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Have you seen your SO in action?

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  • Have you seen your SO in action?

    I was just thinking today that I never really get to see what my DH does. Even though he is a student he tells me about IV's and intubations that he does and I can't picture it. For some of you that have been around for a while, have you seen what your DH can do?

    I would love to hear some stories!!

  • #2
    I wish - I say they should have a take your spouse to work day. Of course you'd probably see more of a "real" day if you could be a fly on the wall.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      I get to see him read echos, look at caths on discs, he even started teaching me about how to read EKGs...the ER would fax them to him(a fellow at the time) to see what was going on. When we would visit programs, and practices that were interested in him, we often toured the cath lab areas, which allowed me to see what it's like, but as far as getting to be around him while working, nope!

      I have thought about shadowing him, nobody(at the hospitals) has met me, and I have a different last name, so I could just pretend to be someone intrested in looking into Interventional cardiology!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Suzy Sunshine
        I wish - I say they should have a take your spouse to work day. Of course you'd probably see more of a "real" day if you could be a fly on the wall.


        • #5
          I needed to take DD to the peds derm specialist and Dh was his resident, covering for someone else who was on vacation. Total fluke. Anyway, he obviously didn't treat her. I think it is always sort of a surprise to see each other working because it is not in a context we are used to.

          I need a mole on my back biopsied and I'll probably let him do it. But since it is on my back, I won't really see him working! He's taken stitches out a few times but I don't know if that really counts. And I'm too squeamish to watch.


          • #6
            Originally posted by cupcake
            I needed to take DD to the peds derm specialist and Dh was his resident, covering for someone else who was on vacation. Total fluke. Anyway, he obviously didn't treat her. I think it is always sort of a surprise to see each other working because it is not in a context we are used to.

            I need a mole on my back biopsied and I'll probably let him do it. But since it is on my back, I won't really see him working! He's taken stitches out a few times but I don't know if that really counts. And I'm too squeamish to watch.
            Dh had some moles biopsied, and he made me take the stitches out. He wasn't willing to pay the $10 copay, so I did them. Saved us $30 total!
            One was on the bottom of his foot. That is some THICK skin.
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ladybug
              Last night. :>
              You go woman!


              • #8
                Nope no action here, not even the Ladybug kind. Actually, all four third molars came out today for DW.

                Back to the topic. One of the greatest things about Match Day, was having literally four of DW's classmates (not social friends) approach me and tell me earnestly when she wasn't within earshot how much they enjoyed doing rotations with her.

                I was so proud when I heard it the first time and was really buzzed (and touched) when it stopped with person #4.

                Seriously though, she must be doing something very right even if I'm never around to witness firsthand.

                Brag over.


                • #9
                  Kind of? I'm been in for appointments with Nikolai and seen him at work. I've seen him read eegs, etc. but thankfully we've never needed a child neurologist. (although given the # of times my child has run into things with his's a good thing we normally have one available!)



                  • #10
                    Russ has dilated my eyes and done an ophtho exam on me...I haven't seen him examine anyone else though.

                    He's come to the vet school while I was working up an emergency a few times, and he's seen me glove up and help someone with a surgery.
                    Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                    • #11
                      I have never seen DH working. I have actually only been to his office twice.


                      • #12
                        Dh showed me an OR once. They all (in anesthesia) have their own carts with drawers filled with bottles, syringes and various packages. He's so anal at home with having the spice jars facing him in alphabetical order.

                        It makes sense!!!

                        Now, if he could only see my office at work.
                        married to an anesthesia attending


                        • #13
                          I hear DH on the phone with patients and nurses all the time, and have been in his office a very few times when he is having a work-related conversation, but I have never seen him deliver a baby or do an exam (not sure I really want to see that, frankly) or a surgery/procedure.

                          I have often thought I would love to see him working without him knowing I was there, but I am about as squeamish as they come, so I don't see that happening.

                          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                          "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                          • #14
                            on thanksgiving when DF was on call i brought him dinner and got to see him put an IV in a fellow resident (she wasn't feeling well, but of course was still at work anyway).

                            and i have indirectly seen him do an admission when he was doing floors last year. i brought him dinner (the hospital was 10 minutes from where i lived) and was chilling with the nurses at the nurses station while he was doing an admission and the door was open (for some of it) and so I could see in.

                            But i have yet to see him in action during an actual surgery...

                            but on the other hand he has never been to my office let alone seen my cubicle (except for a picture message) so i guess its kind of an even playing field...


                            • #15
                              I've seen DH give exams to family and our babysitter.

                              I'll brag with Kevin, DS had his ear surgery at the same surgery center as DH's peds rotation and the surgical staff couldn't stop talking about how they loved working with him on cases. It was nice to hear, and I knew DS got extra special care

                              DH brought home a DVD of a cataract surgery he did (the scalpel kind, not the laser kind). It was cool and so very disgusting. It was neat to see what he does and see how excited he was as he was narrating the procedure, but eye surgery is yucky. I can do blood and guts, but it messes with me to see a knife cut into an eyeball.
                              Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!

