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Stolen Credit Card Number

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  • #16
    Re: Stolen Credit Card Number

    Update: after a payment of $4500 was made to our credit card and not by us, we called the cc company again. Fraudulent charges I've heard of, but not fraudulent payments. Whoever has been making fraudulent charges also made a payment. We also learned that someone called our cc company to say that we would be on vacation in Ontario, Canada from Sept. 23 through Oct. 2. All of the fraudulent charges were made in Ontario, Canada. Of course, we told the cc company that we have never been to Ontario, Canada. In my post above, I mentioned that I thought they were online charges, but I was mistaken. They were all out of Ontario.

    Since they were able to contact our cc company and give them information on our file, we are concerned that whoever has done this might have other private information. We are currently pulling our cc reports, but we can't find any unusual activity there. This sucks.
    Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


    • #17
      Re: Stolen Credit Card Number

      How bizarre! I'm sorry you're going through this, what a hassle. I hope things get resolved soon.

      -Wife of urology attending.
      -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


      • #18
        Re: Stolen Credit Card Number

        It sounds to me more like a mistake by the credit card company, did they issue someone else a card with the same numbers? Because in order to get to speak to a person about an account you have to have the full number, why in the world would someone pay a stolen card? I bet they have a card with the same account number and the CC company screwed up and its an honest mistake.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #19
          Re: Stolen Credit Card Number

          Originally posted by SuzySunshine
          It sounds to me more like a mistake by the credit card company, did they issue someone else a card with the same numbers? Because in order to get to speak to a person about an account you have to have the full number, why in the world would someone pay a stolen card? I bet they have a card with the same account number and the CC company screwed up and its an honest mistake.
          I hope this is all it is! I agree, the payment just doesn't make any sense.
          Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


          • #20
            Re: Stolen Credit Card Number

            Originally posted by JaneDoe
            Originally posted by SuzySunshine
            It sounds to me more like a mistake by the credit card company, did they issue someone else a card with the same numbers? Because in order to get to speak to a person about an account you have to have the full number, why in the world would someone pay a stolen card? I bet they have a card with the same account number and the CC company screwed up and its an honest mistake.
            I hope this is all it is! I agree, the payment just doesn't make any sense.
            That's a candidate for the Darwin Awards!
            I hope this all gets sorted out for you soon!
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #21
              Re: Stolen Credit Card Number

              I hope everything gets straightened out soon. What a headache!


              • #22
                Re: Stolen Credit Card Number

                Oh this is getting worse by the day. That payment that was made came out of our checking acount! :horror: We didn't make this payment. It was paid by phone and we have never made payments by phone. Worse, there is a $14.75 Capital One charge associated with making that payment.

                Now that we have reason to believe someone has our checking account information, we had to close our checking account and bank credit card. Those are the only forms of payment available to us. We only have two credit cards and one debit card, all closed. I'm just stressed. We don't even know how this person accessed our information.
                Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


                • #23
                  Re: Stolen Credit Card Number

                  very scary and very stressful! HUG
                  Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                  • #24
                    Re: Stolen Credit Card Number

                    Oh crap! That definitely leads to identity theft doesn't it, I'm so sorry.

                    There is nothing on your credit reports, really? Wow - I'm so sorry, I hope closing those two accounts is the end of it.

                    Big big hugs!
                    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                    • #25
                      Re: Stolen Credit Card Number

                      We have initiated a fraud alert with the credit reporting agencies, which should prevent any new accounts from being opened without first verifying with us. But, I don't think we will know for sure whether any new accounts have been created for at least a month. With the fraud alert, we can pull our credit reports again. We filed a police report with our local pd and the investigator told us to wait 30 days and then pull our credit report again. More waiting, I guess.
                      Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


                      • #26
                        Re: Stolen Credit Card Number

                        Oh no! That sounds really stressful.

