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Bend it like Beckham -- rainbabies, did you hear?!

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  • #16
    Get a closeup of the hair, Kozmo. I'm trying to convince dh to get a Beckham hairdo. Love the hair!
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #17
      By Scott Martelle and Robin Abcarian
      Times Staff Writers

      January 12, 2007

      The Beckhams are coming! The Beckhams are coming! And the local paparazzi, at least, are very happy to hear it.

      Just hours after the announcement in Europe that international Real Madrid soccer star and pin-up boy David Beckham was Los Angeles-bound to join the Galaxy, Brandy Navarre, co-owner of X17 Inc., one of L.A.'s biggest celebrity photo agencies, was already meeting with a team of five photographers she's assigning to shadow the couple.

      That's more defenders than Beckham ever faced at one time on the field.

      "It will be great for us," Navarre said. "There will be a mob of photographers surrounding them constantly."

      Beckham and his wife, Victoria, who first gained fame as "Posh" in the top-selling 1990s singing group the Spice Girls, for years have been the cream of European celebrity, exuding youthfulness, music, jet-setting sports and the kind of looks that seemed destined for ad space.

      So how will the Beckhams fare in L.A., where there's already a celebrity lurking behind every palm tree along a trail blazed by the likes of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, or the Beckhams' friends, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes?

      "They're no Britney," said Harvey Levin, managing editor of the celebrity-tracking "He can't just come in here and expect that he's going to be the same huge celebrity he was in England."

      But the potential is there if the Beckhams work at it.

      "They're great-looking people," Levin said. "If they're at all interesting, make the social rounds, they get photographed everywhere with A-list celebrities, they can become A-listers on this soil."

      Working in their favor: The celebrity world's short attention span.

      "Celebrities are always looking for the next new thing," Levin said. "It's like Paris Hilton — how many times can you go to Hyde before you get bored? It's famous because she's there all the time.... At some point it gets boring, and they're looking for the next big thing."

      And the Beckhams could be just the ticket.


      • #18

        Apparently, David and Victoria Beckham are only worth $169 million dollars combined ... this new deal will pay Becks $250 million over 5 years! Um ... wow. Here are a couple of the homes that Victoria Beckham looked at while she was in LA last December:
        I didn't realize they were that poor.


        • #19
          i may have to leave the volume up tomorrow...if i can get in front of the TV that is.

          beckham is going to be on ABC's good morning america...for those interested. (angie)
          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


          • #20
            Why, oh why, did I have to move away????? We lived 10 minutes from where the Galaxy play. I'm having trouble picturing Beckham playing in Carson, though.

            Kozmo, you'll have to keep an eye on the Times real estate section...I'm sure there'll be a little blurb when they buy.


            • #21
              i just went to youtube so i could listen to him again. his voice seems NOT to be as high pitched as i have heard before.
              ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


              • #22
                here is the abc news link. i didnt watch this morning, but judging by the clips, he was not interviewed?? anyone see this morning?

       ... 923&page=1
                ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                • #23
                  Oh man I forgot to set that up to record!
                  I saw a commercial that said GMA had an exclusive with him...maybe they just haven't posted the video yet?


                  • #24
                    Is Posh Spice Beckham the incredibly shrinking woman or what? She looks like Maria Shriver- I'm not sure their skin could be tighter against their facial bones.




                    • #25
                      Originally posted by rainbabies
                      here is the abc news link. i didnt watch this morning, but judging by the clips, he was not interviewed?? anyone see this morning?

             ... 923&page=1

                      Geez, I don't even care about Becks, and I watched. Partly because I was in bed still because I feel like shit, but that's something else entirely.

                      Anyway, yes, they interviewed him. He does have a rather high voice. He says he is not coming to the US for the money (cough, cough, sure buddy), but to hopefully build up the sport here and also for his family.
                      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                      • #26
                        Beckenbauer has been there, done that. He tried to popularize soccer here. Becks is only in it for the $$.
                        married to an anesthesia attending


                        • #27
                          i just watched a little bitty clip on TMZ from this morning. i think im becoming stocker-ish...this little obsession has allowed the kids the trash the living room.
                          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                          • #28
                            I think he's doing this for Victoria, not necessarily for the money. God knows why he's with her in the first place, but I really think he's trying to please her. She seems to have taken a liking to the United States so he's following her here like a puppy. Of course, the money doesn't hurt either. Gotta keep the wife's closet stuffed with goodies.
                            IM PGY-2


                            • #29
                              I was going to ask have you not heard his girly voice but i see you mute the telly. As for POSH I remember seeing a picture of her carrying her handbag and her bag, average bag, was wider than her hips, not just her waste, Its gross, she look malformed especially when you see pictures from her early days in the spice girls when she look normal, i think its sad.

