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5 Get to Know You Questions

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  • #31
    Okay, so there is no way anyone is actually going to read all of this, but I'm bored so I'm going to answer them all anyway.

    1. What was your favorite game as a child?
    Dress Up

    2. What’s the best thing about being you?
    My creativity, enthusiasm, and willingness to try new things.

    3. What’s your favorite meal of the day, and why?
    Dinner - can be casual or formal, large or small, but always tasty and best shared with good company.

    4. Would you rather be exceptionally smart or exceptionally good-looking?
    While this is a very difficult choice, I'm gonna have to go with smart. But if I'm totally honest, I can't type that without wincing a little bit.

    5. How would you describe your underwear drawer?
    Messy, but pretty hot.

    6.Where would you like to go on vacation, if you can choose anywhere?
    Africa, England, Wales, Italy (again), Chile, Croatia.

    7. Are you an early-riser or a sleeper-inner?
    Stay up late and sleep in.

    8. What do you do when you can't access iMSN?
    Photography sites.

    9. What was your favorite class? (High school/college/vo-tech/community center, etc.)
    I loved all my English and Art classes.

    10. How would you rather travel, RV or plane?
    Plane. I get too claustrophobic to go more than a couple hours with other people in an RV.

    11.How many times have you moved in your lifetime?
    Somewhere around 18.

    12. What countries have you been to?
    Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, Caymans, Dominican Republic (in September), Italy, France, Germany, Greece, Yugoslavia (when it existed.)

    13. How many presidential elections have you voted in?

    14.What was your favorite band when you were in college (undergrad)?

    15. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

    16. Crunchy salty snack foods or sweet mushy snack foods?
    Neither sound that good. I don't snack much.

    17. Mac or PC?

    18. perfect 'date night' with your spouse?
    I'd relive one of my favorites - he surprised me with a full picnic basket filled with champagne, wine, fruit, and tons of meditteranean foods we love. He took me to the river, it started raining, and we ate under the canvas covering of a random boat in candlelight while it poured all around us. (Yep, it WAS that romantic and amazing!)

    19. Favorite personal indulgence?
    Shoes or alcohol. It might be a tie.

    20. Leno or Letterman?
    I've met Leno so I'll go with him.

    21. What did you want to be when you grew up as a child?
    A vet or a marine biologist.

    22. If you could live anywhere in 10 years where would that be?


    23. Childhood pet's name?
    Stu, Spirit, Bailey, Kitty, Lulu, Jewel, Melusine, etc etc... I had lots obviously.

    24. Current pet's name?
    Paris and Chachi.

    25. One experience you'd love to live again?
    Tearing down the Berlin Wall, hiking the cliffs along the Med in Italy and Greece, or modeling in a fashion show.

    26. Do you prefer cats or dogs?

    27. How many times were you in love before you met your spouse/SO?

    28. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
    Beach, preferably with mountains along the shoreline.

    29. How many children would be the ideal number for you to have?
    3-5, with hired help.

    30. How did you meet your spouse/SO?
    I dated his best friend in college.

    31. What career most interests you BESIDES what you do now?
    Photography, so that's what I'm working on.

    32. Favorite Novel?
    To Kill a Mockingbird.

    33. Name a charitable cause you would give boatloads of money to if you had Gate's billions.
    I'd start my own, honestly. The majority would go to fighting AIDS and poverty in Africa and throughout the world.

    34. When you watch "Braveheart" do you think the peasant girl (Maren) or the Princess (??) is more attractive?

    35. Current celebrity crush.
    Patrick Dempsey or Matt Damon or Angelina Jolie (yeah, I said it.)

    36. Favorite City in the US:

    37. What's the craziest thing you have ever done:
    Lost my job, had surgery, moved cities, found a new roommate and a new job, and celebrated my one year anniversary... in less than 7 days.

    38. What actor/actress would you like to play you in a made for TV movie?
    Zooey Deschanel - the likeness is CREEPY!

    39. Favorite style cuisine:

    40. Flip flops or heels/men's dress shoes:
    It's not fair to make me choose between Rainbows and heels. I love my shoes, so in order to not offend either of them, I'm gonna go with men's dress shoes.

    41. Who on IMSN do you relate to the most?

    42. Do you see your self as wanderlust or homebound?
    Wanderlust, WITHOUT A DOUBT.

    43. What style do you think describes your home, country, beach, traditional, modern?
    Well, my roommate (who owns this house) is EXTREMELY country, I'm modern and contemporary. Total clash.

    44. If you had to wear one pair of pants/shorts all year what would it be made of: sweats, jeans, khakis, or nylon?
    Jeans or linen pants. What the hell are nylon pants??

    45. If you had to wear one pair of shoes all year what would it be: Birk sandals, athletic tennis shoes, Simple/Chuck styled tennis shoes, platforms, kitty heels, stilettos?

    46. Tattoo or no tattoo?

    47. What's your favorite meal to cook?

    48. Were you ever Prom/Homecoming Queen/King or a Homecoming princess/prince?
    Cheerleading Captain and Valedictorian, but no Homecoming anything!

    49. American Pie or 40 year old virgin?
    40 YO Virgin

    50. The first name of your HS crush (real life or celebrity)?
    meh, they sucked.

    51. What is your biggest regret?
    Not following my dreams from the get-go.

    52. What do you wish for when you toss a penny into a fountain?
    To have fun.

    53. Where were you in birth-order (oldest, youngest, ...)?

    54. Pink, blue, or yellow packets?
    Packets of what? What am I missing here?

    55. Which religion do you most identify with?

    51. Coke or Pepsi?
    Coke. I don't touch that "other stuff."

    52. Red or Blue?

    53. Hot or cold weather?
    Hot. But this heat wave is really making me question that.

    54. What has been your best experience throughout training?
    Uh... NOT dating a med student. How much does that suck?

    55. Hershey chocolate or Nestle?
    Neither. I prefer something not made in America. (I know, I'm a total snot.)

    56. What's your favorite movie?
    Office Space

    57. What was your first car?
    Ford Tempo - uuugh.

    58.How did your SO propose or did you propose?
    In my dreams...haha.

    59. What's your biggest fear?
    Bad things happening to those I love.

    60. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?

    61. What famous person do you admire the most?
    Angelina Jolie - gorgeous, philanthropic, and adopted kids. She rocks my world.

    62. Do you play sports? Which ones?
    Used to play soccer and cheered.

    63. Do you buy things off ebay?

    64. Are you a risk taker?

    65. Do you speak any foreign languages?
    I know a little Spanish.

    66. What color shirt are you wearing?
    I'm not wearing a shirt. Woohoo! (I'm wearing a white sports bra. It's 105 degrees here with 100% humidity!! haha)

    67. What's your favorite TV show?

    68. Best kind of ice cream?

    69. One thing you're really looking forward to right now?
    Getting a nice camera.

    70. Do you read a newspaper? Which one?
    No. I check every couple days.

    71. Have you turned out to be the kind of parent you thought you would?
    Don’t have kids yet.

    72. Are you a good money manager?
    I'm learning.

    73. Do you have lots of friends? Or one good friend?
    Several good friends.

    74. Baking from scratch or mixes?
    Mostly scratch.

    75. How would your oldest friend describe you?
    The smartest ditz she knows.

    76. Are you superstitious?
    Yes, but only about certain things, and even then, not really.

    77. Do you prefer to be in the pool or in a lounge chair?
    In the pool.

    78. What song could describe your life right now?
    Uh...something about believing in yourself, following your dreams, and welcoming changes.

    79. Which superhuman trait would you rather have....ability to fly or ability to be invisible?

    80. Do you prefer email or phone calls?
    Usually email.

    81. Which states have you lived in?
    CA and VA

    82. How many computers do you have?

    83. Describe a ritual you have (annual/monthly/weekly, daily)?
    Annually - I throw myself a big birthday party. Monthly, I binge eat and break out and gain an extra 5 lbs in bloating weight. Weekly, I clean my bedroom and bathroom. Daily, I try to promise myself to be the best me I can.

    84. What do you miss about the place you lived before this one?
    EVERYTHING. I want to go back to Charlottesville.

    85. Would you rather visit the Great Wall of China, or the Pyramids in Egypt?

    86. What is the strangest food you have ever eaten?
    I eat eel fairly regularly but I guess it could be considered strange.

    87. Do you play a musical instrument?
    Not anymore. Used to lay a little piano and guitar.

    88. Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict?
    Hash it out.

    89. Right or left-handed? right handed

    90. What was the last movie in a theater you watched?
    The Bourne Ultimatum and it rocked!

    91. What is your favorite season?

    92. What is your favorite holiday?
    Halloween!!!! (tied with Christmas though. )

    93. What is your haircolor?

    94. What should you be doing instead of taking this quiz?
    Anything on my mile long to-do list.

    95. What is something that is coming up that you are dreading?
    Working tomorrow?

    96. do you think these questions mean anything?
    That you all have too much time on your hands! 

    97. could you answer these about your spouse?

    98. what did you last cry about?
    I was overcome with emotion when I saw that my friends have already started "chipping in" for my new camera (see blog for details!).

    99. last video game you played?

    100. do you think it is fair Kris only answered 5 questions?
    Yep, she's got brains!

    101. Name a big pet peeve you have.
    Stupidity and bad grammar.

    102. How many days a week do you exercise?
    HA HA. I'm working on it!!

    103. How many times have you had surgery?

    104. If the election came down to Clinton or Guliani, who would you vote for? Guiliani.

    105. Are you currently living in the place you consider home? No

    106. How many pillows do you sleep with? 4.

    107. Do you know how to french braid hair? no.

    108. What is your favorite type of movie? drama or comedy

    109. What color eyes do you have? Blue/Green/Gray (they change!)

    110. What is your favorite piece of clothing? Just one?????? Obviously, you don't me that well! haha

    111. What color is your wallet? Orange!

    112. What are you passionate about? Photography and literature.

    113. Who is your idol? My dad.

    114. What is the best gift you ever received? My easel. It is NICE!

    115. Target or WalMart? Target!!!

