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What's your least favorite chore?

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  • #16
    My least favorite chore...where to begin?

    cleaning any part of the bathroom, but especially the toilet and the tub - even WITH my Mr. Clean extendable and disposable bath cleaner

    laundry (my washer/dryer are 2 & 3 floors below the bedrooms - never again!), especially FOLDING or ironing it, that is a grade A chore

    I can understand the unloading the dishwasher thing - I don't care for that either. Luckily, my DS is masterful at it.

    On the other hand, I love, love, love vacuuming! I love it so much, I would even come over and vacuum your (collective your) house. I can't explain why. It is so satisfying and FUN. It's even better when the dog is frantically nipping at the vacuum while I'm working. I know, strange but funny. Even my kids love to vacuum, so there's obviously a genetic factor here.


    • #17
      Hmmm, ironing underwear....that's certainly never occured to me!


      • #18
        Nobody in this house irons clothes. I'd prefer to wear wrinkled shirts, and DW has refused to iron anything since her teenage years when her mother would force her to iron everybody's underwear.

        My Mum irons everything...underwear, t-shirts, towels?! She could not believe we didnt even have an iron for about the first 5 years of marriage. Maybe that is why I hate it so much!


        • #19
          Originally posted by fluffhead
          And I hate folding fitted sheets - they always come out looking like a three year old did it.

          Same thing happens to me! I just end up wadding it up as best I can.
          Wife to a urologist; Mom to 2 wonderful kiddos


          • #20
            It would have to be cleaning the bathrooms, but I am not a big fan of any of it, tbh. Vacuuming is the least heinous. I did that today, and dusted, and did our laundry. I really enjoy straightening up and putting stuff away, but actual *cleaning* is much less exciting.

            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


            • #21
              Cleaning the toilets is punishment for me. I sounded to bitter so I'll just edit to say I don't think this should be my job since I am the least offender.


              • #22
                Originally posted by AtTheBeach
                laundry (my washer/dryer are 2 & 3 floors below the bedrooms - never again!)
                How did you manage to get a house in this area *without* a laundry chute?! Every single one we looked at had one. I love love love our laundry chute.

                Originally posted by AtTheBeach
                On the other hand, I love, love, love vacuuming! I love it so much, I would even come over and vacuum your (collective your) house. I can't explain why. It is so satisfying and FUN. It's even better when the dog is frantically nipping at the vacuum while I'm working. I know, strange but funny. Even my kids love to vacuum, so there's obviously a genetic factor here.
                That's....strange. But I'd be happy to take you up on it, if it didn't mean letting you see what a state I let the floors get in before I clean them. Although...does that just apply to using an actual vaccuum, or does that extend to other floorcleaning? We have no carpet, but plenty of hardwood and four cats that shed whole rabbits of fur.

                I think cleaning the litter boxes is my least favorite chore. :P
                Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                • #23

                  I forgot about the dreaded litter box! That's up there with cleaning the bathroom. My brother has the automatic litter box and raves about it. Maybe that's DH's anniversary present.

                  To expand on my vacuum fixation- I have 2. One is for the carpets upstairs and in the basement, the other is for the hardwoods and tile on the first floor. I love both equally. And yes, I could clean yours, the dirtier the better!

                  BTW, I have often wondered why we don't have laundry chute. Every house we looked at had one except this one. I think the previous owners that "gutted" the house and remodeled it did away with the chute.


                  • #24
                    Love our laundry chute too. But here you can only get them in older houses - it's against code now, because it's a conduit for a fire to spread quickly from the basement to the upper floor.
                    Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                    Let's go Mets!


                    • #25
                      I hate doing the dishes. This used to be primarily DH's chore (he really gets into it with the yellow rubber gloves and all). Now that residency has started I don't think he has done them once. Although, there have been less dirty dishes since he is never home....


                      • #26
                        The people who redid the house put the w/d IN the master closet. Let me tell you, it's the greatest thing EVER.

                        The master closet is between our bedroom and our bathroom. It's as easy to fling the dirty towels in as is to fling the dirty clothes.

                        LOVE it.


                        (of course I have essentially a one-story house w/ a loft and no basement. There are few options with those parameters.)


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by fluffhead
                          Love our laundry chute too. But here you can only get them in older houses - it's against code now, because it's a conduit for a fire to spread quickly from the basement to the upper floor.
                          I read this and thought "ah...that makes perfect sense"....and then I remembered that just about 5 years ago a coworker of mine added on a bunch to their house, and one of the things they did was build in a laundry chute. This was in rural Oregon, though; maybe it's not against code there?

                          And Heidi, if you really do enjoy cleaning cat hair off hardwood, feel *free*. We've got plenty. Just name the time.
                          Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                          • #28
                            I hate cleaning the floors. Every weekend until I was 20 I cleaned my mom's house-- vacuuming, dusting (furniture, fixtures, and trinkets), bathrooms, and scrubbing all the floors on my hands and knees with a scrubby and a bucket. I would come home from college every weekend and before going to work I would clean the house. I hate hate scrubbing the floors.

                            DH picks up dog poop and takes out the trash (most of the time, if he isn't here I reluctantly do it, the trash not the poop). I hate poop and trash too. And I hate ironing but I have come to terms with ironing DH's shirts and pants. Can't wait til we can afford weekly dry cleaning. My MIL irons everything. It is great when she visits because she doesn't cook at all (DH favorite restaurant is Del Taco and he grew up having a tab with Pizza Hut) but she'll clean the heck out of your house and iron your clothes.

                            So if you come to my house, it is usually pretty clean but don't look at my floors. They have gone months without a single scrub before.


                            • #29
                              I don't pick up dog poop. That is squarely DH's job. I watch from my front windows and laugh at the people who walk by with their dogs and a plastic bag of warm dog poop. Not gonna happen here. No can do.


                              • #30
                                I hate doing the bathrooms! Ick! I haven't cleaned the bathrooms since DH and I got engaged. Or maybe since we started dating. I think he used to come over to my house and clean the bathroom when we were dating in exchange for dinner.

                                I love doing laundry though. I have to fold it as the clothes come out of the dryer and then put it away as soon as all of the clothes are folded. I can't stand clean laundry sitting around in laundry baskets (folded or not).
                                Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.

