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anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

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  • anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

    My biggest worry about moving North is the cold. We lived in NY for a year and moved in large part because of the weather.

    Do you ever adjust to it?

    This morning I took my kids to school in a light sweater only. It is 55F. We store shoes and socks in the car and they go out to the car barefoot. Cold weather to us means a fleece, jeans and closed toed shoes.

    Everytime I look at the weather channel where we are moving is all pink. Someone else told me that the weather isnt so bad, the bad part is not seeing the sun for six months

    I think the town will be neat but the a native Floridian I just am in fear of it.
    Mom to three wild women.

  • #2
    Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

    Three words for you-
    Seasonal Affect Disorder

    If you are not used to it, the cold will suck your soul. The worst part is getting out with the kids, and all their cold weather accoutrements. DH leaves in pitch black, and comes home in pitch black. It has been too cold this winter for the kids to even get much time playing in the snow. Cabin fever has hit a new high for us this year.

    Ration all your vacation days for Jan-Apr, when you have just had all you can take the time away in the sun will be your lifeboat.

    I tip my hat to all midwesterners. They are a heartier breed than I, and I can't help but admire the way they just plow on through without complaint. They don't even do things to accommodate the cold weather- drive though convenience stores? NO. Valet anything? NO. And school is only canceled if there is no way even a tractor could get you to school. I just saw a friend out at the grocery store with her 2 week old baby. It is currently -2 windchill

    And go ahead and get snow removal service. It has been the best thing DH and I ever did for our marriage
    Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


    • #3
      Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

      We moved from a mild climate to a COLD -- four season climate.

      I think you DO adjust BUT the job had to be good, and the money had to be better so we could afford a house with SPACE. I cannot imagine living in a cold weather climate (if you are not used to it) with 2500 square feet. No thanks.

      I think if you have a good group of friends who take turns with inside playdates you CAN get used to it.

      In some places the sun is out in full force even if it's chilly which really does help. The only time it's overcast here is when it's snowing.

      So that's my two cents.

      DH barely works 50 hours a week here. Can I take the cold -- if he's around HELL yes!

      Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

      “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


      • #4
        Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

        Originally posted by Cumberland
        Someone else told me that the weather isnt so bad, the bad part is not seeing the sun for six months
        This is our first winter in Cleveland as native southerners. Out of all the adjustments we had to make, not seeing the sun for long stretches was probably the hardest. It really does make dh and I feel dreary. I first noticed it in November when after a long stretch of grey days, the sun poked out for about 10 minutes and I actually felt different (happier.) Afterward, I heard people in the grocery store talking about how the sun had come out, like it was an event.

        It is getting a little better now. We've had a few days in row with some sun. Now when the sun comes out, we make it a point, no matter how cold, to go outside.

        It is nice having four seasons, the snow is beautiful, and the mild summers are it's not all bad. I haven't once seen a cockroach, snake, lizard, or tree frog on my front porch since we moved here.


        • #5
          Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

          I grew up in a mild climate (MD/VA/SC) and went to school in NH and now work in Boston. I absolutely complain about it every single day BUT I have found ways to cope.

          I run outside unless it's below 20 degrees. I force myself to go for a walk in the snow if it's snowing. You have to bundle up but I feel exhilirated like I've conquered the cold instead of letting it get to me. I would say that owning the right clothing is also key to happiness, I've discovered that it is possible to stay warm but it requires some investment.

          Don't get me wrong, I'm never going to love it and I have demanded a move below the Mason Dixon line ASAP but I like that I'm learning to cope. Considering that Max is in school in Cleveland...I think the coping is going to last for a while.
          Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
          Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


          • #6
            Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

            Like Flynn, I moved from a mild to a $@#$##-ing crazy climate. It's cold in the winter and #$@$# hot in the summer.

            Of course, I'm not liking life much today, because at 7am this morning I had to drag a broken luggage cart pull jobby full of boxes across a campus that had not been groomed yet.

            I am SO SICK OF SNOW! Get me outta here.
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

              I grew up in Mississippi and when I moved to Atlanta I thought that was moving north!!! Then I moved to NJ. I suppose I have adapted over the years, but I truly do not like to be cold and I hate wearing layers of clothing!
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


              • #8
                Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

                Originally posted by Luanne123
                I grew up in Mississippi and when I moved to Atlanta I thought that was moving north!!!
                LOL Luanne! We thought the same thing when we moved from Mobile to Nashville!


                • #9
                  Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

                  I felt the same when we moved form FL to VA Virginia winters were a walk in the park in hindsight!
                  Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


                  • #10
                    Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

                    I agree with Lily, just think of it as a valid reason for expanding your wardrobe. I love the 4 seasons, partly because I get to completely change my wardrobe several times a year. I think I'd get bored wearing same stuff all year long. I'd hate to give up my cashmere and boots collections along with anything fur lined or trimmed.


                    • #11
                      Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

                      Besides, if you TRULY have what you need to be warm outside then it's seriously OK. I have found here in SA that people just don'thave the outerwear they need for the annual cold snaps. I see people walking around in sweatshirts when it's 20 degrees (and no hat OR gloves).

                      Meanwhile, I just drag out the stuff from the trunk, and Petey and I are off to the Riverwalk just like we walked the mall in DC.



                      • #12
                        Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

                        Some people might consider KS to be a cold climate but its nothing like MN. When we made the move the first winter was fun, I'm sure it was the novelty of it. This winter has been the harshest one we've had. We get out a LOT, I refuse to spend the time cooped up at home with Adele. We go to the gym or the mall or a friends at least every other day.

                        We are definitely adjusted and wouldn't mind staying here but it was definitely different then where we grew up.
                        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                        • #13
                          Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

                          I think you do adjust to it.

                          I can honestly tell you that I've only worn my winter coat here this winter a handful of times (unless I'm walking outside for a long time...from the car to the store I don't even bother anymore).....and my first couple of years I was cold all of the time. I have a bunch of winter coats from the first years stacked up in my closet and now the cold doesn't feel as cold...We don't even heat the house as much anymore and it doesn't get to me like it used to.

                          For me, the difficulty is the bitter cold and the length of time that I am not outside doing things like gardening, bike riding and other things. I'm trying to force myself to throw on a coat and go for longer walks again...but if I'm honest, all I can think of lately is Spring. Spring, Spring, Spring.....

                          Still....I actually really like living in MN. I do. I love the change of seasons...believe it or not with all of my whining of late. And...I was a TX girl.

                          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                          • #14
                            Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

                            I've been here for 7 winters and I'm not used to it yet.

                            I don't like being cooped up at home. I just eat myself into oblivion, and throw on my down Michelin-man coat and hide the pudge. To me, this is not a healthy lifestyle. I used to be active in the winter (skiing, hiking, lots of walking), and it kills me to be dormant all winter long.

                            Working out at a gym is no fun - I get bored so easily with workout equipment. I need to be outside. It doesn't have to be warm, but 45-50 degrees is perfect. Add a little drizzle, a labrador, and I'm a happy camper.
                            married to an anesthesia attending


                            • #15
                              Re: anyone not from a cold weather climate but moved to one?

                              Arizona to Wisconsin...I have nothing to add that wouldn't involve language that would make a sailor blush. Four more months until we are out of this hell on earth. Dante had it right. The inner circles of hell are definitely frozen.
                              Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!

