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The weather...

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  • #16
    I saw my first freezing rain today! Little ice cubes fell from the sky! I actually took the video camera outside to film them bouncing off the roof. Lots of roads were closed yesterday and all the schools were closed today...

    very different than the sunny Florida winters I remember and love!

    I know, I's nothing compared to a 'real' winter....but that's why we hardly ranked anywhere above the SEC!

    Go Gators by the way! :!
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


    • #17
      It's our first snow today - and just light flurries. But it's really pretty!!

      Will it stick though? doubt it.


      • #18
        Send it all up here. I miss the snow.
        IM PGY-2


        • #19
          You can have ours we got 6-8 inches on Sunday night, however I was in Chicago Tuesday when the wind chill was in -20 range so luckily I got to miss that. Today the windchill is a more reasonable 14.
          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


          • #20
            Originally posted by gmdcblack
            The military bases are closed tomorrow (Wednesday) except for "essential" personnel. The schools are all closed as well.
            Any of the closings haven't given us any extra days off....seems that "essential" means you need to be able to work if you are a Dr. even though no one else is there.
            Hey, do they still salute your husbands at the gate now? Just curious, they don't do it here anymore- as a security measure for the officers. Not that they identifying decal on the car can't give it away.
            Oh well...just rambling.
            DH told me recently that the AF might be doing away with the car decals in the near future. He said it was because of reports that cars belonging to military members (identifiable by the base sticker) were being vandalized off-base and there was the possibility of one being rigged while its owner was away from it (to go off once inside the base). We still have them right now, of course, but there's talk....

            Nope - no saluting usually. The AF bases are using rent-a-cops instead of military at their gates now. One day about a month ago I went to get on base and there were real, bonified young military guys in BDU's at the gate. I was actually happy about that! What a surprising thing to be happy about. I guess it's because the security guards they farm the gate-watching job out to are kind of slow, grumpy, and obnoxious. I've always found that actual MILITARY personnel at gates are VERY friendly, quick, and efficient. When I drove up to them that day I smiled with my ID and said, "This is nice! No rent-a-cops today! And, you guys get to carry the machine guns today, too!" They both thought that was amusing and said something derogatory about the normal civilian security guards.

            It's funny but I am starting to feel more and more protective of the young enlisted kids as my husband does. He went to do a hight school presentation recently with a bunch of the enlisted techs and had a blast with them all. It was eye-opening for him because he thought HE was young. These AF kids were all around 20. He actually felt fatherly towards them and was very proud of the presentations they put on rather spontaneously. I guess that's why I enjoy having them man the gates - they are just so great.
            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


            • #21
              We finally got snow! :{ It was really pretty this morning. I have a feeling all the white prettyness will turn into greyish-brown mushiness by day's end.


              • #22
                We don;t get snow being beside the sea and all, but my mum reckons with the wind chill factor its about -20 degrees C. I'm having a rest in bed at the moment....the truth being its just too cold to leave my duvet!


                • #23
                  We got some this morning in Ohio. DH worked night shift last night and was sleeping. By the time he woke up it was gone and he didn't believe me


                  • #24
                    We got some snow too, just a dusting and I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! DH loves the cold/snow but not me, warm is what I want.
                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #25
                      I have been visiting my parents in FLA with the kids for 10 days - running and frolicking in the 75 degree weather. Tomorrow we fly out back to Iowa-- expected temp upon landing? 9 freaking degrees.

                      I would rather be shot :|
                      Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.

