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Wine Country

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  • #16
    So for our other dinner we were thinking about Hogs Island Oyster Co.? Anyone been? (They have other locations in CA as well).

    I can't find the other email with the restaurant recs. Wondering if DH forgot to forward to me.

    Anyone have great lunch spots?


    • #17
      Do not wear your Tieks to tromp around camping in a vineyard. They'll get ruined and also likely be uncomfortable over uneven ground and rocky soil. I wear my Tieks everywhere (they're my go-to non-sandal shoes), but NFW would I wear them camping.


      • #18
        Wine Country

        I have a pretty hard time with other shoes, so that's kind of all I've got besides athletic shoes, boots, and sandals.....

        For camping I'm wearing hiking shoes, unless I bring my hunters (which I don't find that comfortable). No tieks for that part of the trip.

        It's just so many freaking pairs of shoes for one trip!
        Last edited by JDAZ11; 09-21-2014, 12:57 PM.


        • #19
          If you have foot issues (I do), Keens are pretty great and they make several different styles. Those are usually what I wear camping.


          • #20
            So does anyone think like these are ok to wear with skinny jeans?

            I just re-read an email from a friend that said it would be REALLY (in caps) hot while we're there, so I'm thinking I can't do sweaters and jeans for day time...


            • #21
              Just looked on Instagram- totally forgot you could do that! And it looks HOT. I'm seeing a lot of sundresses and sandals.

              I think I may do dresses during the day, jeans at night except for "fancy dinner." Which I have the perfect little dress for, just need to make sure I have the right jacket for it.

