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Will you be my Valentine?

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  • Will you be my Valentine?

    Anyone doing anything special for their sweeties?

    And what's the most romantic thing you've done for your significant other?


  • #2
    Happy valentines day

    My man does not like doing anything overboard for holidays etc. Sucks, because I love all the reasons to celebrate. I thought this idea was really cute and made him one of those Oreo Mud Pies with the gummy worms in a big pot and put a pretty flower in it. He's been on rotation on the Pediatric unit and so I brought it by his work and he shared it with a bunch of the kids on the floor who could have it in their diet. SO cute! The other nurses and docs were eating it up too, so I guess it was a hit. I gave him a framed picture of us to put by his desk 2. sweet but not to overboard. We'll see if he can free a night so we can do a little wine date or something...but with his crazy On call schedule who knows! Happy Valentines Day to Everyone!!


    • #3
      I ordered a picnic basket from our favourite fine dining caterer, am going to splurge on a great bottle of wine and we will have a romantic living room picnic when all of the munchkins are gone to bed!...can't wait


      • #4
        ...nodda, DF is on call today

        BUT we did go out to a really great italian restaurant on Saturday for an early V-Day so that was nice!

        PS I really like this new "devil" is HILARIOUS! haha


        • #5
          I got a "Happy Valentines Day" this morning on DH's way out the door. I gave him a card and got up to help him shovel the 3 foot snow drift at the end of the driveway so he could go to work. The girls each recieved a small gift. We made a cake yesterday and I will probably make a special dinner for the family. We have another snow day.


          • #6
            I made DH brownies and spent the last 3 evenings making his card.
            Still waiting for something back!! I think he is cooking me dinner tonight...


            • #7
              Yeah...we said Happy Valentines Day a couple of times and a few more kisses. He took me maternity shopping over the weekend and I got him a gestating fetus :mom2b: I am going to make steaks for dinner that we will eat while watching Jeopardy or Scrubs all to be concluded by our 8:30p bedtime , but it will be a perfect night for us
              Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


              • #8
                DH got me a card! (I have no idea when he had time to get it....I don't have one for him! ) We are having a second snow day today, and since he is not on call and our county is under a snow emergency, he doesn't have to go in. That is enough of a gift for me! We actually do have a sitter scheduled for tonight, so if they lift the snow emergency, we may go out to dinner.

                Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                • #9
                  DH was up at 5:15 this morning and was probably too tired to remember that it's Valentine's Day so no "Happy Valentine's Day" for me. Of course, considering the fact that he's been working 16-hour days the last few and was snowblowing our driveway at 10:00 last night right after he got home from the hospital at 9:30 and has spent about an hour with me over the past 3 days and hasn't seen his son since Sunday evening...poor guy, I'll let it slide. I have a card for him from me and DS, I specifically requested no flowers or gifts from DH so not too big a deal in our house this year.

                  -Wife of urology attending.
                  -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                  • #10
                    We have a baby-sitter and are going out for dinner. and my husband made the reservations....



                    • #11
                      Tomorrow is our holiday: "Pitchers and Catchers Report to Spring Training Day" (the Cleveland Indians pitchers report to training).

                      He got a tiny box of fancy-schmancy chocolates from work on Monday & saved it for me. Only after I was ooohing and ahhhhing over it did he say "Happy Valentines Day".

                      Right buddy.

                      Honestly we won't do anything. It's not "our" thing.


                      • #12
                        We started out the day with a fight.

                        DH works 2 days a month assisting general OB/Gyns in surgery at a hospital an hour away from here. It's an extra deal - not part of his regular job. Don't ask why. That's the man I married. "There's more work to be done? Let me at it!!"

                        We are currently getting the snow that the Indiana people got yesterday. The schools are closed, the governor has asked people not to travel and some counties (not ours) are under blizzard warnings. DH needed to head out this morning at 5:45 am to make it to this hospital to assist a 7 am surgery. All I wanted him to do was to call to see if they were still operating. I asked him last night at 7PM, again before bed and of course, this morning at 5:30 am. WHo on earth do you call at 5:30 to see if you should start a one hour trip through icy/snowy roads in the dark to assist a 7 am case?

                        He did call - after I threw a little temper tantrum that he seemed too eager to get away from his family on Valentine's Day. This is otherwise a day off for him----work at home/academic time to study for boards -- but he needed to sign on for this extra income. I didn't really understand the drive when he signed up. Today, it's like a knife in my heart. (Maybe Im being a bit dramatic. )

                        Well, they were operating of course. He's gone. Kids are home. And I'm a little pissed. He made last minute reservations at our favorite restaurant for dinner -- but they were for 9 PM. On a school night. With no sitter planned.


                        Maybe I should go buy myself a Valentine's Day present with the 1000.00 bucks he'd make from today's assist. At least we're rich, I guess. Even if he's never home because he's too driven.
                        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                        • #13
                          Happy Valentines Day Angie.

                          I can totally see how frustrating it would be for him to schedule those things on off days when you guys are to a point where you don't need the money.

                          My dh always sees his compulsive working as the way he shows us how much he loves us. He wants to be a good provider. But I would have had the same reaction as you .... especially w/the weather / road conditions thrown in.

                          We love you too!


                          • #14
                            We don't usually do anything and the weather is horrible today. I did get him a card that says "Every year I have the same dilemma. What to get a man who already has me." Will give it to him tonight.


                            • #15
                              We'll do cards tonight and then dinner out at a restaurant we've been wanting to try on Friday. He has gotten me a dozen roses every year since we were married, I told him not to do that this year. I told him if he wanted to get me a cheaper spring bouquet that would be fine but no over priced roses. I don't think I'll get any at all, which is fine.

                              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

