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awkward social situation #4132

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  • #16
    Re: awkward social situation #4132

    Sometimes people just suck!
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #17
      Re: awkward social situation #4132

      Double Ugh. I am not so good at small talk. I'm more of a "let's talk about something wide and sweeping!" which is definitely not mixer worthy. Add the awkwardness of Halloween costumes and I would have found a nice desert tray and glass of wine to to soothe myself.

      Oh yeah, I've seen you're picture too. You do know that you're beauty intimidates small and petty people. I think that is why Jenny McCarthy is so over the top. Sadly, she has to be to hang with the girls. I know that this is an awful truth that we as women don't like to admit, but it does exist.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #18
        Re: awkward social situation #4132

        Thank you everyone! I think I have to remember that it's not ME, but other people's poor manners. If someone talks down to me, it's nothing that I did, but it's that person's ignorance.

        I feel lots better.

        Guana and Guyana. I'll remember that for the next quiz.


        • #19
          Re: awkward social situation #4132

          I just wanted to add this........ I totally know how you feel! For over a year I worked at DH's medical school in a part time lower level clerk type position. Just to keep me busy.

          Everyone knew I was a spouse of a student. I got to know many many students and every few days there would be some jerk that felt the need to talk to me the exact way your describing! Most people were super nice but there are those few bad apples.
          Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
          "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


          • #20
            Re: awkward social situation #4132

            Yeah, that's cool. Appreciate your opinion on the matter.

            It is most definitely a possibility that they were completely harmless and my own insecurity is causing me to misinterpret the whole situation.

            It's not a huge deal, I wasn't directly slammed. I just hate really awkward, forced situations... and in a room of people I don't know, wearing a not so demure costume (it WAS Halloween though ), and making chit-chat with two strangers who I felt turned the convo to exclude me...well...that bugged me a little.

            In all honesty, I know how women are. There are women out there that go for the taken guys, the married men, the boyfriends. They just don't give a shi*. And I know this. Not saying that those two were like that (because then the claws would COME OUT)... but it just makes me feel like I need to make sure my SO knows what he's got. So that annoys me in some situations, and when I'm excluded or feel that I'm being perceived as unintelligent and some other gal might have something on me, well, it irks me. So I guess that's what it's all about- because I'm well aware there are rude and bitchy people out there.

            SO never gives me a reason to feel insecure, and I don't bring this up to him because I don't want it to be an issue, but it happens, naturally.

            That's why I want to be the best that I can be, and that's all I can do. Be my best, not worry about other people, and trust my SO (which I do, 110%).

            Oh, and learn some geography.


            • #21
              Re: awkward social situation #4132

              So that annoys me in some situations, and when I'm excluded or feel that I'm being perceived as unintelligent and some other gal might have something on me, well, it irks me.
              You don't have to defend your place in your SO's life. It sounds like he is a great guy and you have a great relationship. Don't let the idea that someone else has something on you consume you, cause then it has power. Instead when peaved, just talk yourself up to yourself. BTW we all have gotten in this position one time or another where we fluff ourselves up to warn off idiots.

              But next time maybe wear something that you don't feel could make you look like a bimbo when you are not. Save it for a party with close friends.

              Happy Halloween


              • #22
                Re: awkward social situation #4132

                Originally posted by AtTheBeach
                Sounds to me like the green eyed monster came into play here. You're better off without 'em.
                My thought EXACTLY!

                Sweetie, you just looked a lot hotter.

                But, that being said, now that everyone knows you're a babe, I'd go conservative to the next MD function. No reason to rub it in anyone's face. They all smell like the OR or the path lab and wear ugly, figure-hiding scrubs or lab coats.


                • #23
                  Re: awkward social situation #4132

                  Originally posted by GrayMatterWife
                  I'd go conservative to the next MD function. No reason to rub it in anyone's face. They all smell like the OR or the path lab and wear ugly, figure-hiding scrubs or lab coats.

                  Haha. Well, I'd like to mention that typically I am conservative and I definitely keep it classy. It was Halloween, and the reason I felt like a hooker was because everyone at the party was wearing felt gameboard costumes and turtlenecks, while I wore a sequined black dress.

                  But points all well taken. Thanks ladies!


                  • #24
                    Re: awkward social situation #4132

                    I agree with Annie. Life is more fun when you just quit giving a damn about what others think. Not that I can always do this, but when it happens, look out.

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #25
                      Re: awkward social situation #4132


                      the reason I felt like a hooker was because everyone at the party was wearing felt gameboard costumes and turtlenecks, while I wore a sequined black dress.


                      I hate it when this happens!!! You think your being all cute and then everyone for some odd reason decides to dress like nuns or something!
                      Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                      "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                      • #26
                        Re: awkward social situation #4132

                        Originally posted by moonlight

                        the reason I felt like a hooker was because everyone at the party was wearing felt gameboard costumes and turtlenecks, while I wore a sequined black dress.

                        I hate it when this happens!!! You think your being all cute and then everyone for some odd reason decides to dress like nuns or something!
                        Oh, I knew I looked cute..err sorta. I was just out of place.

                        Sorry. Tooted my own horn.

                        You know, I'm so over this. I will wear what I want and be myself, which is nice, and gracious. It's such a trivial thing to worry about what some strangers think about me.

                        Right? Right.

