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yay for Mayo residents/fellows!

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  • #16
    Re: yay for Mayo residents/fellows!

    That's what I hear. I think it has to do with the fact that if the "salary" is a stipend then the way the current regulation goes is ok. But then I know some grad programs have unionized successfully so I'm not sure if this has more to do with how the hospitals fund residents or specifics on the part of the agencies or what...? But I'm generally more for free markets and would support deregulation of residencies.


    • #17
      Re: yay for Mayo residents/fellows!

      Originally posted by planet
      I'll totally cut and run here...buuut, this ruling is the very argument used to prevent residents from organizing and demanding a living wage. I doubt it will come to pass, but if the option of education loan deferral is removed during residency, I see that path (breaking the regulatory hold on residency programs by defining residents as students) as the only way for some to be able to still become MDs. Won't have an impact on us and glad you got your money...just thought I'd mention.
      While we were happy to have the extra $$, there are some downsides to this, I think. The money earned might not count toward social security and I wonder if (??) that could affect the availability of SS disability. Worst case scenario, you don't have SS credits and have some horrible accident on the second to last day of residency and are rendered disabled. Can you get SS disability?

      Also, this saves the programs/GME some money. Just like residents get some back, the programs don't have to pay in for the FICA either. This is the one where the employee and employer both pay in around 6% right? And if residents get more take home pay, the salary stretches further and can be kept lower.

      I'd still be happy about the check though.


      • #18
        Re: yay for Mayo residents/fellows!

        Hey gang - DH got another letter today saying they're filing a new claim for 2nd quarter '05 through '07. The claim forms are due back by 12/15.

        If you don't get one and were a fellow or resident here during that time you should contact

        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

