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Back to reality

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  • Back to reality

    Well- We got back from vacation on Tuesday- how depressing!

    We went to my parent's and then the Boys went to Pittsburgh to watch three straight days of Pittsburgh Pirates baseball while we girls chilled out at my moms.

    But now, three days later I don't even feel like I went away. Of course work was a total disaster when I got back- crisis after crisis!! Again, really- this full time job thing is really over-rated.

    The good news is that we signed for the home equity loan and I just had the joy of writing all of the necessary check to pay off all of those jerks. I can't tell you how liberating it was. My condo appraised for $50,000 more dollars than I paid for it- not bad in 3 years! (Gotta love those big city prices- but would NOT pay that much to live in that place- it's literally 515 square feet!) Talk about a lucky break.

    So, for those who are in the East Coast- I remain,

    exceptionally jealous....

    Edited by: jloreine at: 7/29/02 9:14:18 am

  • #2
    That's great to hear your condo appreciated in value, Jenn. How long have you had it? Is it in DC?



    • #3
      My condo is in Southwest DC (a very underappreciated part of the district- although they are getting ready to make some major improvments to the infrastructure around there) nd I bought it in July of '99.

      It's a great place and although I will probably never live there again, I would definitely live in that part of DC again. It was so nice to park the car on Friday and not have to get back in it until Monday morning. (that was if I didn't take the Metro to work!)

      Edited by: jloreine at: 7/29/02 9:15:13 am


      • #4
        Coming back from vacations can be a bit of downer sometimes... We experience that when we go to germany to visit's as if we never left when we get there...and then when we get's as if we never went...

        I'm glad that you had a good time though, Jenn. It's time to start planning your next trip!....and the condo appreciation...woohoo!

        "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
        Douglas Adams


        • #5

          I'm glad that you got to take a break but I know how frustrating it must be to come back. Here's hoping that you can get away again real soon.

          Congrats on the home equity loan--real estate returns are awesome right now! We obsessively watch what condos in our neighborhood go for. It is addictive.

          Anyway, glad to have you back.


          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Welcome back - Start planning the next vacation!!!

            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)

