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Excuse me, can you please pass me that purple 5lb weight?

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  • Excuse me, can you please pass me that purple 5lb weight?

    Who works out and what is your routine when you do get into the gym? :exercise:

    And does anyone subscribe to any good fitness mags? What's your favorite?

    Thanks all

  • #2

    I like SELF, it has good workout routines, a great website and recipes as well. It's more about the whole person, not just diets. Let me know what you think!


    • #3
      I heard "Women's Health" was good...

      Too bad I have absolutely no willpower. igout:

      You know what's a little motivating but also pisses me off at the same time? The Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.

      They have pictures of the models with old musicians like Aerosmith and chubbers like Gnarls Barkley. SO BASICALLY, what SI is saying, is a woman has to look amazing in a bikini and a man can look how he wants.


      • #4
        I would love to have the motivation/money to join a gym but I know I'd join and never go - so I do Taebo from home once in a blue moon and when the wind chill is above 20 I take Molly for a two mile walk.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          In the past four year, I think I've had 3 different memberships and went a total of maybe 8 times. I'm bad.

          Maybe I'll try to save up for an elliptical, find one on craigslist or something.


          • #6
            I run 2 miles on our treadmill, 3 times per week. If it's warmer than 20 degrees, I push DS in the stroller and take our dog for a 1.5 mile walk. I'll also occasionally do a workout DVD, my favorite is my kickboxing one!

            -Wife of urology attending.
            -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


            • #7
              I usually run 3-4 miles 4 or 5 times a week. The fitness center I am at has two floors and the top floor (where the treadmills, bikes..) are is usually all women and the bottom floor (the free weight area) is all men. I would love to lift weights but am often uncomfortable with all of the looks you get from being the only woman in the area. About the magazine...I have really become addicted to Shape magazine!!


              • #8
                I am a gym rat- minus the 4 hours of curls and admiring myself in the mirror, whilst I flex.

                I usually hit the treadmill and get in about 3 miles, I am trying to get it down to about 20-23 minutes....I am getting there, just not very quickly- I am at about 29 right now.
                Then I do some weights for about 30-45 minutes, then on the bike for about another 15-30 min.
                I literally have to go to the gym, my body is aging faster than I want it to...thanks to the mulitple knee surgeries I have to keep the activity up or I have to break out the walker.


                • #9
                  I take a weightlifting class at the gym 1-2x a week. I also take ds for either a walk or a bike ride just about everyday. I'm a total wimp when it drops below 50 so, with the colder weather, I've only been going about 2 miles lately. I hope (need) to kick it back up to 4-5 soon.

                  Now that all of our company is gone, I want to get back into taking pilates at the gym.


                  • #10
                    The solution for me has been fitness DVD's. I have a deal with myself that I do 10 minutes of exercise a day, as soon as I get up. After that, I am allowed to stop or continue. I basically roll out of bed and go do it in my pyjamas - then there is no debate (over weather, what to wear, timing of gym classes, etc) and I can have no excuses.

                    But the miracle of this "system" is, that after many months, I have now worked up to actually WANTING and DOING about one hour a day, every day. I've just ordered a bunch more Kundalini Yoga DVD's from Amazon, as a matter of fact. I would never have imagined it! But I still stick by my 10 minute rule, and always give myself the choice of whether or not to go on.

                    I started off with a few of the 10 Minute Solution and Quick Fix series, which incorporate all sorts of exercises (dance, cardio, weights, bootcamp, kickboxing, ballet, yoga, name it!) into 10 minute segments. You can combine them or do just one.

                    As for magazines...I like Yoga Journal, although American magazines tend to be quite expensive by the time they get over here!


                    • #11

                      Let me know what you want- sista, I'm sending them to the recycling bin now.



                      • #12
                        After paying for the gym in which I never showed up, I thought the eliptical would be a cheaper way to go. But now we use it mainly as a clothes hanger/holder.

                        My idea of a workout is 1 hr power shopping during lunch. On a good day I can hit 3 stores.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Vishenka69
                          After paying for the gym in which I never showed up, I thought the eliptical would be a cheaper way to go. But now we use it mainly as a clothes hanger/holder.

                          My idea of a workout is 1 hr power shopping during lunch. On a good day I can hit 3 stores.

                          HAHAHA, hilarious. sounds a lot like me!

                          Sometimes I'm IN the mood to workout, just not in the mood to get to the gym because it's late/cold/I'm tired. I think that's a little weird. So since I'd be in the mood for some cardio, maybe I'd use the elliptical, but based on my workout track record, probably not.


                          • #14
                            Jenn! You've got spare DVD's?! Send them my way, baby....

                            Seriously, this is the only method that works for me. The very logistics of getting to a gym with a difficult toddler in tow would be enough to put me off, even if I was keen... Kudos to those who manage!


                            • #15
                              I think Jenn meant Yoga magazines.

                              I joined a very chi-chi gym that tries very hard to feel more like a "club" or a "spa" than a gym. I've set records both for going and not going, but I've been more committed to going to this place than any other I've been to.

