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Couple stand by forbidden love

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  • #16
    I thought about posting this in the debate forum, but then thought it'd be one of those topics where people would say: "that there wasn't much to debate".
    I believe in "to each there own" as well. I also believe their having kids is far different than addicts/ or substance abusers having kids. These two could have squeaky clean habits/health (maybe not mental health) it's just that their shared genetics deliberately weaken/deform their offspring!


    • #17
      and I do have a problem w/them procreating (for the record). I guess I'm just not as skeeved out by the brother / sister thing since they didn't grow up that way. I do see them having children as irresponsible, just as another person w/a genetic disorder they KNEW they'd pass on having kids would be irresponsible.


      • #18
        I'd be less skeeved if they found out AFTER they were in love, but to know before and THEN get together? Ick.


        • #19
          I think I heard there's something in our genetic make-up that tells us that romantic love with our immediate family members isn't right. Or am I mistaken? I don't have a study to quote on that, but it seems to make sense to me.
          married to an anesthesia attending

