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Well this is a funny story...!!!!

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  • #16
    Here's my thought:

    If you found yourself needing / looking for a support group before there was even a relationship to be supported - move on.


    • #17
      Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile….

      But I felt as though I wanted to add my two cents as well…

      I met my BF during his internship, and trust me it was a bumpy beginning. We met and had an amazing time together, but then ended up playing phone tag for about four months before we met up again. In all honesty much of it was my fault, he would call to see if I could go grab coffee on Sunday night… something I just considered bizarre. Generally I had left myself a ton of work to do before Monday, or I had standing plans to eat dinner and watch DH & Grey’s with a bunch of much college girl friends (I’m sure you all care. lol). So I routinely blew him off.

      But as busy as he was (and that point had no idea); he still attempted to make plans. I didn’t realize at the time how much effort I would have to put into seeing him, and at the time didn’t know it would be worth it. But once we had been our second date things completely changed. We just really clicked, and I realized it was totally worth the effort. It took about four more months before he seemed willing to make plans when he didn’t have a weekend totally off… I think it was because, at that point, he was finally comfortable enough with me to realize I understood his life and wasn’t going to be devastated if he had to break them. He doesn’t have an easy life, and dating him (I can only imagine how hard it must be to be married and have a family) isn’t easy at times either.

      I really think that it takes a certain type a person to be strong enough to handle this lifestyle. You can’t expect constant phone calls letting you know changes in his schedule, or get upset if he had a terrible 36 hours at work and can’t make it to your friend’s party. It sucks at times. If he is worth it, I think you will be able to tell.

      I can’t really get a sense of the situation with this guy from what you have posted, but if he is really into you… I think you would be able to tell. While I think you have to give him a certain amount of leeway because of his job, you can’t sit around waiting for him. If it were me, I wouldn’t call again (no matter what his life situation happened to be). If you mean that much to him, he will find time to see/call you…. Sorry if that last comment was sort of blunt…..

      Just sit back and see if he calls…. If he happens to call and you are still interested then I see nothing wrong with going out again… but just know his lifestyle isn’t going to change, and if you can’t deal with a lone phone call or email between dates… he may not be the guy for you…

      Just my opinion...


      • #18
        Originally posted by jesher
        Here's my thought:

        If you found yourself needing / looking for a support group before there was even a relationship to be supported - move on.

        good point jesher, this will only get worse....


        • #19
          "If you mean that much to him, he will find time to see/call you"

          My point exactly. I appreciate all the help. I think it's best for me to move on, but thanks for the continued comments.

