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Harry Potter Anyone?

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  • #31
    Must not look...can't look...I don't want spoilers to ruin what has been an amazing journey for my son and I. We take turns reading it orally and we are only on Chapter 13. We have read every book together and I will not read ahead...I must not read ahead...Must stay the course. This is ours to be shared together....

    Crimeny...this is KILLING ME!

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #32
      Originally posted by house elf
      Must not look...can't look...I don't want spoilers to ruin what has been an amazing journey for my son and I. We take turns reading it orally and we are only on Chapter 13. We have read every book together and I will not read ahead...I must not read ahead...Must stay the course. This is ours to be shared together....

      Crimeny...this is KILLING ME!


      Kelly- we too are reading the book together, and oddly enough on chapter 13 as well. I am so tempted to pick up the book and read tonight as dh is overnight at the zoo tonight.

      You and I can be strong together. A thought- Do you think our spouses would be understanding if you and I read the book together???

      Must wait, must go and lock the book up........
      Gas, and 4 kids


      • #33
        Besides being a great book by itself, HP is particularly special to me because it is the first novel I ever read to my son. I started with Book one during my maternity leave his kindergarten year and made him pick out sight words. Now, here at book Seven, he struggles with the high reading level, but he reads with fluency.

        He is old enough to grasp the meaning and young enough to still play with the story. He went around the house searching for Horcruxes today.

        We have read Narnia, A Wrinkle in Time, Roald Dahl, Encyclopedia Brown, Choose Your Own Adventures, Ralph S. Mouse, Stuart Little, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Peg Kehret's Adventures, and countless others.
        Still, nothing has excited us like Ms. Rowling's work. Truly, this is the end of a journey on many levels. I'm not in a hurry for it to end.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #34
          Here's the YouTube of Simpons spoofing HP. Perhaps it will help ease your pain.

          they weren't nearly as creative with spell names. but Burns as Voldemort and Smithers as Nagini?? Priceless.

          And Kelly, I hope you didn't have any horcruxes in your house. Those are not good things!


          • #35
            I just finished the book. My poor family I totally negelected them in the name of Potterism. Thankfully, DH is on vacation.


            • #36
              I finished last night. God, it was fantastic!

