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Oy! The heat!

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  • Oy! The heat!

    98, 99, 98, 102 .... with what is listed as 40% humidity ... but that seems awfully low to me. The thermometer in my car actually said 109 the other day!

    I'm schfitzing like crazy when I just let the dog out, and refuse to leave my house!

  • #2
    When the temps get that high, the percent humidity is going to naturally be lower. The thing to look at is the dew point, the higher it, is the more humid it is. If it is in the 70s, it probably feels pretty darn awful out there. Being the geek I am, I just looked up Kansas City and it said the dew point was 71 there. I do not miss those days from Omaha at all. Of course now I have to deal with the desert. It's only 110 here right now. Blech.


    • #3
      I am a lover of temperate weather. Also stated, I am a huge weather weinie. Too hot or too cold and I want to go into hermit mode.

      That sounds hot, Jenn. When we were packing up MILs house in Wisconsin last June, the temps were in the mid-90s and I know the humidity was high. The a/c was faltering but inside was still much better. I concluded that I would have been selected out of that climate in the pre-a/c days.

      The last time I was in Phoenix was for the last two weeks of August. O...M...G. My grandparents lived there for a while and it was great to be there during the winter though!


      • #4
        100+ all last week. so not in a good mood cause of it. thankfully we have a large clean basement. i sent the kids down there with their bikes and chalk. around 6pm i would let them ouside for a couple hrs...*gasp* past the official bedtime.

        im a firm believer in kicking the babes outside everyday...just not in the discusting heat!!!
        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


        • #5
          Yeah, this weather sucks and it is supposed to continue until thurday. Fun.


          • #6
            We need some rain!


            • #7

              hehe...that's my new favorite word


              • #8
                My parents left this morning to go home, we were in the 80's the entire time they were here - very pleasant. They're headed home to triple digits, my mom didn't want to leave. I told them they could stay and/or move here.
                Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by AtTheBeach

                  hehe...that's my new favorite word
                  you know I love my Yiddish. Stick with me kid, I'll teach you the lingo for your new neck of the woods.


                  • #10
                    I hear ya...
                    You know it is hot when you go outside to do, well, pretty much anything (like get the mail- that long walk of 50 feet to the mailbox) and when you walk back into the house it feels cold. The A/C is set at 80.

                    It has been 95's with 70+ humidity, 78+ dew point with heat indexes into the 110+ range. As much as I miss the football days- I feel for the local kids out in it now. We have had at least one player a day (one day there were five) taken off the practice fields because of is hot.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Genivieve
                      Originally posted by AtTheBeach

                      hehe...that's my new favorite word
                      you know I love my Yiddish. Stick with me kid, I'll teach you the lingo for your new neck of the woods.

                      I'm a schfitzing shiksa! (the only 2 Yiddish words I know! - thanks to Genivieve and Seinfeld)


                      • #12
                        Today is the first warm day we have had in a while. I think it is around 85 degrees. I don't miss the week or so of high 90s that we get in August but I don't feel like we have really had summer.

                        Yet...I am noticing some slight color change in the leaves and ready for fall. Sort of.

                        I'm conflicted.


                        • #13
                          We were at 94 here today. Not bad. Last weekend, the kids and I went to an outside mall not far from here. Our feet got flip flop tans while we were walking from store to store.

                          Think we may hit the zoo this weekend! I don't mind the heat. Luckily, since we're in north Texas.
                          Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                          • #14
                            Its still hot. My new grass in my new house is dead. It was almost dead when we bought it. Now its really dead dead. I need a cooling off period. Its been 90+ for over 2 weeks. I hate summer. We need like a good week of rain here, but I am allergic to mold, so I have to get advance notice and prepare for sinus hell myself.

                            I love the fall, and can't wait for the changing of the trees!


                            • #15
                              cassy we had that thunder and awesome lightning here too. it was so cool. i love lightning storms! it was 110 yesterday...and stupid me decided to mow the lawn. i was not feeling so special after i was done. opressive heat/humidity! YUCK!!!

                              anyhow...anyone in the leaf changing states notice the leaves changing already?? whats up with that? (i dont mind, really...fall is my FAVORITE time of year..its just early!) bring on the cooler weather!!!
                              ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

