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Next on your drugstore shelves...

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  • #16
    Re: Next on your drugstore shelves...

    Or, maybe, I just being self-defensive. I don't know any NSGs who could tear themselves away from the practice enough to have another outside interest that is so consuming...including their spouses. When you see NSGs who can walk away from the hard-core life, and you know your NSG-DH never would, it is a tad unsettling. To help bring you solace, you figure that either Gupta is not a "real" NSG (or is a total tool of one) or most NSGs are not real human beings. I prefer to think--and hope--the former, and comment accordingly.
    An eloquent explanation of a feeling that I hate to admit that I have experienced before.

    It's hard to explain or justify why the SOs of NSGs put up with this. I really can't explain it. I've somehow drank the Kool-Aid on this theory of how life should be and adopted the ethos. DH is so lucky I love him so much that I could be so blind
    I know that you really do walk the walk and talk the talk when it comes to accepting this life, but if there is ever a day when you chafe under the concessions that you have made for this aberrant lifestyle, know that you have ranks of individuals who have wrestled with this as well.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #17
      Re: Next on your drugstore shelves...

      Originally posted by house elf
      Or, maybe, I just being self-defensive. I don't know any NSGs who could tear themselves away from the practice enough to have another outside interest that is so consuming...including their spouses. When you see NSGs who can walk away from the hard-core life, and you know your NSG-DH never would, it is a tad unsettling. To help bring you solace, you figure that either Gupta is not a "real" NSG (or is a total tool of one) or most NSGs are not real human beings. I prefer to think--and hope--the former, and comment accordingly.
      An eloquent explanation of a feeling that I hate to admit that I have experienced before.

      [quote:ae6b1]It's hard to explain or justify why the SOs of NSGs put up with this. I really can't explain it. I've somehow drank the Kool-Aid on this theory of how life should be and adopted the ethos. DH is so lucky I love him so much that I could be so blind
      I know that you really do walk the walk and talk the talk when it comes to accepting this life, but if there is ever a day when you chafe under the concessions that you have made for this aberrant lifestyle, know that you have ranks of individuals who have wrestled with this as well.


      Oh, I chafe all the time. My as$ has been particularly chapped lately, because of all the stress he's under (and downstreaming to us) related to preparing for the boards (which are going on right now--all day Saturday--an aside: Suzy Sunshine/Cheri--if you're reading this post, GOOD LUCK to your DH, too!! May you CELEBRATE and relax tonight!). I mean, I know he wants to make a good impression, but he's not even taking them for credit this year! Come on...I didn't turn everyone else's life upside down when I was preparing for the Bar...and I was actually expected to pass on my first time...if I wanted to keep my job! I am sick of hearing about and thinking about the boards. I woke up about a zillion times last night, thinking he'd slept through the test and missed it.

      Yeah, I don't buy all that talcum powder for DS's butt. Hopefully, I'll just chafe and chap, and not crack. Eh, I just figure, it could be worse: he could be doing something he doesn't like. Then residency would just be a whole other type of pain in the A...


      • #18
        Re: Next on your drugstore shelves...

        Oh, I chafe all the time.
        I'm sure being preggos doesn't help the outlook. I don't know about you, but I'm not all Happy-Happy/Kissy-Kissy when I'm pregnant and he's working a gazillion hours a week. In fact, I think I'm pretty much hell on wheels when I'm knocked up. Anyhoo, best of luck.

        What was the original topic again? Oh yeah, the morality, efficacy, and reasonability of drug store medical tests. Carry on with the regular scheduled conversations. Sometimes my ability to digress is truly award worthy.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #19
          Re: Next on your drugstore shelves...

          Originally posted by house elf
          Oh, I chafe all the time.
          I'm sure being preggos doesn't help the outlook. I don't know about you, but I'm not all Happy-Happy/Kissy-Kissy when I'm pregnant and he's working a gazillion hours a week. In fact, I think I'm pretty much hell on wheels when I'm knocked up. Anyhoo, best of luck.

          What was the original topic again? Oh yeah, the morality, efficacy, and reasonability of drug store medical tests. Carry on with the regular scheduled conversations. Sometimes my ability to digress is truly award worthy.

          You are innocent. According to the thread's history, I am single-handedly responsible for this hijack, I confess.

