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When did you figure out that you have been married...

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  • #16
    We just passed 8 years. I would say that it feels like we are getting to be an old couple b/c we have been together for over 10 years, and we are only in our early 30s, so that's a big chunck of our lives....

    But it probably hit me that we were married for a long time when we moved for med school. Then we were completely on our own, and had to sort of entertain ourselves and our kids instead of mommy doing all that for me!

    (So, I guess that I figured out that we'd been married a long time when I had to make Thanksgiving dinner, plan birthday parties, celebrate birthdays, keep in contact with family, and basically act like an adult....)

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


    • #17
      Ours was probably when we moved for residency, we had been married for two years at that point but we very much lived liked students in our old cars and our rented cottage, still living off of DH's funds and not really having true responsibility.

      When we moved for residency we all of a sudden had car payments and a house payment and got a dog and were 6-8 hours from our friends and family. I think adding a child to the mix has only heightened that realization and everything that we've been through to get to this point has only made our relationship stronger.
      Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


      • #18
        For me it was 2 weeks after our wedding, when we moved into our new town to begin med school. My MIL called and asked for Mrs. "X" and totally caught me off guard because I immediately thought she was referring to herself. She still loves to tell that story about me.
        Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


        • #19
          Originally posted by pinkpickles
          I really don't feel like I have been married a long if the question was:
          When did you figure out that you have been married...too long?
          I'd say : "a few times a week "(tongue-in-cheek of course) or maybe not
          When you ask your groom of 13years..."Do you need to potty before bed?" This Mom thing can get all-emcompassing!


          • #20
            Well, our first child was born just a couple of weeks before our 1st anniversary.

            I guess it would have been when we joined the Home & School Association at our kids' school. Heck, I even spent a year on the H&S Assoc board as the head of communications! LOL

            We celebrated 10 years on July 4th. Well, I had pizza with the kids since hubby was working the peds ER that night.
            Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy

