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Speaking of Coffee....

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  • #16
    Re: Speaking of Coffee....

    DH: with milk and splenda...

    Me: My pre-pregnant self had about a carafe (give or take) from the French Press a day. If it is before noon, and I go to a coffee shop, I'll get an Americano or a drip if the bean is dark (French roast is my favorite, sumatra is good too.) After noon-- I don't know. Occassionally I'll get a latte; I don't like starbucks mochas. I do like the green tea latte and the green tea frappuccino... If I want to spend an insane amount of money! I give the kids the whipped topping... so they are big fans.

    Now (pregnant) I really can't take coffee. The good thing is that I know once I'm not pregnant, I'll start getting caffeine headaches right away if I don't drink it!

    I never really got into straight cappuccino or espresso... :huh:

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


    • #17
      Re: Speaking of Coffee....

      When I give myself a treat, I hit up the local Starbucks for a triple-venti-non-fat-caramel-macchiato. (Yes, I'm one of those assholes who orders weird crap instead of just plain coffee. But those damn things are addictive. And caramel. Elixir of the gods, I say.)

      When I'm at home, it's the cheap crap. Some unpronounceable Guatamalan coffee from Sprouts with a little Creme Brulee creamer. Absolutely delicious. But I limit myself to one cup. Granted, it's a giant vat of a cup, but still...only one cup.

      Really, my only vices are good coffee, decent wine, and shoes. Lots and lots of shoes.

