I think she'll be good at whatever she decides to do! Hopefully she won't be too hard on herself in the process!
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What's everyone doing tonight?
Not doing a whole lot. We watched House after dinner, DH passed out on the couch shortly thereafter (he's post-call) and then I watched American Idol. Now I'm sitting on the couch surfing the net while he's sleeping - I'm kind of trying to get him to wake upso we can properly go to bed.
That stinks about your headaches. Does your doc have any idea what could be causing them? I get stress headaches behind my eyes every once in awhile. I wish I knew what could help.
Sorry about your headaches, Stella. For me, the glare from the computer screen makes my headaches worse. Stay away from your computer and tv?
I can't believe it's already 11. Dh is on call until tomorrow morning. These two weeks are packed full of call, so I'll get a lot done on my dissertation.I went out to dinner by myself, because I wasn't in the mood to cook. Tomorrow, I'm going to drag dh to Costco to shop for some new glasses frames. And then to AAA for maps for our Kentucky/Tenn. trip.
An ex-boyfriend from long long ago wrote me a belated birthday note today (also a German guy). He was such a nice guy and is married with a baby! It's amazing how we all grow up...married to an anesthesia attending