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5 Get to Know You Questions

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  • #16
    1. What was your favorite game as a child?

    2. What’s the best thing about being you?
    I am funny, strong & usually have something worthwhile to add.

    3. What’s your favorite meal of the day, and why?
    Breakfast. I just love breakfast food.

    4. Would you rather be exceptionally smart or exceptionally good-looking?
    Smart. No question.

    5. How would you describe your underwear drawer?
    Just undies – nothin’ special.

    6.Where would you like to go on vacation, if you can choose anywhere?
    I’d start with a Mediterranean cruise and go from there.

    7. Are you an early-riser or a sleeper-inner?
    I try to be a sleeper-inner, and for someone with kids, I guess I am.

    8. What do you do when you can't access iMSN?
    Start by calling Nellie to whine, and then check the site all day.

    9. What was your favorite class? (High school/college/vo-tech/community center, etc.)
    Mrs. Peterson’s honors English. She was a neat lady.

    10. How would you rather travel, RV or plane?
    Uh – plane. DH would love to travel in an RV. Our travel styles do NOT mesh.

    11.How many times have you moved in your lifetime?
    8 – 3 states. 5 of the moves have been in my adult life.

    12. What countries have you been to?
    Mexico and Canada. I’m lame.

    13. How many presidential elections have you voted in?

    14.What was your favorite band when you were in college (undergrad)?
    that age? DMB or Sheryl Crow

    15. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

    16. Crunchy salty snack foods or sweet mushy snack foods?

    17. Mac or PC?

    18. perfect 'date night' with your spouse?
    dinner and a movie

    19. Favorite personal indulgence?

    20. Leno or Letterman?
    Jon Stewart. Of the choices, Letterman is better. But he’s gotten meaner as he’s gotten older.

    21. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?
    A waitress at the Red Barn (when I was a kid). An Amnesty International worker (as a teenager).

    22. If you could live anywhere in 10 years where would that be?
    I’m good here.

    23. Childhood pet's name?
    Max – dog. Muffet – cat, Wilbur – cat.

    24. Current pet's name?
    Bruce – dog.

    25. One experience you'd love to live again?
    being a new mom

    26. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
    Dogs I guess?

    27. How many times were you in love before you met your spouse/SO?

    28. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?

    29. How many children would be the ideal number for you to have?

    30. How did you meet your spouse/SO?
    1st day, 1st period of high school.

    31. What career most interests you BESIDES what you do now?
    no idea

    32. Favorite Novel?
    I couldn’t decide.

    33. Name a charitable cause you would give boatloads of money to if you had Gate's billions.
    Sustainable international development, Doctors without Borders

    34. When you watch "Braveheart" do you think the peasant girl (Maren) or the Princess (??) is more attractive?
    Maren – no question.

    35. Current celebrity crush.
    Mike Rowe

    36. Favorite City in the US:
    I love Chicago, but I haven’t visited the whole damn’ country yet.

    37. What's the craziest thing you have ever done:
    Moved back to Cleveland from Los Angeles to move in with my boyfriend after we’d been broken up for a year, and had reconciled for 7 days.

    38. What actor/actress would you like to play you in a made for TV movie?
    no clue.

    39. Favorite style cuisine:

    40. Flip flops or heels/men's dress shoes:
    clogs or slip-ons

    41. Who on IMSN do you relate to the most?
    when I grow up I want to be Nellie with a hint of Jenn in DC. The angry side of me connects really well with Heidi.

    42. Do you see your self as wanderlust or homebound?
    wanderlust - unfulfilled

    43. What style do you think describes your home, country, beach, traditional, modern, eclectic, contemporary?
    comfortable & real

    44. If you had to wear one pair of pants/shorts all year what would it be made of: sweats, jeans, khakis, or nylon?

    45. If you had to wear one pair of shoes all year what would it be: Birk sandals, athletic tennis shoes, Simple/Chuck styled tennis shoes, platforms, kitty heels, stilettos?
    suede clark slip-ons

    46. Tattoo or no tattoo?
    1 & I hate it.

    47. What's your favorite meal to cook?
    depends on my mood. DH loves my meatloaf and mashed potatoes. Probably Thanksgiving dinner is the one I enjoy the most when it’s time to sit down to eat.

    48. Were you ever Prom/Homecoming Queen/King or a Homecoming princess/prince?
    God - No.

    49. American Pie or 40 year old virgin?
    American Pie

    50. The first name of your HS crush (real life or celebrity)?
    Jerome Red

    51. What is your biggest regret?
    That I didn’t learn to maintain / control my weight at a young age.

    52. What do you wish for when you toss a penny into a fountain?
    The health of my children.

    53. Where were you in birth-order (oldest, youngest, ...)?
    Oldest surviving child. My mom had 2 miscarriages, then me, another miscarriage, then my brother who died at 3 months, then another miscarriage.

    54. Pink, blue, or yellow packets?

    55. Which religion do you most identify with?
    No religion. I identify with themes from Judaism & Hinduism – but only bits and pieces of each, and lots of stuff from other places.

    51. Coke or Pepsi?

    52. Red or Blue?

    53. Hot or cold weather?
    Cool – Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons.

    54. What has been your best experience throughout training?
    2nd year – when Jacob was born.

    55. Hershey chocolate or Nestle?

    56. What's your favorite movie?
    Silence of the Lambs

    57. What was your first car?
    1986 Toyota Corolla

    58.How did your SO propose or did you propose?
    At a picnic in Cain Park.

    59. What's your biggest fear?
    Something happening to my kids.

    60. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?
    Highly doubtful.

    61. What famous person do you admire the most?
    Angelina Jolie (go ahead – throw stones – I think she uses her high profile & money to make a true difference. She could lose the dead weight of Brad Pitt though.)

    62. Do you play sports? Which ones?
    Not really.

    63. Do you buy things off ebay?

    64. Are you a risk taker?
    Not much of one.

    65. Do you speak any foreign languages?
    Bits of Spanish and Gujarati (just enough to know when they’re talking about me).

    66. What color shirt are you wearing?

    67. What's your favorite TV show?
    Scrubs, the West Wing

    68. Best kind of ice cream?
    I’m totally jonesing for some Honey Hut “honey pecan” (hey Clevelanders – search it out! It rocks).

    69. One thing you're really looking forward to right now?
    My trip to NYC

    70. Do you read a newspaper? Which one?

    71. Have you turned out to be the kind of parent you thought you would?
    72. Are you a good money manager?
    73. Do you have lots of friends? Or one good friend?
    74. Baking from scratch or mixes?
    75. How would your oldest friend describe you?


    • #17
      These were some of my DH's answers. They don't have enough of these icons to explain.....

      How would you describe your underwear drawer?
      Strangely enough it's full of women's panties (we share) ETA (we share the drawer)

      What was your favorite class? (High school/college/vo-tech/community center, etc.) Human Evolution (can we say nerd)

      How would you rather travel, RV or plane? Plane, duh we've advanced so why would we roll?

      What did you want to be when you grew up as a child? Ninja/Comedian

      Name a charitable cause you would give boatloads of money to if you had Gate's billions. I would donate to college coeds and single dollar at a time, of course.

      What do you wish for when you toss a penny into a fountain? Change back. (I married a cheapskate folks!)
      Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


      • #18
        How could any of you NOT seen Braveheart?
        You just close your eyes when it gets graphic!!!!


        Not movie people?????

        I'm aghast. (but not really )

        Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

        “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


        • #19
          How could any of you NOT seen Braveheart?
          That's one of my husband's all time favorites!


          • #20
            mine too. it's his "study" movie. he needs background noise or he can't concentrate, so he puts on a movie he's seen 10,000 times. Braveheart is it here.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Genivieve
              mine too. it's his "study" movie. he needs background noise or he can't concentrate, so he puts on a movie he's seen 10,000 times. Braveheart is it here.
              My DH does the SAME thing - thought its usually a Bond movie in our house.
              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


              • #22
                Originally posted by pinkpickles
                How could any of you NOT seen Braveheart?
                That's one of my husband's all time favorites!
                I was thinking the same thing. It is one of mine and H's favorite movies. We've seen it seriously 1000 times and own it of course.


                • #23
                  1. What was your favorite game as a child?
                  Hide & Seek.

                  2. What’s the best thing about being you?
                  I try not to take anything for granted so I never say goodbye to my loved ones without telling them, "I love you."

                  3. What’s your favorite meal of the day, and why? Breakfast since it usually isn't rushed.

                  4. Would you rather be exceptionally smart or exceptionally good-looking?
                  Exceptionally smart.

                  5. How would you describe your underwear drawer?
                  Everything ranging from comfy to lacy and nothing is in order.

                  6.Where would you like to go on vacation, if you can choose anywhere?
                  Necker Island.

                  7. Are you an early-riser or a sleeper-inner?
                  Sleeper-inner when DS allows.

                  8. What do you do when you can't access iMSN?

                  9. What was your favorite class? (High school/college/vo-tech/community center, etc.)
                  High School Advanced Anatomy.

                  10. How would you rather travel, RV or plane?

                  11. How many times have you moved in your lifetime?

                  12. What countries have you been to?
                  Sadly, only Mexico & Canada.

                  13. How many presidential elections have you voted in?

                  14.What was your favorite band when you were in college (undergrad)?
                  Depeche Mode or Violent Femmes.

                  15. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

                  16. Crunchy salty snack foods or sweet mushy snack foods?
                  Sweet & mushy.

                  17. Mac or PC?

                  18. perfect 'date night' with your spouse?
                  Ordering take-out & watching a movie.

                  19. Favorite personal indulgence?

                  20. Leno or Letterman?

                  21. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?

                  22. If you could live anywhere in 10 years where would that be?
                  Right here.

                  23. Childhood pet's name?
                  Maverick (among many others).

                  24. Current pet's name?
                  Sula & Weber.

                  25. One experience you'd love to live again?
                  Still believing in Santa.

                  26. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
                  Love both.

                  27. How many times were you in love before you met your spouse/SO?

                  28. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
                  Love both.

                  29. How many children would be the ideal number for you to have?
                  2, 3, 4???? We'll take them as they come.

                  30. How did you meet your spouse/SO?
                  We met in high school. A mutual friend tipped DH off that I had a crush on him.

                  31. What career most interests you BESIDES what you do now?
                  Interior designer.

                  32. Favorite Novel?

                  33. Name a charitable cause you would give boatloads of money to if you had Gate's billions.
                  Pediatric Cancer Foundation & Alex's Lemonade Stand.

                  34. When you watch "Braveheart" do you think the peasant girl (Maren) or the Princess (??) is more attractive?

                  35. Current celebrity crush?
                  Matt Damon.

                  36. Favorite City in the US?

                  37. What's the craziest thing you have ever done?
                  Kayaked from St. John to a small island that is a part of the BVI. The distance wasn't far at all, but since I'm much more comfortable on dry land it was definitely an adventure for me.

                  38. What actor/actress would you like to play you in a made for TV movie?
                  Charlize Theron.

                  39. Favorite style cuisine:
                  Mexican or Greek.

                  40. Flip flops or heels/men's dress shoes:

                  41. Who on IMSN do you relate to the most?

                  42. Do you see your self as wanderlust or homebound?

                  43. What style do you think describes your home, country, beach, traditional, modern, eclectic, contemporary?
                  Probably more transitional.

                  44. If you had to wear one pair of pants/shorts all year what would it be made of: sweats, jeans, khakis, or nylon?

                  45. If you had to wear one pair of shoes all year what would it be: Birk sandals, athletic tennis shoes, Simple/Chuck styled tennis shoes, platforms, kitty heels, stilettos?
                  Athletic tennis shoes.

                  46. Tattoo or no tattoo?
                  No tattoo.

                  47. What's your favorite meal to cook?
                  Chicken Slouvaki Salad.

                  48. Were you ever Prom/Homecoming Queen/King or a Homecoming princess/prince?

                  49. American Pie or 40 year old virgin?
                  American Pie.

                  50. The first name of your HS crush (real life or celebrity)?

                  51. What is your biggest regret?
                  Not seeing my grandmother one last time before she died.

                  52. What do you wish for when you toss a penny into a fountain?
                  Good health for my loved ones.

                  53. Where were you in birth-order (oldest, youngest, ...)?

                  54. Pink, blue, or yellow packets?

                  55. Which religion do you most identify with?
                  I can't say I identify with one religion.

                  51. Coke or Pepsi?

                  52. Red or Blue?

                  53. Hot or cold weather?
                  Neither. I prefer spring & fall.

                  54. What has been your best experience throughout training?
                  The trip we took (on the program's dime) to the annual ACEP conference. DH skipped the conference for the most part so we could do more sightseeing.

                  55. Hershey chocolate or Nestle?

                  56. What's your favorite movie?
                  A Christmas Story.

                  57. What was your first car?
                  Honda Accord.

                  58. How did your SO propose or did you propose?
                  Sunrise at the summit of Haleakala.

                  59. What's your biggest fear?
                  Something happening to my child.

                  60. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?

                  61. What famous person do you admire the most?
                  Maya Angelou.

                  62. Do you play sports? Which ones?

                  63. Do you buy things off ebay?

                  64. Are you a risk taker?
                  Not really.

                  65. Do you speak any foreign languages?
                  Some French.

                  66. What color shirt are you wearing?

                  67. What's your favorite TV show?

                  68. Best kind of ice cream?
                  Homemade Peach served in a waffle cone from the local peach orchard.

                  69. One thing you're really looking forward to right now?
                  Taking DS camping in a few days. It'll be his first time.

                  70. Do you read a newspaper? Which one?
                  Our local paper. The rest of the news is read online.

                  71. Have you turned out to be the kind of parent you thought you would?
                  So far, yes.....but I guess I won't really know until I am at a place where I can really look back at my life.

                  72. Are you a good money manager?
                  Not any more.

                  73. Do you have lots of friends? Or one good friend?
                  A few very close friends.

                  74. Baking from scratch or mixes?
                  A little of each.

                  75. How would your oldest friend describe you?
                  Usually on the quiet side.

                  76. Are you superstitious?
                  77. Do you prefer to be in the pool or in a lounge chair?
                  78. What song could describe your life right now?
                  79. Which superhuman trait would you rather have....ability to fly or ability to be invisible?
                  80. Do you prefer email or phone calls?


                  • #24
                    1. What was your favorite game as a child?
                    Anything played with my parents, so usually cards or checkers or something like that.
                    2. What’s the best thing about being you?
                    No matter how low I get, I seem to have a core of optimism that eventually comes back to the fore.
                    3. What’s your favorite meal of the day, and why?
                    Dinner, because it's the one I share with DH most consistently.
                    4. Would you rather be exceptionally smart or exceptionally good-looking?
                    Smart, definitely.
                    5. How would you describe your underwear drawer?
                    Colorful and organized.
                    6.Where would you like to go on vacation, if you can choose anywhere?
                    New Zealand
                    7. Are you an early-riser or a sleeper-inner?
                    Early riser, as long as I've gotten enough sleep.
                    8. What do you do when you can't access iMSN?
                    Work. Tidy the house. Watch TV. Surf other sites.
                    9. What was your favorite class? (High school/college/vo-tech/community center, etc.)
                    HS basic computer programming
                    10. How would you rather travel, RV or plane?
                    Of those two, plane.
                    11. How many times have you moved in your lifetime?
                    Including in and out of my college dorm room, 15. Not including that, 9.
                    12. What countries have you been to?
                    US, Canada, Bahamas, Australia, Germany, Switzerland, UK.
                    13. How many presidential elections have you voted in?
                    14.What was your favorite band when you were in college (undergrad)? Pink Floyd.
                    15. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
                    15ish, I'm pretty sure.
                    16. Crunchy salty snack foods or sweet mushy snack foods?
                    Definitely crunchy/salty.
                    17. Mac or PC?
                    18. perfect 'date night' with your spouse?
                    Dinner out, followed by a walk.
                    19. Favorite personal indulgence?
                    Reading a good book while taking a long hot bubble bath.
                    20. Leno or Letterman?
                    Haven't watched either enough to have an opinion either way.
                    21. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?
                    Teacher or veterinarian.
                    22. If you could live anywhere in 10 years where would that be?
                    Somewhere in the PNW.
                    23. Childhood pet's name?
                    Boots, Kiska, Sophie
                    24. Current pet's name?
                    Pixel, Sachet, Pel, and Cindy
                    25. One experience you'd love to live again?
                    Weeks of summer vacation at the beach house.
                    26. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
                    27. How many times were you in love before you met your spouse/SO?
                    A few.
                    28. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
                    Beach, but I do like both.
                    29. How many children would be the ideal number for you to have?
                    30. How did you meet your spouse/SO?
                    Through mutual friends at our workplace.
                    31. What career most interests you BESIDES what you do now?
                    Professional organizer.
                    32. Favorite Novel?
                    Way too hard to pick a favorite - of the ones I've read in the last couple years, I'd say "Mists of Avalon" and "To Kill a Mockingbird".
                    33. Name a charitable cause you would give boatloads of money to if you had Gate's billions.
                    Way too many to choose from. I'd be tempted to give it to the Gates foundation to handle, actually; they seem to be doing a lot of good stuff.
                    34. When you watch "Braveheart" do you think the peasant girl (Maren) or the Princess (??) is more attractive?
                    Only saw it once, a long time ago, so no idea.
                    35. Current celebrity crush?
                    Mike Rowe, duh.
                    36. Favorite City in the US?
                    It's a tie between Seattle and Portland.
                    37. What's the craziest thing you have ever done?
                    38. What actor/actress would you like to play you in a made for TV movie?
                    Sandra Bullock.
                    39. Favorite style cuisine:
                    40. Flip flops or heels/men's dress shoes:
                    Out of those? No contest. Flip-flops.
                    41. Who on iMSN do you relate to the most?
                    Of the people I'm starting to feel like I 'know', there's no "most" - maybe as I get to know y'all even better...
                    42. Do you see your self as wanderlust or homebound?
                    Homebound. I enjoy travel, but I love being home, too, and I hate to move.
                    43. What style do you think describes your home, country, beach, traditional, modern, eclectic, contemporary?
                    Is "mostly hand-me-down and still mostly in boxes" an option?
                    44. If you had to wear one pair of pants/shorts all year what would it be made of: sweats, jeans, khakis, or nylon?
                    45. If you had to wear one pair of shoes all year what would it be: Birk sandals, athletic tennis shoes, Simple/Chuck styled tennis shoes, platforms, kitty heels, stilettos?
                    Athletic tennis shoes.
                    46. Tattoo or no tattoo?
                    No tattoo.
                    47. What's your favorite meal to cook?
                    Buttermilk biscuits (and don't even tell me that isn't a meal).
                    48. Were you ever Prom/Homecoming Queen/King or a Homecoming princess/prince?
                    *snort*. Not by a long shot.
                    49. American Pie or 40 year old virgin?
                    The movies? Never seen either one.
                    50. The first name of your HS crush (real life or celebrity)?
                    51. What is your biggest regret?
                    Too big to talk about.
                    52. What do you wish for when you toss a penny into a fountain?
                    Continued health and happiness for myself and my loved ones.
                    53. Where were you in birth-order (oldest, youngest, ...)?
                    Oldest of 2.
                    54. Pink, blue, or yellow packets?
                    55. Which religion do you most identify with?
                    51. Coke or Pepsi?
                    52. Red or Blue?
                    53. Hot or cold weather?
                    Sunny and just a bit chilly, or overcast but comfortably warm.
                    54. What has been your best experience throughout training?
                    One month in, probably the white coat ceremony.
                    55. Hershey chocolate or Nestle?
                    Scharffen Berger
                    56. What's your favorite movie?
                    Better Off Dead or Princess Bride or the Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert.
                    57. What was your first car?
                    Infiniti I30 - still have it.
                    58. How did your SO propose or did you propose?
                    On one knee after a lovely valentine's evening.
                    59. What's your biggest fear?
                    Being unloved.
                    60. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?
                    Probably not, but maybe. It would be minor and subtle if I did.
                    61. What famous person do you admire the most?
                    I'm coming up blank.
                    62. Do you play sports? Which ones?
                    Does Wii bowling count?
                    63. Do you buy things off ebay?
                    64. Are you a risk taker?
                    Not usually.
                    65. Do you speak any foreign languages?
                    A tiny bit of Spanish, and a tiny bit of German.
                    66. What color shirt are you wearing?
                    67. What's your favorite TV show?
                    Too many. Dirty Jobs and the new Doctor Who jump to mind, but that's because that's what we've watch most recently.
                    68. Best kind of ice cream?
                    B+J Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz. Tastes JUST LIKE what we used to make from scratch (with a hand-cranked mixer!) when I was a kid. Mmmm.
                    69. One thing you're really looking forward to right now?
                    Having the house unpacked and being able to have people over.
                    70. Do you read a newspaper? Which one?
                    71. Have you turned out to be the kind of parent you thought you would?
                    Since I'm not one...sure!
                    72. Are you a good money manager?
                    Reasonably. We were able to pay off our house in under 10 years.
                    73. Do you have lots of friends? Or one good friend?
                    Just a few.
                    74. Baking from scratch or mixes?
                    Some of each.
                    75. How would your oldest friend describe you?
                    Probably "geeky"
                    76. Are you superstitious?
                    Not usually
                    77. Do you prefer to be in the pool or in a lounge chair?
                    Depends on how hot it is.
                    78. What song could describe your life right now?
                    No idea
                    79. Which superhuman trait would you rather have....ability to fly or ability to be invisible?
                    80. Do you prefer email or phone calls?
                    For informational communications, email. When I need a human touch, phone calls.

                    81. Which states have you lived in?
                    Washington, Oregon, Ohio
                    82. How many computers do you have?
                    There are about 10 in the house, though not all get used regularly.
                    83. Describe a ritual you have (annual/monthly/weekly, daily)?
                    Every NYE is spent with friends, hanging out and eating and watching When Harry Met Sally
                    84. What do you miss about the place you lived before this one?
                    Climate, friends, knowing where everything is
                    85. Would you rather visit the Great Wall of China, or the Pyramids in Egypt?
                    Probably the wall, though they'd both be fascinating.
                    Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                    • #25
                      I knew I should have done this earlier, because Reed is wanting to "help."

                      1. What was your favorite game as a child?
                      Hide and seek, and any board games

                      2. What’s the best thing about being you?
                      I have a supportive husband, and I am loving, kind and loyal

                      3. What’s your favorite meal of the day, and why?
                      Dinner, because everyone is sitting together.

                      4. Would you rather be exceptionally smart or exceptionally good-looking?

                      5. How would you describe your underwear drawer?

                      6.Where would you like to go on vacation, if you can choose anywhere?
                      Europe or Hawaii

                      7. Are you an early-riser or a sleeper-inner?
                      Early riser, provided I have gotten sleep.

                      8. What do you do when you can't access iMSN?
                      Tidy the house. Watch TV. Surf other sites. Play with the kids

                      9. What was your favorite class? (High school/college/vo-tech/community center, etc.)
                      I don't have just one-College: Organic Chemistry, Human Anatomy & Physiology, and French Phonetics or any of my French culture and civ classes.

                      10. How would you rather travel, RV or plane?

                      11. How many times have you moved in your lifetime?
                      15 times

                      12. What countries have you been to?
                      US, Canada, Bahamas, France, Mexico, and the UK.

                      13. How many presidential elections have you voted in?

                      14.What was your favorite band when you were in college (undergrad)? Barenaked Ladies.

                      15. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

                      16. Crunchy salty snack foods or sweet mushy snack foods?
                      crunchy, salty snack food

                      17. Mac or PC?

                      18. perfect 'date night' with your spouse?
                      Dinner, a good board game, and a walk.

                      19. Favorite personal indulgence?
                      getting to work on my "projects" in my craft room

                      20. Leno or Letterman?
                      No opinion either way- both are funny.

                      21. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?
                      Teacher or Doctor.

                      22. If you could live anywhere in 10 years where would that be?
                      Somewhere in the West.

                      23. Childhood pet's name?
                      A-4, Snowball, Ginger, Oreo

                      24. Current pet's name?
                      Emma, Brigham and Reed.... just kidding we don't have any pets but joke that the 3 kids are.

                      25. One experience you'd love to live again?
                      Living in France for 3 weeks.

                      26. Do you prefer cats or dogs?

                      27. How many times were you in love before you met your spouse/SO?
                      a couple.

                      28. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
                      Beach, but I do like both.

                      29. How many children would be the ideal number for you to have?

                      30. How did you meet your spouse/SO?
                      Through a mutual friend at church.

                      31. What career most interests you BESIDES what you do now?
                      Graphic design or art/music history

                      32. Favorite Novel?
                      Of what I have read recently it would have to be Harry Potter.

                      33. Name a charitable cause you would give boatloads of money to if you had Gate's billions.
                      The Perpetual Education Fund and Humanitarian Services Fund through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

                      34. When you watch "Braveheart" do you think the peasant girl (Maren) or the Princess (??) is more attractive?
                      I think Murron.

                      35. Current celebrity crush?
                      don't have one

                      36. Favorite City in the US?
                      tie between Seattle and Denver.

                      37. What's the craziest thing you have ever done?
                      About 7 years ago one could hike on the lava flows at Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park, and it was advised that you stay 1/4 of mile in from the edge to ensure that if the bench collapsed you wouldn't fall in with it. As of 6 years ago they have since closed off hiking due to a recent eruption. Dh and I hiked the flows twice, and was able to get to the edge and see lava flowing into the ocean- one time in the dark. It was crazy but definitely an unforgettable experience.

                      38. What actor/actress would you like to play you in a made for TV movie?
                      Renee Zellweger, only because people say I resemble her.

                      39. Favorite style cuisine:
                      French or Italian.

                      40. Flip flops or heels/men's dress shoes:
                      Out of those? Flip-flops hands down.

                      41. Who on iMSN do you relate to the most?
                      I need to be better about posting more, but if I had to choose someone it would be BonBon- similar family situation, dhs in the same profession

                      42. Do you see your self as wanderlust or homebound?
                      As more children enter our home, I tend to be more homebound. I still love to travel.

                      43. What style do you think describes your home, country, beach, traditional, modern, eclectic, contemporary?
                      I am not sure, I am still trying to figure it out: I think we have a mix of traditional, modern, and european in our home.

                      44. If you had to wear one pair of pants/shorts all year what would it be made of: sweats, jeans, khakis, or nylon?
                      Khaki or jean.

                      45. If you had to wear one pair of shoes all year what would it be: Birk sandals, athletic tennis shoes, Simple/Chuck styled tennis shoes, platforms, kitty heels, stilettos?
                      Simple styled tennis shoes

                      46. Tattoo or no tattoo?
                      No tattoo.

                      47. What's your favorite meal to cook?
                      Mexican Pile-ups or 1 Hour Lasagna

                      48. Were you ever Prom/Homecoming Queen/King or a Homecoming princess/prince?
                      Hah! In my dreams

                      49. American Pie or 40 year old virgin? Never seen either one.

                      50. The first name of your HS crush (real life or celebrity)?

                      51. What is your biggest regret?
                      That I didn't stand up to my mom sooner in my life.

                      52. What do you wish for when you toss a penny into a fountain?
                      if I told you then my wish wouldn't come true would it?

                      53. Where were you in birth-order (oldest, youngest, ...)?
                      Oldest of 2.

                      54. Pink, blue, or yellow packets?
                      packets of what??? sugar

                      55. Which religion do you most identify with?
                      Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

                      51. Coke or Pepsi?
                      I don't like the taste of either, I really love Thomas Kemper's Orange Creme Soda, Sprite, or Root Beer

                      52. Red or Blue?

                      53. Hot or cold weather?
                      I don't have a preference.

                      54. What has been your best experience throughout training?
                      The last day of residency.

                      55. Hershey chocolate or Nestle?
                      when you love chocolate you will eat anything

                      56. What's your favorite movie?
                      Princess Bride, or Sleepless in Seattle. I have quite a few- depends on the genre.

                      57. What was your first car?
                      1982 Toyota Corolla

                      58. How did your SO propose or did you propose?
                      On one knee in front of 50 people.

                      59. What's your biggest fear?
                      Dh dying and I being left alone to raise 4 children.

                      60. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?
                      Probably not, but I have discussed breast reduction with dh if I were ever to stay the size I get when I am pregnant. I have contemplated having the "girls" hoisted back their proper position later in life.

                      61. What famous person do you admire the most?
                      can't think of anyone right off the top of my head

                      62. Do you play sports? Which ones?
                      I did gymnastics when I younger. Now I do yoga, but that's not a sport. I am thinking after I have this baby I want to run the half-marathon in dh's hometown next summer.

                      63. Do you buy things off ebay?

                      64. Are you a risk taker?
                      No, I am pretty cautious.

                      65. Do you speak any foreign languages?
                      French, and a smattering of Spanish. I know a few phrases in Dutch that dh taught me.

                      66. What color shirt are you wearing?

                      67. What's your favorite TV show?
                      Quite a few: Lost, Heroes, Scrubs, and 24

                      68. Best kind of ice cream?
                      I am an ice cream addict. I love good ice cream such as Bonnie Brae in Denver, and Ben and Jerry's

                      69. One thing you're really looking forward to right now?
                      Having this baby evicted from my uterus in 10 days.

                      70. Do you read a newspaper? Which one?
                      Idaho Statesman

                      71. Have you turned out to be the kind of parent you thought you would?
                      I guess so....

                      72. Are you a good money manager?
                      I think so, we have 4 months worth of wages saved up, and now getting ready to pay off my student loans.

                      73. Do you have lots of friends? Or one good friend?
                      Just a couple.

                      74. Baking from scratch or mixes?
                      I tend to bake more from scratch.

                      75. How would your oldest friend describe you?

                      76. Are you superstitious?
                      Not really.

                      77. Do you prefer to be in the pool or in a lounge chair?
                      If it's scorching I am in the water.

                      78. What song could describe your life right now?
                      No idea

                      79. Which superhuman trait would you rather have....ability to fly or ability to be invisible?

                      80. Do you prefer email or phone calls?
                      I like both, depends on how much time there is.

                      81. Which states have you lived in?
                      Washington, Colorado, South Carolina, North Carolina, Hawaii, Idaho, California, and Ohio.

                      82. How many computers do you have?

                      83. Describe a ritual you have (annual/monthly/weekly, daily)?
                      Every December we have a pie night, where we invite friends and coworkers. Everyone brings their favorite pie, and we spend the entire night eating nothing but pie.

                      84. What do you miss about the place you lived before this one?
                      The summers, and the awesome parks with wading pools.

                      85. Would you rather visit the Great Wall of China, or the Pyramids in Egypt?
                      Probably the Pyramids.

                      86. What is the strangest food you have ever eaten? Chocolate covered ants and fried crickets- one of dh's med school classmates made them for us. Definitely not my thing.

                      87. Do you play a musical instrument? If so what? I am learning to play the piano at age 30

                      88. Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict? avoid conflict

                      89. Right or left-handed? right handed

                      90. What was the last movie in a theater you watched? Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
                      Gas, and 4 kids


                      • #26
                        1. What was your favorite game as a child? Life

                        2. What’s the best thing about being you?
                        I have a good sense of humor, I like people, and I am kind.

                        3. What’s your favorite meal of the day, and why?
                        Dinner, because that is the one where I *might* get to see DH.

                        4. Would you rather be exceptionally smart or exceptionally good-looking?

                        5. How would you describe your underwear drawer?
                        a mess and too crowded!

                        6.Where would you like to go on vacation, if you can choose anywhere?
                        Greek Islands

                        7. Are you an early-riser or a sleeper-inner?
                        definite sleeper-inner

                        8. What do you do when you can't access iMSN?
                        Go to other sites or get away from the computer and do something productive.

                        9. What was your favorite class? (High school/college/vo-tech/community center, etc.)
                        I *loved* psychology in high school. Hated Educational Psychology in college, though. Loved my methods ("how to teach") classes in college.

                        10. How would you rather travel, RV or plane?

                        11. How many times have you moved in your lifetime?
                        11 times

                        12. What countries have you been to?
                        Mexico, England, and Scotland

                        13. How many presidential elections have you voted in? 5

                        14.What was your favorite band when you were in college (undergrad)? Def Leppard, but I have always tended to enjoy solo artists more than bands

                        15. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

                        16. Crunchy salty snack foods or sweet mushy snack foods?
                        crunchy, salty snack food

                        17. Mac or PC?

                        18. perfect 'date night' with your spouse?
                        A really nice dinner and a great talk, without either one of us getting too tired during the evening.

                        19. Favorite personal indulgence?
                        computer time, maybe

                        20. Leno or Letterman?
                        Like them both, but Letterman is more intelligent somehow.

                        21. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?
                        always a teacher

                        22. If you could live anywhere in 10 years where would that be?
                        Texas Hill Country

                        23. Childhood pet's name?
                        Happy, Snooky, Beauty, Dolly (all cats)

                        24. Current pet's name?
                        Leo and Rex (cats) and Archie (dog) and Cameo (cat that lives with my aunt, but is technically mine.

                        25. One experience you'd love to live again?
                        Feeling a baby kick in my pregnant belly, or having a baby/toddler wake for a nap and seeing their eyes light up when they see me

                        26. Do you prefer cats or dogs?

                        27. How many times were you in love before you met your spouse/SO?
                        maybe twice

                        28. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? beach

                        29. How many children would be the ideal number for you to have? I always thought I would have four.

                        30. How did you meet your spouse/SO?
                        Our mothers are both musical and met in church choir when we were kids.

                        31. What career most interests you BESIDES what you do now?
                        social work

                        32. Favorite Novel?
                        To Kill A Mockingbird

                        33. Name a charitable cause you would give boatloads of money to if you had Gate's billions.
                        someplace that helps children

                        34. When you watch "Braveheart" do you think the peasant girl (Maren) or the Princess (??) is more attractive?
                        never saw it

                        35. Current celebrity crush?
                        George Clooney of course

                        36. Favorite City in the US?
                        Chicago in summer, San Antonio in winter.

                        37. What's the craziest thing you have ever done?
                        Tie: took a knife away from a student and got in between two 8th graders who were fighting when I was 8 months pregnant (in the moment, I forgot I was pregnant).

                        38. What actor/actress would you like to play you in a made for TV movie? Sandra Bullock

                        39. Favorite style cuisine: Any, really.

                        40. Flip flops or heels/men's dress shoes: Flip-flops

                        41. Who on iMSN do you relate to the most?
                        Jenn Hussey, probably because I have met her several times and our husbands both trained in San Antonio.

                        42. Do you see your self as wanderlust or homebound?
                        I have wanderlust. I am (for the most part) homebound.

                        43. What style do you think describes your home, country, beach, traditional, modern, eclectic, contemporary?
                        Probably traditional by default. All of our stuff is inherited or used.

                        44. If you had to wear one pair of pants/shorts all year what would it be made of: sweats, jeans, khakis, or nylon?

                        45. If you had to wear one pair of shoes all year what would it be: Birk sandals, athletic tennis shoes, Simple/Chuck styled tennis shoes, platforms, kitty heels, stilettos?
                        athletic tennis shoes

                        46. Tattoo or no tattoo?
                        No tattoo.....I am a huge wimp.

                        47. What's your favorite meal to cook?
                        Meatloaf Muffins or Pork Tacos with Pineapple Salsa

                        48. Were you ever Prom/Homecoming Queen/King or a Homecoming princess/prince?
                        Ummm, no.

                        49. American Pie or 40 year old virgin? Haven't seen either one.

                        50. The first name of your HS crush (real life or celebrity)? Tim

                        51. What is your biggest regret?
                        Times that I have hurt DH.

                        52. What do you wish for when you toss a penny into a fountain?
                        I am always giving the pennies to my kids to throw.

                        53. Where were you in birth-order (oldest, youngest, ...)?

                        54. Pink, blue, or yellow packets? Sugar!

                        55. Which religion do you most identify with? Evangelical Free denomination or non-denominational Bible churches.

                        51. Coke or Pepsi? Coke all the way.

                        52. Red or Blue?

                        53. Hot or cold weather?

                        54. What has been your best experience throughout training? The day it was over.

                        55. Hershey chocolate or Nestle? Hershey

                        56. What's your favorite movie?
                        The Blues Brothers.

                        57. What was your first car?
                        1981 Mercury Lynx

                        58. How did your SO propose or did you propose?
                        On the couch at his parents' house December 21, 1989.

                        59. What's your biggest fear?
                        Something happening to DH or one of our kids.

                        60. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?
                        Chances are no, (the wimp factor again) but if I did, it would be a breast reduction/lift.

                        61. What famous person do you admire the most? Tony Dungy

                        62. Do you play sports? Which ones?
                        No, but I really like to do weights.

                        63. Do you buy things off ebay?
                        I have, but it has been a long time.

                        64. Are you a risk taker?
                        Not really, but I do go with my gut.

                        65. Do you speak any foreign languages?
                        A little French

                        66. What color shirt are you wearing?

                        67. What's your favorite TV show? *Rockford Files*, ER, The Office, Scrubs, Everybody Loves Raymond

                        68. Best kind of ice cream?
                        Ben and Jerry's Cool Brittania (they don't make it anymore ) Cookie Dough and Cookies and Cream are good, too. I really miss Blue Bell ice cream!

                        69. One thing you're really looking forward to right now?
                        We are taking one last short trip before school starts, tomorrow through Sunday, and also our 17th anniversary this Saturday.

                        70. Do you read a newspaper? Which one? Indianapolis Star

                        71. Have you turned out to be the kind of parent you thought you would?
                        No, but I hope I am better than I imagined.

                        72. Are you a good money manager?
                        Not the greatest, but not the worst, either.

                        73. Do you have lots of friends? Or one good friend?
                        Two very good friends, four or five close friends.

                        74. Baking from scratch or mixes?
                        Usually mixes

                        75. How would your oldest friend describe you? Loyal and honest

                        76. Are you superstitious?

                        77. Do you prefer to be in the pool or in a lounge chair?
                        Lounge chair

                        78. What song could describe your life right now? Don't know.

                        79. Which superhuman trait would you rather have....ability to fly or ability to be invisible?
                        Ability to fly.

                        80. Do you prefer email or phone calls?
                        Email mostly, phone when I am upset.

                        81. Which states have you lived in?
                        Indiana and Texas

                        82. How many computers do you have? 2.

                        83. Describe a ritual you have (annual/monthly/weekly, daily)?
                        Dh takes over with the kids after dinner (when he is home) and gets through the bedtime routine while I veg.

                        84. What do you miss about the place you lived before this one?
                        Not much! My kids' school.

                        85. Would you rather visit the Great Wall of China, or the Pyramids in Egypt?
                        Great Wall of China, especially if I was adopting a little girl while I was there!

                        86. What is the strangest food you have ever eaten? I'm not too adventurous with food.

                        87. Do you play a musical instrument? If so what? Piano....I have also studied violin, viola, cello, percussion, and my primary instrument is voice.

                        88. Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict? I avoid conflict unless I am speaking on someone else's behalf.

                        89. Right or left-handed? right handed

                        90. What was the last movie in a theater you watched? Hairspray, last night.

                        91. What is your favorite season?

                        92. What is your favorite holiday?

                        93. What is your haircolor?

                        94. What should you be doing instead of taking this quiz?

                        95. What is something that is coming up that you are dreading?

                        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                        • #27
                          1. What was your favorite game as a child?
                          Star Wars Figures

                          2. What’s the best thing about being you?
                          Oddly whitty

                          3. What’s your favorite meal of the day, and why?
                          Breakfast, easist to cook.

                          4. Would you rather be exceptionally smart or exceptionally good-looking?
                          Since I am smart, I would have to ADD looks.

                          5. How would you describe your underwear drawer?
                          All jammed in there, boxer briefs and running socks.

                          6.Where would you like to go on vacation, if you can choose anywhere?
                          That island that that Virgin guy owns...someplace secluded.

                          7. Are you an early-riser or a sleeper-inner?
                          I have a 34 month old, please.

                          8. What do you do when you can't access iMSN?

                          9. What was your favorite class? (High school/college/vo-tech/community center, etc.)
                          Collage for certain, any design class.

                          10. How would you rather travel, RV or plane?
                          first class cabin, someday I will try it.

                          11.How many times have you moved in your lifetime?
                          13 - 3 states

                          12. What countries have you been to?
                          USA, Italy, Jamaca, Canada, Spain, England

                          13. How many presidential elections have you voted in?
                          All since 18, I suppose I should reanswer #4 since I don't want to count.

                          14.What was your favorite band when you were in college (undergrad)?
                          Dead can dance

                          15. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

                          16. Crunchy salty snack foods or sweet mushy snack foods?
                          both, don't pigeon hole me.

                          17. Mac or PC?

                          18. perfect 'date night' with your spouse?
                          Dinner, dancing, hotel away from kid.

                          19. Favorite personal indulgence?

                          20. Leno or Letterman?

                          21. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?
                          I think I put fireman, or something that I would never do as an adult.

                          22. If you could live anywhere in 10 years where would that be?
                          Mountains somewhere

                          23. Childhood pet's name?

                          24. Current pet's name?
                          Sam (first time I really thought of this)

                          25. One experience you'd love to live again?
                          Meeting my wife again.

                          26. Do you prefer cats or dogs?

                          27. How many times were you in love before you met your spouse/SO?
                          None really.

                          28. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
                          Mountains, and note...some of them touch the ocean.

                          29. How many children would be the ideal number for you to have?

                          30. How did you meet your spouse/SO?
                          She came to my house in college for a party

                          31. What career most interests you BESIDES what you do now?
                          Think tank member.

                          32. Favorite Novel?
                          No way I could list a single favorite.

                          33. Name a charitable cause you would give boatloads of money to if you had Gate's billions.
                          YMCA, people need exercise.

                          34. When you watch "Braveheart" do you think the peasant girl (Maren) or the Princess (??) is more attractive?
                          I have NEVER seen that thing.

                          35. Current celebrity crush.
                          Hmm...thinking to try to pick one...Kelli Ripa I guess..not really something I have.

                          36. Favorite City in the US:
                          Have not seen enough to say.

                          37. What's the craziest thing you have ever done:
                          Quit my job, sold my house, moved across country to put a woman through med school.

                          38. What actor/actress would you like to play you in a made for TV movie?
                          I would want to play it.

                          39. Favorite style cuisine:
                          Anything good I guess, nothing to overdone.

                          40. Flip flops or heels/men's dress shoes:
                          running shoes.

                          41. Who on IMSN do you relate to the most?
                          I don't really know, with the name changes and the like....(blush)

                          42. Do you see your self as wanderlust or homebound?
                          wanderlust - unfulfilled

                          43. What style do you think describes your home, country, beach, traditional, modern
                          Modern (as much as it can be, till we build our own)

                          44. If you had to wear one pair of pants/shorts all year what would it be made of: sweats, jeans, khakis, or nylon?

                          45. If you had to wear one pair of shoes all year what would it be: Birk sandals, athletic tennis shoes, Simple/Chuck styled tennis shoes, platforms, kitty heels, stilettos?

                          46. Tattoo or no tattoo?

                          47. What's your favorite meal to cook?
                          I think I am a good cook, but I don't really like doing it.

                          48. Were you ever Prom/Homecoming Queen/King or a Homecoming princess/prince?
                          God - No!!!

                          49. American Pie or 40 year old virgin?
                          Never seen either.

                          50. The first name of your HS crush (real life or celebrity)?
                          Michelle phifer

                          51. What is your biggest regret?
                          that I did not get in on the Internet boom, stupid architecture cost me millions!

                          52. What do you wish for when you toss a penny into a fountain?
                          oh man, I should really not just toss it in...darn...from now on the health of children

                          53. Where were you in birth-order (oldest, youngest, ...)?
                          youngest of two

                          54. Pink, blue, or yellow packets?
                          none, sugar...

                          55. Which religion do you most identify with?
                          Well, raised Christian, so I am most familar with it, but I do not have a personal savior.

                          51. Coke or Pepsi?

                          52. Red or Blue?

                          53. Hot or cold weather?
                          cold over hot

                          54. What has been your best experience throughout training?
                          meeting another SAHD

                          55. Hershey chocolate or Nestle?
                          Hershey over that waxy brand

                          56. What's your favorite movie?
                          so many....can't really pick just one.

                          57. What was your first car?
                          1984 honda prelude

                          58.How did your SO propose or did you propose?
                          On a hill outside our 'future' house

                          59. What's your biggest fear?
                          Something happening to my kids! - Ditto!

                          60. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?
                          Hmm...only reconstructive...

                          61. What famous person do you admire the most?
                          None, all fake to me.

                          62. Do you play sports? Which ones?

                          63. Do you buy things off ebay?

                          64. Are you a risk taker?
                          Not often now that I have parent role.

                          65. Do you speak any foreign languages?
                 latin in school...what a dumb choice that was.

                          66. What color shirt are you wearing?

                          67. What's your favorite TV show?
                          Nova or some frontlines...(love the guys voice)

                          68. Best kind of ice cream?
                          Chubby Hubby - Ben and Jerry

                          69. One thing you're really looking forward to right now?
                          End of Residency

                          70. Do you read a newspaper? Which one?
                          No, internet is much better

                          71. Have you turned out to be the kind of parent you thought you would?
                          Hmm, I think I am becoming the one I want to be (slowly) but I did not know enough when I was young to really have an idea what it meant.

                          72. Are you a good money manager?
                          I suppose, easy when you don't have much.

                          73. Do you have lots of friends? Or one good friend?
                          Used to have a handful, fewer now because of distance...but still a few good ones, and making a new good one.

                          74. Baking from scratch or mixes?
                          both, scratch when I have the time.

                          75. How would your oldest friend describe you?
                          Now? He would probably be proud, say I was a good man (finally)

                          76. Are you superstitious?

                          77. Do you prefer to be in the pool or in a lounge chair?

                          78. What song could describe your life right now?
                          the elephant march

                          79. Which superhuman trait would you rather have....ability to fly or ability to be invisible?

                          80. Do you prefer email or phone calls?

                          81. Which states have you lived in?
                          Il, Ny, fl

                          82. How many computers do you have?

                          83. Describe a ritual you have (annual/monthly/weekly, daily)?
                          very strong espresso in the morning.

                          84. What do you miss about the place you lived before this one?
                          nightlife (not that I could go now)

                          85. Would you rather visit the Great Wall of China, or the Pyramids in Egypt?
                          Great Wall of China I suppose, the pyramids are in an awfully dangerous location.

                          86. What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?
                          all that rare seafood stuff

                          87. Do you play a musical instrument?

                          88. Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict?
                          I used to argue, now I just don't care what others think

                          89. Right or left-handed? right handed

                          90. What was the last movie in a theater you watched?
                          that Rattaoule or however you spell it.

                          91. What is your favorite season?

                          92. What is your favorite holiday?
                          I suppose christmas

                          93. What is your haircolor?

                          94. What should you be doing instead of taking this quiz?
                          paying attention to kid

                          95. What is something that is coming up that you are dreading?
                          wife's amneocentis

                          96. do you think these questions mean anything?
                          97. could you answer these about your spouse?
                          98. what did you last cry about?
                          99. last video game you played?
                          100. do you think it is fair Kris only answered 5 questions?


                          • #28
                            1. What was your favorite game as a child?

                            2. What’s the best thing about being you?
                            My heart

                            3. What’s your favorite meal of the day, and why?
                            Dinner. I'm not a big breakfast eater, and I love food, and the variety.

                            4. Would you rather be exceptionally smart or exceptionally good-looking?
                            Good looking. I think I am smart. I'd like to try the other.

                            5. How would you describe your underwear drawer?
                            Full of a variety of stuff that needs replacement.

                            6.Where would you like to go on vacation, if you can choose anywhere?
                            Turtle Island, Fiji maybe.

                            7. Are you an early-riser or a sleeper-inner?
                            Early riser and always have been.

                            8. What do you do when you can't access iMSN?

                            9. What was your favorite class? (High school/college/vo-tech/community center, etc.)
                            Infant psychology or anatomy physiology. I loved Human sexuality and Health Concerns for Women as well.

                            10. How would you rather travel, RV or plane?
                            Plane, I guess, but only because of speed. I hate, loathe, abhor the act of traveling, but I love the desitination.

                            11.How many times have you moved in your lifetime?
                            Holy crap. 16, I think?

                            12. What countries have you been to?
                            USA, Mexico, and Canada.

                            13. How many presidential elections have you voted in?
                            All since being 18.

                            14.What was your favorite band when you were in college (undergrad)?
                            I've never had a favorite band.

                            15. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

                            16. Crunchy salty snack foods or sweet mushy snack foods?
                            Sweet and mushy, but I love all of them.

                            17. Mac or PC?

                            18. perfect 'date night' with your spouse?
                            Nice dinner, movie, bed away with out kids.

                            19. Favorite personal indulgence?

                            20. Leno or Letterman?
                            Don't care.

                            21. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?
                            A doctor.

                            22. If you could live anywhere in 10 years where would that be?
                            I wish I knew.

                            23. Childhood pet's name?
                            Peaches. Only pet I have ever had.

                            24. Current pet's name?
                            None. Never again.

                            25. One experience you'd love to live again?
                            Kissing my husband for the first time.

                            26. Do you prefer cats or dogs?
                            God, why do people think I have to like these things. If I had to choose, I would choose cats, which I am allergic to.

                            27. How many times were you in love before you met your spouse/SO?
                            I thought I was in love before I met my spouse, but I never was, not really.

                            28. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
                            Beach, but I do love the mountains too.

                            29. How many children would be the ideal number for you to have?

                            30. How did you meet your spouse/SO?
                            AP Biology Lab in high school.

                            31. What career most interests you BESIDES what you do now?
                            Food critic.

                            32. Favorite Novel?
                            I have no idea. I have always loved Anne of Green Gables. I love the Harry Potter series.

                            33. Name a charitable cause you would give boatloads of money to if you had Gate's billions.
                            I would have to research more to answer this.

                            34. When you watch "Braveheart" do you think the peasant girl (Maren) or the Princess (??) is more attractive?
                            I don't remember, but I love his love for the peasant girl more?

                            35. Current celebrity crush.
                            I don't know.

                            36. Favorite City in the US:
                            I don't know.

                            37. What's the craziest thing you have ever done:
                            Got pregnant a second time.

                            38. What actor/actress would you like to play you in a made for TV movie?
                            Debra Messing is most like me, I guess. Give her a bigger rack and a little more meat though.

                            39. Favorite style cuisine:
                            Anything not too spicy.

                            40. Flip flops or heels/men's dress shoes:

                            41. Who on IMSN do you relate to the most?
                            Kelly, Alison, Kris, Kozmo, Flynn all for different reasons.

                            42. Do you see your self as wanderlust or homebound?
                            Wanderlust, but unable at the moment.

                            43. What style do you think describes your home, country, beach, traditional, modern?

                            44. If you had to wear one pair of pants/shorts all year what would it be made of: sweats, jeans, khakis, or nylon?

                            45. If you had to wear one pair of shoes all year what would it be: Birk sandals, athletic tennis shoes, Simple/Chuck styled tennis shoes, platforms, kitty heels, stilettos?

                            46. Tattoo or no tattoo?

                            47. What's your favorite meal to cook?
                            I don't have a fav.

                            48. Were you ever Prom/Homecoming Queen/King or a Homecoming princess/prince?
                            No, I was an uber nerd.

                            49. American Pie or 40 year old virgin?

                            50. The first name of your HS crush (real life or celebrity)?

                            51. What is your biggest regret?
                            I don't know.

                            52. What do you wish for when you toss a penny into a fountain?

                            53. Where were you in birth-order (oldest, youngest, ...)?

                            54. Pink, blue, or yellow packets?

                            55. Which religion do you most identify with?

                            51. Coke or Pepsi?

                            52. Red or Blue?

                            53. Hot or cold weather?
                            Hot over cold.

                            54. What has been your best experience throughout training?

                            55. Hershey chocolate or Nestle?

                            56. What's your favorite movie?
                            I don't know.

                            57. What was your first car?
                            1984 Pontiac Fiero.

                            58.How did your SO propose or did you propose?
                            In my bedroom the night before we were getting engagement pictures taken.

                            59. What's your biggest fear?
                            Something happening to my husband or kids.

                            60. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?
                            Absolutely, and it is in the plans.

                            61. What famous person do you admire the most?

                            62. Do you play sports? Which ones?
                            Softball, golf, basketball. I love sports.

                            63. Do you buy things off ebay?

                            64. Are you a risk taker?
                            With some things.

                            65. Do you speak any foreign languages?
                            I used to be fluent in Spanish.

                            66. What color shirt are you wearing?

                            67. What's your favorite TV show?
                            Dancing with the Stars.

                            68. Best kind of ice cream?
                            Chunky Monkey.

                            69. One thing you're really looking forward to right now?
                            End of Residency.

                            70. Do you read a newspaper? Which one?
                            No. I get my news online.

                            71. Have you turned out to be the kind of parent you thought you would?
                            Mostly. I would have liked to have been able to DO more things with my kids and have dh involved more.

                            72. Are you a good money manager?

                            73. Do you have lots of friends? Or one good friend?
                            I don't think either.

                            74. Baking from scratch or mixes?
                            Mostly scratch.

                            75. How would your oldest friend describe you?
                            I don't know.

                            76. Are you superstitious?

                            77. Do you prefer to be in the pool or in a lounge chair?
                            In the pool.

                            78. What song could describe your life right now?
                            I don't know.

                            79. Which superhuman trait would you rather have....ability to fly or ability to be invisible?

                            80. Do you prefer email or phone calls?

                            81. Which states have you lived in?
                            UT, NY, SC

                            82. How many computers do you have?

                            83. Describe a ritual you have (annual/monthly/weekly, daily)?
                            I really have no rituals that I can think of.

                            84. What do you miss about the place you lived before this one?

                            85. Would you rather visit the Great Wall of China, or the Pyramids in Egypt?
                            Great Wall of China.

                            86. What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?
                            Ostrich or sushi?

                            87. Do you play a musical instrument?
                            Piano - barely, clarinet - even less.

                            88. Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict?
                            I don't know. Depends on who and what.

                            89. Right or left-handed? right handed

                            90. What was the last movie in a theater you watched?
                            Harry Potter.

                            91. What is your favorite season?

                            92. What is your favorite holiday?

                            93. What is your haircolor?

                            94. What should you be doing instead of taking this quiz?

                            95. What is something that is coming up that you are dreading?

                            96. do you think these questions mean anything?
                            I don't know.

                            97. could you answer these about your spouse?

                            98. what did you last cry about?
                            Dh's work.

                            99. last video game you played?
                            Mario Party 8.

                            100. do you think it is fair Kris only answered 5 questions?
                            Absolutely Not.

                            101. Name a big pet peeve you have.

                            102. How many days a week do you exercise?

                            103. How many times have you had surgery?

                            104. If the election came down to Clinton or Guliani, who would you vote for?

                            105. Are you currently living in the place you consider home?
                            Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                            • #29
                              1. What was your favorite game as a child?
                              Hungry, Hungry, Hippos

                              2. What’s the best thing about being you?
                              I’m hardworking, otherwise known as stubborn, when I put my mind to something, it gets done.

                              3. What’s your favorite meal of the day, and why?
                              Any time which involves eating food is ok with me.

                              4. Would you rather be exceptionally smart or exceptionally good-looking?
                              I’ll stick with smart, I like me the way I am.

                              5. How would you describe your underwear drawer?

                              6.Where would you like to go on vacation, if you can choose anywhere?
                              Australia and Alaska

                              7. Are you an early-riser or a sleeper-inner?
                              Stay up late and sleep in.

                              8. What do you do when you can't access iMSN?
                              Try over and over till it reappears.

                              9. What was your favorite class? (High school/college/vo-tech/community center, etc.)
                              Any of the psych courses, abnormal was probably the most interesting.

                              10. How would you rather travel, RV or plane?
                              RV. Flying kinda scares me.

                              11.How many times have you moved in your lifetime?
                              At least 11, probably more.

                              12. What countries have you been to?
                              USA, Canada, China, and The Dominican Republic
                              13. How many presidential elections have you voted in?
                              One so far

                              14.What was your favorite band when you were in college (undergrad)?
                              Jewel, she’s still my fav if you were wondering.

                              15. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
                              15 or 16ish.

                              16. Crunchy salty snack foods or sweet mushy snack foods?
                              Crunch salty but sweet mushy is a close second.

                              17. Mac or PC?

                              18. perfect 'date night' with your spouse?
                              Nice dinner, movie, and a game (where I win!)

                              19. Favorite personal indulgence?

                              20. Leno or Letterman?
                              Neither, Conan is my man!

                              21. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?
                              A hair dresser

                              22. If you could live anywhere in 10 years where would that be?
                              New England

                              23. Childhood pet's name?
                              Bear and Genny. Two German Shepards

                              24. Current pet's name?
                              Skittles the guinea pig at home and Fishy and Starfish (fish), Crab (hermit crab), Ginger and Cocoa (rats) at work.

                              25. One experience you'd love to live again?
                              Climbing the Great Wall

                              26. Do you prefer cats or dogs?

                              27. How many times were you in love before you met your spouse/SO?
                              Well twice I thought but it was unrequited so who really knows.

                              28. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
                              Beach, but I do love the mountains too.

                              29. How many children would be the ideal number for you to have?
                              Hopefully around four.

                              30. How did you meet your spouse/SO?
                              We worked at Star Market (a grocery store) together.

                              31. What career most interests you BESIDES what you do now?
                              I wish I knew, then I’d know what to do with my life when I get burned out with teaching.

                              32. Favorite Novel?
                              I love books so this is hard but right now, Harry Potter.

                              33. Name a charitable cause you would give boatloads of money to if you had Gate's billions.
                     a charity dedicated to eradicating poverty through out the world

                              34. When you watch "Braveheart" do you think the peasant girl (Maren) or the Princess (??) is more attractive?
                              Don’t remember

                              35. Current celebrity crush.
                              LL Cool J is my man

                              36. Favorite City in the US:

                              37. What's the craziest thing you have ever done:
                              Up and moved to China for a year.

                              38. What actor/actress would you like to play you in a made for TV movie?
                              Drew Barrymore hands down

                              39. Favorite style cuisine:
                              Chinese, not the fast food crappy kind though.

                              40. Flip flops or heels/men's dress shoes:
                              FLIP FLOPS RULE!

                              41. Who on IMSN do you relate to the most?
                              DCJenn, but maybe because she’s the only one I’ve met in person and we’ve lived in the same city???

                              42. Do you see your self as wanderlust or homebound?

                              43. What style do you think describes your home, country, beach, traditional, modern?
                              Tiny apartment.

                              44. If you had to wear one pair of pants/shorts all year what would it be made of: sweats, jeans, khakis, or nylon?
                              I would normally wear jeans but if I had to wear them for a whole year I’d pick sweats because they’d be most comfortable.

                              45. If you had to wear one pair of shoes all year what would it be: Birk sandals, athletic tennis shoes, Simple/Chuck styled tennis shoes, platforms, kitty heels, stilettos?

                              46. Tattoo or no tattoo?
                              Nope. I want one though.

                              47. What's your favorite meal to cook?

                              48. Were you ever Prom/Homecoming Queen/King or a Homecoming princess/prince?
                              Ha ha not even close. Band geek!

                              49. American Pie or 40 year old virgin?
                              Didn’t see both.

                              50. The first name of your HS crush (real life or celebrity)?

                              51. What is your biggest regret?
                              That I don’t speak up for myself enough

                              52. What do you wish for when you toss a penny into a fountain?
                              Depends on the day.

                              53. Where were you in birth-order (oldest, youngest, ...)?

                              54. Pink, blue, or yellow packets?

                              55. Which religion do you most identify with?

                              51. Coke or Pepsi?
                              Diet Coke.

                              52. Red or Blue?

                              53. Hot or cold weather?
                              Cold. I HATE being too hot.

                              54. What has been your best experience throughout training?
                              Not there yet.

                              55. Hershey chocolate or Nestle?
                              Don’t care as long as it’s dark.

                              56. What's your favorite movie?
                              Love Actually

                              57. What was your first car?
                              Chevy S-10

                              58.How did your SO propose or did you propose?
                              On the Great Wall of China when he came to visit me there.

                              59. What's your biggest fear?
                              Deep water and being stranded in it.

                              60. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?

                              61. What famous person do you admire the most?
                              I like the Dixie Chicks. Way to stick to your guns.

                              62. Do you play sports? Which ones?

                              63. Do you buy things off ebay?

                              64. Are you a risk taker?
                              65. Do you speak any foreign languages?
                              I know a little Chinese

                              66. What color shirt are you wearing?
                              Pink w/ brown stripes.

                              67. What's your favorite TV show?
                              American Idol and Heros.

                              68. Best kind of ice cream?
                              Big Dig. Basically anything Vanilla w/ stuff mixed in.

                              69. One thing you're really looking forward to right now?
                              Going home for Christmas.

                              70. Do you read a newspaper? Which one?

                              71. Have you turned out to be the kind of parent you thought you would?
                              Don’t have kids yet.

                              72. Are you a good money manager?

                              73. Do you have lots of friends? Or one good friend?
                              Several good friends.

                              74. Baking from scratch or mixes?
                              Mostly scratch.

                              75. How would your oldest friend describe you?
                              As a goof who is kinda spacey but she loves me anyway.

                              76. Are you superstitious?

                              77. Do you prefer to be in the pool or in a lounge chair?
                              In the pool.

                              78. What song could describe your life right now?
                              Can’t think of one.

                              79. Which superhuman trait would you rather have....ability to fly or ability to be invisible?

                              80. Do you prefer email or phone calls?
                              Usually email.

                              81. Which states have you lived in?
                              RI, MA, VA

                              82. How many computers do you have?
                              2 in the house.

                              83. Describe a ritual you have (annual/monthly/weekly, daily)?
                              I can’t think of any rituals.

                              84. What do you miss about the place you lived before this one?
                              My Friends and family.

                              85. Would you rather visit the Great Wall of China, or the Pyramids in Egypt?
                              Already went to China so… Egypt!

                              86. What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?
                              Ostrich or Eel.

                              87. Do you play a musical instrument?
                              Used to play the flute.

                              88. Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict?
                              Usually avoid it, unless it’s DH 

                              89. Right or left-handed? right handed

                              90. What was the last movie in a theater you watched?
                              The Bourne Ultimatum and it was Awesome!

                              91. What is your favorite season?

                              92. What is your favorite holiday?
                              Fourth of July.

                              93. What is your haircolor?
                              Brownish blondish.

                              94. What should you be doing instead of taking this quiz?

                              95. What is something that is coming up that you are dreading?
                              Switching classrooms at school.

                              96. do you think these questions mean anything?
                              That you all have too much time on your hands! 

                              97. could you answer these about your spouse?

                              98. what did you last cry about?
                              The wedding stress.

                              99. last video game you played?
                              Mystic Quest.

                              100. do you think it is fair Kris only answered 5 questions?
                              Not at All!

                              101. Name a big pet peeve you have.
                              People who talk like they know stuff about topics they actually don’t know about. Or who say stuff just to have something to say.

                              102. How many days a week do you exercise?
                              HA HA. I walk to work that ‘s about it.

                              103. How many times have you had surgery?
                              Just my tonsils out.

                              104. If the election came down to Clinton or Guliani, who would you vote for? Clinton! (Either of them!)

                              105. Are you currently living in the place you consider home? No

                              106. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two.

                              107. Do you know how to french braid hair? Yes.

                              108. What is your favorite type of movie? Action

                              109. What color eyes do you have? Blue

                              110. What is your favorite piece of clothing? My jeans I picked up for 7 bucks at the consignment shop!


                              • #30
                                I think as the person who started the thread, Kris should have to answer all the questions!

