly!).

                  Do you guys think the restaurants are generally pretty casual too? I know we are going to some pretty highly reviewed places, so wondering if they won't be a bit on the dressy side.
                  Last edited by JDAZ11; 09-21-2014, 08:03 AM.


                  • #10
                    Wine Country

                    Some restaurants can be dressier, but probably considered "casual" by East coast standards. Nice skirt/dress, bit of jewelry and Tieks could still work. What places are you looking at?
                    Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by JDAZ11 View Post
                      Cool. I just ordered two new pairs of shorts, and three new pairs of black jeans to try. Plus a few new light sweaters. I may try to run to Anthro and gap today or tomorrow. (We have somewhat limited shopping options in the city, and I had to schlep out to the mall last week, not sure if I'm up for it again!).

                      We are not going on a your, just getting a driver. Our itinerary isn't really set yet - but I know we are doing at least one tour at Far Niete.

                      Do you guys think the restaurants are generally pretty casual too? I know we are going to some pretty highly reviewed places, so wondering if they won't be a bit on the dressy side.
                      I wouldn't say wear shoes that you do not care is more like wear shoes that can handle wet floors, dirt/dust...closed toes (think of all the equipment you are walking around). I have worn boots because it was cooler, cute sneakers in warmer months and ballet flats.

                      The restaurants run the gamut. Some are highly reviewed but casual...some dressier. When in doubt, I go classic and wear black trousers with a blouse...sandals in warmer months and pumps if it is cooler...or just a LBD. It is nothing special but I don't stand out either...and that is my goal when I am not sure of what to wear. But these are my go to comfort outfits. What are the others wearing?
                      Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                      • #12
                        We're only going to be in napa for two nights - one is my bday. That night we're eating at the French laundry - which I think will probably be on the dressier side for Napa. (It's nice to have free accommodations! Let's us splurge on other things). We still don't know about the first night. We have a list of recs, but I haven't sorted through them yet. I'll post a few options this afternoon (need to get ready for yoga).

                        Before that we'll be spending a night on the coast (after camping), which I think will be SUPER casual. So I think I'll just need one kind of nicer outfit, since I usually feel like SF is pretty casual too (we're spending the first night in SF - lots of moving around!!).


                        • #13
                          Well for the most part it's just DH and me in Napa. Friends that live around there may join for certain vineyards, but we'll be there during the week so they have to work.

                          We got DH set a few weeks ago. He's just wearing jeans, button downs (shocking), and we got him a new pair of dark colored onitsuka tigers that we now call his "wine tasting shoes."

                          I'm not sure I could pull a pair off, but I mean, that's what I would ideally wear.

                          I have an old pair of riding boots (although truthfully I love them, but I have a new pair of almost the same ones sitting in a box in my closet for when these have to be retired), so I'll plan on trying to wear those and maybe my black teiks most of the time....


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by MrsSz View Post

                            This is what we wore! I wore riding boots the whole time.. It was cooler then mid February ... I wouldn't chance the ruin of tieks!
                            This looks like exactly what I was thinking - but I'm worried I'll be way too hot. Actually last time I was in northern CA, I packed WAY too warm. Thankfully I was in SF most of the time so able to shop a bit, but this time I don't think I'll have that luxury. (Unless I want to buy some like hemp clothes in Mendocino or something... Which is fine if your into that, I'm just usually not &#128521.

                            Anyway, I'm going to pack some of this look for nights. Especially for the vineyard party.

                            I almost wonder whether hunters would be great for that, but I just can't see how I'll get all this stuff there. I mean we have to literally pack our tent and sleeping bags!

                            Speaking of the camping gear... I kind of want to FedEx it. DH thinks I'm crazy. It's small and can fit in a checked bag, but I kind of feel like why bother lugging it on the plane? Would you mail it?


                            • #15
                              Ugh I just realized I ordered two or three sizes up in the shorts I ordered instead of one.... So those will likely have to go back. Oops!

