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Long distance driving

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  • #16
    all you "sluts" make me sick.

    so jelous. i just dont understand why there isnt more love for west virginia. the COL is super here.
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


    • #17
      I'll make my way to Kansas City if you stay there a couple more years. It looks like the school has several rotations there.
      IM PGY-2


      • #18
        No plans to go anywhere .... (knock on wood).

        Sylvia - dh is going to be in WV sometime next month. Sorry - I don't plan for that to be one of my tag-along trips. He'll also be in Portland, OR, and I'm HOPPING mad that it's before school lets out b/c I would TOTALLY tag along to that one.

        Would really love to meet YOU though. Are you closer to the Ohio end of WV? If so, perhaps the next time I force myself to go to my dad's we can work something out. He lives close to the OH/WV border.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Genivieve
          I actually don't like to make long stops and stretch. I do better w/the 'keep it moving' philosophy. !
          Says the girl w/ a super bladder, or do you just do what the Nutty Naughty 'Naut does? :>


          • #20
            oh - I stop. but I stop for 15 minutes. pee, pick up food, get back in the car. I think from KC to Salesville, OH (about 80 miles east of Columbus), the boys and I stopped 5 times, no more than 15 minutes each. We made it in just under 12.5 hours.


            • #21
              I don't need to go often either, but he does. He can't even go through a movie without going to the bathroom. Of course, that's to be blamed on the caffeinated soda, so he's forbidden from drinking any during this trip.
              IM PGY-2


              • #22
                Originally posted by Genivieve
                oh - I stop. but I stop for 15 minutes. pee, pick up food, get back in the car. I think from KC to Salesville, OH (about 80 miles east of Columbus), the boys and I stopped 5 times, no more than 15 minutes each. We made it in just under 12.5 hours.
                Are you related to my step dad? That's exactly how he drives whenever we go to Florida. In and out. No dawdling.
                IM PGY-2


                • #23
                  jenn, we are about an hour from huntington which borders ohio. that sucks that you cant go to oregon! what a perfect opportunity.

                  i would love to finally meet someone. stella petered out on me, i think. where is she? like her new job is sooo important.
                  ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                  • #24
                    I drove to and from Toronto last weekend for my crew team, and the weather was horrible, I saw like five cars off the road, and one car spin out and fly off the road not ten yards in front of me!

                    My longest drive was from the Florida panhandle to Cincinnati. Ugh, that was horrible.

                    My only tricks are just to not be afraid to stop. When I get stuck in "making good time" mode I do stupid things.

                    Oh, also the joy of audio books.
                    - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


                    • #25
                      I concur with Eric- having done the DC to Texas, TX to DC thing six times now- We have learned that it's much more pleasant if we plan our trips in advance, including booking hotels BEFORE we leave and mapquesting the routes from the highways to the hotels. It's a lot easier to get thourgh that last hour or so knowing that you have a hot shower ahead of you.

                      We also used mapquest, travelocity and expedia to plan the route and find us the least expensive hotels along the way.

                      It's never a fun thing- at least for me. One of my circles of hell is long car trips though.

                      So- my other thought is ahy don't you take the Amtrak auto train to Florida- sit in relative comfort, have people prepare your meals and make it a fun thing! They load the cars in Lorton, VA just south of DC and you off load at Disney.



                      • #26
                        Too late, the hotel in Georgia and the plane tickets back are already booked.

                        Besides, this way I get to meet Heidi.

                        ETA: I am a planning freak and all my stops are mapped and timed.
                        IM PGY-2

