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What's everyone doing tonight?

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  • What's everyone doing tonight?

    Dh is on call. I'm supposed to be working on my diss, but am too distracted.

    I had a nice dinner. I ended up not making the nicoise, but will have to do that one of these days. For my birthday, we're going to try out a French restaurant in Evanston, so maybe I can get someone else to make it for me.

    What's everyone else up to?
    married to an anesthesia attending

  • #2
    I've been gone most of the day -- at the doctor's office w/ kids. Good times! I'm catching up on email and researching the Gulf Islands in BC.


    • #3
      Oh boy! When do you plan on going?
      married to an anesthesia attending


      • #4
        SO and I spent some "QT" together and watched Click, too. It wasn't too bad!


        • #5
          Girl Scouts last night. Today we are taking the girls to the Columbus Home and Garden show. Hoping to find a good flooring guy to get rid of our ceramic and put slate or travertine in and then we are all going to try a new restaurant tonight. crossing my fingers that the girls will be goo!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by alison
            Oh boy! When do you plan on going?
            At the end of August. I'm trying to figure out which island and get an idea of ferry routes. We might leave a few days early and spend some time in Seattle or Bellingham. Let me know if you are visiting then. (And if you see us after the car ride, that will be birth control like no other :>).


            • #7
              I may be in town. I'll be in Germany for 2 months this summer, and may fly home for a few days before the new term starts (late August). Keep me posted.

              Portland-Seattle is a long drive, so I won't go around telling you to get a grip on your kids or to try out for Supernanny.
              married to an anesthesia attending


              • #8
                I left the kiddos with DH this morning and did the Wal-Mart-ing and the grocery shopping in peace. I was in heaven! Tonight we're having some friends for dinner.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by toronja_pepino
                  did the Wal-Mart-ing
                  "WalMarting"- I love it!! I wonder if that will make it in Webster's by 2010.

                  walmarting (wal mart ing) vi. [prp. of WalMart] [Dial. or Colloq.] 1. the act of discount shopping. 2. The act of bargain hunting.


                  • #10
                    Right now I'm eating an ice cream cone. I like to buy the cones and make them myself at home.

                    This morning DH and I got up early and did a bunch of errands--Target, etc.

                    Tonight we're having an encore presentation of what I cooked last night--manicotti--but we're having sweet potato mashed potatoes and baked carrots with it. Later we'll probably watch Employee of the Month. The place is a mess so I may do some cleaning and laundry before then.


                    • #11
                      Getting ready to take The Devil Wears Prada to my room so that I can watch a movie and listen to see if Nikolai needs me.

                      I'm exhausted- I didn't sleep very well at all last night because I was freezing. Finally I got up and got the down comforter.

                      I've been sleeping in wool socks. In south Texas!



                      • #12
                        DH just got home, we had dinner and now we're just vegging in front of the TV.
                        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                        • #13
                          Lily did you make the sale?


                          • #14
                            My dh leaves for the ER at noon so if all goes well he should be home by midnight. Which leaves me 12 hours to run amuck. No really, we have just had new put in the bedroom and had to move everything out. So I am trying to weed out things no longer worn or needed. A job much easier when he is at work.


                            • #15
                              Monday is round dancing and "What about Brian" night for us!

                              Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.

