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What are you doing to meet people in your new area?

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  • #16
    what am i doing to meet people?

    nothing. im such a wallflower. i cant help it.

    maybe when the two older kids start sunday school and pre-school this fall, i will meet someone.

    one year we have been here...i have one friend that is non medical and two second years that we do stuff with. i wave to my neighbor.
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


    • #17
      We haven't moved yet, but I'm already trying to figure this out. Our complex has yoga class on Mondays that I want to sign up for and we're talking about taking tenis lesson together. There are also 3 more new people starting with DH, so I was thinking of inviting them for dinner to see if how I get along with their SO's. I also know a friend of a friend who lives near by and hopefully she'll introduce me to her social circle.

      Btw, DH is dying to join a CC.


      • #18
        I joined the YMCA w/the kids. We are looking at a local pool membership as well that is sappose to be a real community pool w/all kinds of social events (our neighbors brought it up). I am trying to meet neighbors, and that's gone well, DS already has a buddy across the street. But we don't have our ordered couches yet so I can't invite anyone over yet, unless they want to hang on the floor.

        It's easy and hard w/kids. Easy cause there are lots of places to go w/family activities. Hard, cause only other parents are usually up to making a new friend with loud kids creating havic during conversations.

        And I'm trying to find a church - we'll see how that goes.


        • #19
          I joined LLL and the online mom's groups for the area. I also went to a cooking party/meal prep thing with another intern wive and met a bunch of her friends that way. I've met people through people and that's made the most impact in my social circle. We've only been here a year, but I'm finding ways to meet more people. I've started that babywearing group and I'm meeting some people through that. Everything revolves around Daegan though!

          On the CC front....I REALLY want to take sailing lessons!!!
          Mom of 3, Veterinarian

