Yep, I noticed a couple of trees with leaves changing in my neck of the woods, too. Maybe the trees decided to just give up after a miserable, too hot summer. :huh:
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Oy! The heat!
It was hot here yesterday...when is it not...anyway we watched a dust storm blow in. I let the kiddos stand on the ledge of our garden tub in the master bedroom (upstairs). It's in the corner and ther are two large picture windows that form part of the corner, so it is ideal for watching storms. Anyway there was a sever thunderstorm warinng out , but all we got was the big cloud of dust before hand!
Originally posted by rainbabies100+ all last week. so not in a good mood cause of it. thankfully we have a large clean basement. i sent the kids down there with their bikes and chalk. around 6pm i would let them ouside for a couple hrs...*gasp* past the official bedtime.
im a firm believer in kicking the babes outside everyday...just not in the discusting heat!!!
Originally posted by *Lily*Heidi, I bet you know more and don't know it -
schlep, kvetch, megillah, schmuck, schmaltz, nosh, maven = all Yiddish words in pretty regular usage in our household.
I have to say it's nice to live in a place where people don't bat an eye if I say I just want a nosh.
I may need a translator...
Holy moly. I'm pretty sure we just had a tornado go through Chicago. It's been so hot and humid (and rainy) these past few days, and on my way home from work, there were power lines on the streets, trees split in half, and branches ev-er-y-where.There's a huge storm going on outside right now.
I will never miss the summer's here....married to an anesthesia attending
Originally posted by AtTheBeachOur power bill last month was $301....and I used to complain about it being over $150 in Nashville.
It's been 97 - 102 in KC for the past 3 weeks. I can take no more.
I feel so bad. We got to 100 here today-first day of school and our old Elementary school has no AC in the main building where my 1st grader has class. They have fans but that does little good. My 4th grader is in a modular outside the main building and is cool as a cucumber. My little one was melted by the time I picked them up.
The new school is scheduled to open in February. What do you want to bet that the heaters won't work?
Originally posted by trisha2486I feel so bad. We got to 100 here today-first day of school and our old Elementary school has no AC in the main building where my 1st grader has class. They have fans but that does little good. My 4th grader is in a modular outside the main building and is cool as a cucumber. My little one was melted by the time I picked them up.
The new school is scheduled to open in February. What do you want to bet that the heaters won't work?