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What's your least favorite chore?

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  • #46
    I'm an ironing hater too. Hate it!!!!! I pretty much don't iron anything unless it absolutely has to be worn and it has to be ironed.
    Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


    • #47
      bathrooms. I can pretty much handle everything else w/o too much frustration. Kaboom has helped w/the toilet issues - it's the first of the "clean for months" cleaners that REALLY does it b/c it gets hooked into the water line so it cleans under the rim too. It's around/behind the toilet, the sinks, shower and tub that kill me.


      • #48
        Originally posted by v-girl
        I hate to fold clothes (therefore our loveseat holds a huge pile of clean laundry that is moved to my bed whenever someone comes over). I also don't like doing dishes. Or mopping. Or ironing. Or cleaning the bathrooms.
        Everything she said


        • #49
          Right now, cleaning up after vomiting (small) kids with yucky poops. I've probably done more laundry in the past 2 days than I would normally do in a month. Our carpet stinks and we have an infant crawling all over the place. I'm thinking of buying a steam cleaner later after DH comes home.


          • #50
            Originally posted by melfitz
            Right now, cleaning up after vomiting (small) kids with yucky poops. I've probably done more laundry in the past 2 days than I would normally do in a month. Our carpet stinks and we have an infant crawling all over the place. I'm thinking of buying a steam cleaner later after DH comes home.
            Those days always put things in perspective...

            Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


            • #51
              Cleaning the bathroom is not my favorite BUT I would prefer that than to pay bills/sort through the mail (file stuff away, etc.). I do most things online but the amount of paper that comes in to our house is overwhelming to me. So, sorting/filing the gobs of paper is my least favorite chore.
              Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


              • #52
                haven't ironed in 8 years, so I guess that's probably near the top of the list. But right now I hate bathrooms. And I keep trying to wait until DH finally decides to clean the toilet but my tolerance for grossness will never allow me to wait that long.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Pollyanna
                  I'm sorry that school started and the kids aren't home to help with the laundry and vacuuming. Our house looked really good this summer.
                  You must be incredibly organized then! I can not say that our house looked good this summer, and my excuse was that all the kids were home!

                  Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                  • #54
                    I'd put bathrooms at the top of my list if I had to choose a chore, I just love a sparkling bathroom and kitchen.
                    I hate the vacuuming especially since DF has come home and has put extra free standing shelves and a desk in our bedroom that I have to manover around. I also hate folding scrubs and white t shirts for DF so as of 3 days ago I stopped, have left his laundry on top of the dryer for him to collect, surprise surprise its still there and the other half of his clean laundry that I did fold and left sittin on the bed for him to put away is now on the floor on his side, I should add he was off work last week on vacation!!


                    • #55
                      It *seems* to me that the most unpopular chore is IRONING. I myself despise ironing. I have the ironing board out, and have for days. I have been staring at it, wondering which of us will blink first. My only chance at being saved from this hell???? A garment steam cleaner! I AM DESPERATE for one of those. And if you invest a bit more, you can get one that does floors and counters too, not just clothes. That means you can SANITIZE

                      Did I mention I hate germs?

                      My soon to be MIL is a nurse practitioner, and cleans like I have never seen anyone clean. She LOVES it. And sanitizes everything. One of her presents to us for our first house was a complete cleaning fest. She cleaned this house top to bottom...took her 3 days. She had a blast, and got off what she says was probably 5 years of gunk. I hate cleaning. This is a good setup for me :stars:


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Mrs. McPads
                        My soon to be MIL is a nurse practitioner, and cleans like I have never seen anyone clean. She LOVES it. And sanitizes everything. One of her presents to us for our first house was a complete cleaning fest. She cleaned this house top to bottom...took her 3 days. She had a blast, and got off what she says was probably 5 years of gunk. I hate cleaning. This is a good setup for me :stars:
                        How nice of her! My MIL just left this morning, and I am making DH clean the bathroom tonight. I flat out refuse to clean her poo off my toilet! Gag! So, for now, I am using the bathroom in the basement.

                        My least favorite chore is laundry. While I like to smell clean laundry, I hate sorting it, remembering to transfer it from the washer to the dryer before it gets all stinky again, folding it, putting it away, etc.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Mrs. McPads
                          It *seems* to me that the most unpopular chore is IRONING. I myself despise ironing.
                          I don't mind ironing because I haven't done it in, I think, 8 years except for maybe ironing out some bedskirt or something.

                          DH is a great ironer, but he doesn't even bother.

                          (which is pretty sad since he's military.)

                          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

