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somone kick me off....

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  • somone kick me off....

    of here already!

    it raining, thundering and lightning...has been all day sofar. here i sit with frequent interuptions . the house is a disaster and my babes are playing by themselves. its good that they're self entertaining today, right.
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    right- my kids are throwing thomas the train engine parts around the basement. I'm scared to go down there and break it up. So here I am...

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


    • #3
      Nope, I won't kick you off.

      Break for breakfast. Break to clean kitchen. Break for lunch. Break to stop fight , other than that we're having a self entertain foul weather day too.

      Swim lessons this afternoon though so I'll have to get it together soon.

      Oh, and did I mention I hate my MIL???!!!


      • #4
        Oh, and did I mention I hate my MIL???!!!
        noooo???? you do? i dont think she has ever come up in conversation before. :>


        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


        • #5
          Originally posted by planet
          Oh, and did I mention I hate my MIL???!!!
          she must really be something, b/c you're so zen about everything else. (I'm not being sarcastic, either.)


          • #6
            Honestly, if I were to start telling MIL stories nobody would believe me. She's so completely out there and the level of her narcissism and diregard for anyone is incomprehensible. What is it...the DSMIV...she would define a new mental illness.

            I've been patient with her for, what, 8-9 years now!?

            Not to hijack or anything. Sorry.


            • #7
              Oh honey - tell the stories (in the call room). We've got some doozy MIL's on this site. DCJenn, Entropy, Kris, .... I can't remember who all have the nuts. But there are LOTS. And we will believe you.


              • #8
                my power went out..that got me off.

                of course this led to an instant anxiety attack. living in the caribbean where the power has a mind of its own..going out for hours, days, weeks...rotting food and major levels of heat...can lead to this condition.
                ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

