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July Stitch Fix

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  • #31
    I'm thinking of asking for just pants and jeans in my next fix. Seems that they do better dressing my bottom half than my top and I rarely find good pants at thrift stores because it's hard to try them on at the store. Blouses and dresses can be tried on over my clothes just standing in the aisle but I need a fitting room for pants and it's hard to do that with kids in tow. I always have at least one with me.
    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


    • #32
      Originally posted by ladymoreta View Post
      I think maybe part of the "problem" is that you already know your style and can do it well at a significantly lower price range. Like MSB said, it's not something a stylish person couldn't do for cheaper at TJMaxx. It's for people like me who have very limited ideas about fashion and dressing themselves. Stitch Fix might just not be for you.
      I agree. Stitch Fix is fun for my daughter and I but we are not shoppers. We tend to buy things only when we are desperate due to an upcoming event or what have you. The boxes arriving are a welcome surprise.

      Fwiw, I had two or three total dud boxes in a row and wrote an angry review and note to my stylist saying I'd be leaving the service after the next box if nothing worked. Next round, I loved everything in the whole box. I figured they actually tried that time. Lol. Other boxes may not get as much effort, that's my guess.
      Last edited by Sheherezade; 07-26-2015, 07:00 PM.
      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


      • #33
        Yeah, it could be that they rely more heavily on the computer algorithm until they get a complaint (like [MENTION=953]Sheherezade[/MENTION]) and then a human steps in and does more of the selecting.
        If the algorithm has you pegged for the wrong style, your human stylist might not be getting great options to choose from.

