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  • #46
    I'm right there with you, Flynn.....brrrrrrr is RIGHT! Yesterday I went out to the van and it was -14 in the garage...I can't believe they didn't cancel was supposed to be in the -30's or something with the wind chill.

    This morning we're finally getting's the first real snowfall we've had all winter...
    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #47
      Ugh, and I was completely miserable with 11 freakin' degrees last night. I HATE HATE HATE cold. UGH. I would homeschool my children if I lived where yall do... it's too cold to do ANYTHING.


      • #48
        I'm off to work here in a few minutes. I'm dreading this. On top of the cold, it's snowing. 2 more winters in Chicago according to dh.

        I didn't realize it until last night, but my left cheek got frostbite. My cheeks were red, so I just thought they were flushed, but last night, I found these small, dark red blisters.
        married to an anesthesia attending


        • #49
          It's actually going to be 45 here today, and then plummet right back down to the teens and single digits for a week. When it's this stinking cold I'd prefer it if there were at least snow. I'm going to enjoy this 45 degree day though .... a day to defrost!


          • #50
            :disappointed: OMG, you guys. I would be a shut-in.

            Those temps qualify for a mommy-declared snow day.


            • #51
              Gather up your snow balls (probabbly too cold for it to pack) and start throwing this way. Yesterday we were 11 degrees above our avg high of 70...yes 81 and a slight breeze...seeing the brutal cold has finally eased me on missing the seasons... well at least the artic season you all are having. BTW they said the temp the upper midwest& midwest are experiencing, are the type of temps that are common in NORTHERN CANADA


              • #52
                Holy crap.

                While I've been cursing the last few years here in AZ, I will now no longer bitch about it. Even during the 116F summer days. :!

                (BTW, 91F at my front door yesterday, currently 77F) :]


                • #53
                  Well we are past the deep freeze at least - to those of you east of me, it sucks but it does end. Its been snowing here since this morning, we probably got about 3 inches. It is currently -2 with a wind chill of -20. I think our highs are finally supposed to get back to double digits Thursday or so.
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #54
                    I actually prefer the cold to the heat. I don't do well in muggy, Chicago summers. I think it's easier to bundle up than it is to try to stay cool. That's just me. I'm a walking zombie in the summers here.

                    It's snowing and it doesn't feel as cold as it was yesterday. Thank goodness!
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #55
                      Arizona seems more and more tempting. Today it's only getting up to 47. This whole week has been freezing. I don't like it, not one bit.

                      I'm totally serious too. Can you imagine me for four years in upsate NY? Miserable.
                      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by alison
                        I actually prefer the cold to the heat. I don't do well in muggy, Chicago summers. I think it's easier to bundle up than it is to try to stay cool. That's just me. I'm a walking zombie in the summers here.
                        I'm usually the same way with the heat. The extreme temperatures in AZ are only bearable because of the exceedingly low humidity. We were in Chicago this last July when it was something stupid like 106F with 98% humidity. OMG. That sucked. And we were walking around trying to shop, too. What the heck were we thinking?

                        I give credit to the business owners here in AZ. At least they're pretty good about accomodating their patrons when the temperature rises. Most all the restaurants have very nice patio seating areas with industrial strength misters. I was really surprised how well those misters can cool the surrounding area when we first moved down here and encountered them.


                        • #57
                          Now that I have done both...I would take 117 over -37 any day of the week. The key is: they are afraid to send children to school here!!!!!

                          DEAR GOD THIS IS MISERABLE!

                          The dogs won't go potty outside. I had a crate full of poop to clean up this morning. It has only happened a few times when the pups were sick and I truly hate it. It makes me feel like a bad owner. I know this is a low cursing board, but, if now isn't appropriate, I don't know when it is fucking cold here!
                          Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


                          • #58
                            It's not even so cold here compared to what some of you have mentioned, but....

                            A can of Pepsi EXPLODED in my car last night. Ugh! What a mess!

                            IM PGY-2


                            • #59
                              It has been bitter here. This is telling: I'm going to walk the dog in the woods now, because it has warmed up to a balmy 8 degrees.....with no wind. :> That's toasty!
                              Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                              Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                              "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                              • #60
                                It is 12 degrees here, and we have gotten about 3-4 inches of snow since mid-morning, with 2-4 more inches expected. Schools let out early took me 45 minutes to drive from my school to my kids'......normally a 20 minute drive. And my windshield wipers iced up so that my windshield was a smeary mess. UGGGH!

                                Why on earth did we move back to Indiana?

                                Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                                "I don't know when Dad will be home."

