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  • #16
    In the warmer months, I train for big races and just get out and enjoy the summer: swimming, hiking, and biking.

    In the winter, I sit around eating and reading and getting pudgy.

    A couple of years I did Shape Magazine's 30 day challenge. It is a big calendar on the wall in which you write everything you eat, record all exercise (3 days cardio, 3 days strength, and some odds and end stretching and relaxation). It was awesome because you can do anything for thirty days. One of these days I'm going to try it again.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #17
      I've considered doing the Self Challenge. It's 3 months with different mini-goals each month. If anyone else wanted to enroll in that one, I'd join. (I think they have it online as well as in the magazine.)
      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


      • #18
        I do, and love it

        What do I do, well I change my routine about ever 4-8 weeks, depending what I am doing. For instance I'll focus on increasing my aerobic ability by upping my aerobics and do one day of weight training. Or I'll focus on strength training, either legs, arms or both, and make my routine accordingly.

        I hate exercise mags because Fitness, and Shape have very little input on helpful exercises, and usually stick to the same old stuff. I hate Oxygen and others like it, because of the push for weight loss products and protein drinks that say you'll lose weight.

        I get a TON of great advice off of Cathe Friedrich's site:

        I use her workouts at home, and go to the gym as well (that's about to end though once residnecy is here), and go outside and run

        What are your goals?


        • #19
          I used to do a lot of cycling when we lived in Canada, that was the funnest way to keep fit and it didnt feel like exercise. I am really more of an outdoor girl.
          Here, I go to the gym but dont really enjoy it, my main activity is watching the Simpsons on the personal TV's! I usually do 30-45 minutes of cardio plus some stretches. I HATE weights, and all the poser guys. I sometimes do classes too for a change. Last summer I got into running and did some 10k's, but I never got to the stage where I enjoyed going for a run, it always felt like work.
          Am looking forward to dusting off the mountain bike again this summer


          • #20
            I just run and row. I subscribe to Muscle and Fitness (both His and Hers since I coach women) because all the other health magazines are pretty "soft" in terms of content. Like I do not need articles about working out to lose weight, or what the hottest trends in gym wear will be this winter.
            - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


            • #21
              Eric, what do you coach? I think rowing seems like a really cool sport, especially if you have a pretty place to do it


              • #22
                I'm the varsity women's coach for the University of Chicago rowing club. I've been coaching for about 5 years now. It is really fun (although I spend way more time coaching than I do rowing! oh well!)
                - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


                • #23
                  Sooo I guess to be a good rower you have to do pushups right? I HATE pushups...I'd rather float down the Mississippi in a tube, and the Mississippi is GROSS!

                  DH can't wait till we can buy a canoe for family camping trips, hope he knows how to steer cause I don't!

                  BTW, is it true that coachs can eat chocolate while coaching, and yell at everyone, and get away with it??? I'd like that job :mmm:

                  As we speak DH is at the local college basketball game in his sports med rotation. I keep telling him that nachos cause love handles I'm a nice wife


                  • #24
                    I prefer to eat donuts. They are the official food of our club (I once had a donut eating contest with one of my rowers - I learned that while I may be able to eat 2 longjohns in one bite, I can not keep up with an 18-year-old athlete when it comes to consumption) but yes, yelling is the #1 job requirement.

                    But actually, pushups are the opposite of what we do mostly. More focus on the legs (squats) and some on the back (benchpulls) we might do pushups sometimes just for "fun" but they don't really make you a faster rower.
                    - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


                    • #25
                      Wow, that's really interesting. I figured rowing = all those horrid arm stuff pushups and pull ups...

                      Yeah what is it with teenagers being able to consume a whole bag of chips meant for a party of 40 and still be hungry? Gosh I wish I had that kind of metabolism!

                      I guess you win the yelling matches though


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Color_Me_Sulky
                        I get a TON of great advice off of Cathe Friedrich's site:


                        I use her workouts at home, and go to the gym as well (that's about to end though once residnecy is here), and go outside and run

                        I love Cathe! I've been using her workouts since 1996.

                        My 5th child is 4 months. It's hard to exercise with any consistency. I'm trying.


                        • #27
                          GOOD FOR YOU! My first pregnancy I ate Arbys waaayyyy to much and hence blaim Arbys for my weight gain. Started to excerise for the first time really after DS, been hooked ever since. My second pregnancy I worked out all the way up to 28 wks (went on bedrest ) My biggest accomplishment IMO is running up to 24ish weeks (summer heat got to hot after that ). One of my fav memories is running on the beach with DH at 5 months pregnant.

                          I've been come a Cathe addict, DH about crapped when he found out how much the DVD's can be on the combined ones I DID buy several on e-bay though for cheaper. My recent favs are Gym Style Legs and Butts & Gutts - OUCH. Nothing burns quite that bad, she's evil

                          So glad to have a fellow Cathe friend

