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Will you be my Valentine?

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  • #16
    Dh is on call today.
    I woke up to a card and apology for not being here today.

    Saturday is supposed to be all about me, to make up for today. I have the episode of Seinfeld running through my head: The Summer of George. That's what this Saturday is supposed to be. Dh will be cooking for me, and I will work on my dissertation.
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #17
      SO sent me an instant message on AIM this morning at 6:30am saying Happy Valentine's Day. He had a test at 8am so it was nice to wake up to that.

      We are going out for burgers and french fries tonight and I told him no roses or Godiva and, by God, no big ass teddy bears! (He always gets me a cheesy stuffed animal because he knows I don't like them... it's a running joke. So this year I got him a three foot teddy bear. :> ) We'll probably come home, watch House that I DVR'd last night and then go to bed.

      I got him a card that sings! I also got him the teddy bear, some "Love Lotto" tickets, some coupons, and a "key to my heart" that I made from scratch. (I'm cheesy, but it's part of my charm.)

      Anyway, happy Valentine's Day to you all! xoxo


      • #18
        We're not so big on Valentine's Day. We usually celebrate another day (this year Saturday) and say Happy Not Valentine's Day to stick it to the Hallmark-ishness of it all.
        We're going out to dinner this weekend to a restaurant we've been wanting to try and I got him a card and some candy to give him this weekend.


        • #19
          Cassy, we're going to the Melting Pot -
          We got a GC so hopefully it won't leave a dent in our wallet.

          Man that stinks about the fighting. It just sucks when it happens on a holiday.


          • #20
            I loved the picnic idea on the living room floor. I know some of you are stuck in all this snow (like me!) but ahhh, isn't it nice to imagine you're in some nice green grass in some sunshine. I miss leaves. Anyone else?

            My SO and I are long distance, and I saw him last weekend when he gave me a bag and card which I was NOT ALLOWED to open until Valentines Day! So precisely at 12:01 am last night I attacked that bag and opened it.

            We have a day all planned out for Sat. Actually he won't tell me what's going on, but I do treasure the times I get to be with him. But I do think, that Valentines day should be like, every other day. Come on, Godiva and roses for all!


            • #21
              I am in central Illinois, in Champaign! It snowed all night Monday and all day Tuesday...wonder what the final inches were. Nothing as bad as NY though, so I'm grateful for that. I'm even more grateful that we are nearing the END of winter as opposed to just beginning it. Can't wait for spring time :happyrain:

              Class got cancelled two days in a row. I have to go unbury my car now.

              Those are gorgeous roses! Especially the color. How pretty.

              I adore fresh flowers, don't you love when they make the room smell so nice? I wish they lasted longer than they do.


              • #22
                Originally posted by bugs
                I think he is cooking me dinner tonight...
                ....I got frozen pizza

                and a story about how he tried to make dinner reservations but everywhere was booked! There is a restaurant I have wanted to go to for ages, he booked us for some day in April as that is their next available date!
                At least he is home though, happy valentine's to those of you on your own.


                • #23
                  DH is the worst about these types of occasions. My MIL apologizes every year on every occasion for her lack of teaching her sons how to woo a woman. Nothing major planned for us. We're poor and don't have a sitter. DH had to work, he's on a critical care anesthesia rotation. But I think he is actually playing raquet ball with another married classmate right now. Apparently neither of them realized that it was V Day when they made the plans to play.

                  My day started off with warming up and de-icing my car to go to the grocery store. Went to DS's party at school. Just put DD down for a nap and took out the trash and did the dishes. I'm going to stir fry some salt and pepper shrimp ( I got some tiger prawns...yum) and make spicy thai beef salad. I'll put the shrimp over some sticky rice (that's all we eat around here). I bought a pound cake and I'm going to slice it and drizzle it with strawberries and whipped cream. Also have a bottle of wine. I got DH a vintage sweatshirt from J.Crew. He wanted one from the GAP but they sold out. So he'll just have to make do with the one I got him.

                  Nothing exciting. Just another day, except we get to eat shrimp and steak. Hope everyone is having a great Valentine's Day!!!


                  • #24
                    I hope everyone gets lots and lots of kissy-face moments!

                    Happy Valentines Day!

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #25
                      We're doing our traditional Pizza Hut pan pizza V-day dinner! We started it when we were dating in college and 9 years later, we're still doing it! He bought me a gift and it was supposed to arrive today, but FedEx messed up and so I'm not getting it today! I should get it tomorrow! It's a surprise!!! Russ usually sucks at surprises!! So I'm really excited! I don't get him anything b/c he doesn't want me to. No card, nothin'....but I guess that's what he wants....
                      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                      • #26
                        :funnycry: Ahem. Nothing this year. I'm determined to make Chocolate Minks (little tasty cakes) but I'd be lying if I said it was all about a treat for DH.


                        • #27
                          I got a handmade Valentine.

                          Dh got a "heart" attack for his car---- I wrote little messages with chalk paint, and inside I put 3 balloons, a dozen roses, and a bag filled withi his favorite goodies. Then I surprised him with lunch. Dh is 2nd call, ie- he is the last to leave the OR today which will probably mean I won't see him until 8 or 9 pm.

                          I made the kids and I chicken, pears and peas. If they're not horrible then we will make a trip to Cold Stone.
                          Gas, and 4 kids


                          • #28
                            I got up at 5am to get to work by 7am because of the really crappy weather. When I got off at 3:30 I went to DH's office so that his nurse could leave early (roads suck) and she is someone I want to stay with us forever!!!!
                            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                            • #29
                              DH is on trauma call tonight but he gave me Chocolates and a wonderfully sweet card before he left this am. My son (20 mo.) gave me a dozen rozes yesterday. DH had more flowers delivered today but I was giving my son a bath tonight and didn't answer the door when they were delivered (whoops). Guess I'll get them tomorrow! I gave DH a card and a IOU for a personal training session at our gym, which he thought was a one on one session with me . I ok'd the trade!


                              • #30
                                DH and I shared an obscenely large box of Godiva chocolates for dinner in front of the TV. Screw romance, give me chocolate to share by the warm glow of the TV and I’m a happy gal.

