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Official Watchadoin? thread.

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  • Official Watchadoin? thread.

    Since we've all agreed it's a little quiet here, I thought we could try and catch each other up.

    Spring has FINALLY arrived here in the frozen tundra and so we've been spending a lot of time outside soaking up the rays. I figure I need to sit outside in the sun for the rest of the summer to try and make up for the damage done by this excessively long winter!

    Andrew's last day of school is tomorrow (yay, happy dance!). Aidan finishes up this week too. (gulp...I actually don't know if his last day is tomorrow or sad is that? ). Alex and Amanda are finished in a week.

    At that point, I think we're just going to enjoy being able to sleep in and not drive all over in the van. It's going to be a low-key more. driving.

    What are you guys up to?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

    I'm new around here.... packing to move for fellowship, planning for our baby due in Nov (just posted the gender in Pregnancy ), trying to keep the house clean enough for inspections and closing.


    • #3
      Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

      Still trying to get out from under overwhelming exhaustion. Flynn's right - the ears ARE kind of tricky and really take it out of you. I'm also trying to forumlate a plan for what to do with these two boys now that summer is officially here. Thank GOD the pool opens Friday.

      Trying to come up with a plan for the baby's room, and a plan of attack for moving / redecorating the boys new room.

      Oh - and watching Davita like a hawk while her dh is out of town ... although she's promised I can be in the delivery room if she goes before he gets back.


      • #4
        Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

        Getting ready to go to "the" chi-chi restaurant in San Antonio for my 8th anniversary of wedded bliss.

        The substance abuse world has exploded (see posts elsewhere) so I'm getting my arse kicked at work- but that's better than being bored.



        • #5
          Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

          I've been clearing out the house off and on for the last few weeks gearing up for a yard sale in two weekends, weather permitting. I'm flushing out some of the very last baby gear we will ever have, YEAH!!! The only thing left will be the crib, which this summer I"m taking the rail on the side off for her to get her catoosh in and out of bed herself! I'm hoping to make a small profit to pay... for the bathroom we are renovating right now. I've been penny pinching, and running to the Habitat for Humanity Reuse store, and it looks like w/paint, new lighting, two new towel racks (I picked one up that is $45 at Lowes for $8!!!), a new vanity top I scored for $68 at HD - $100 OFF the original price!!!, a new faucet, and calking we'll have overhauled it for about $200 - sweet! We are in the midst of that and there is demo stuff all over the place again, but this bathroom will be no more!!!


          • #6
            Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

            Nuthin' 'round here.

            Completely stressing about which Pre-K program to send DS to next fall. Otherwise, just the normal stuff.


            • #7
              Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

              Pics of the old bathroom, what you don't see enough off is the HORRID wallpaper, with water stains (UGH), and the extremely poor lighting, that is like holding a candle in a cave! I actually like the tiling, even if the floor is a little dated in it's style, but nothing else is nice - nada thing, it's all 1978 mint


              • #8
                Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

                So glad that school is out Friday. We will be heading to Texas for DS graduation next week. DH has been down in the Keys this week fishing and will be interviewing for a Medical Director spot in Fort Pierce Fl. within a couple weeks. Depending on that situation, we will either be aggressively planning on moving there which BTW real estate is awesome there or staying here and redoing some stuff around here.


                • #9
                  Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

                  I am so ready for school to be out. And wrote a $1,064 check for the first tuition payment and supply fees for the '08-'09 school year. And the girls are getting ready for their dance recital June 1. And the 14 month old boy still won't walk. Like, won't even try. And I HATE night float. DH tried to tell me that it's better than Q4. I told him he was full of it.
                  Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                  • #10
                    Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

                    I'm finishing up a week of single-parenting, DH has been in Florida for a conference since last Friday. Holy crap, taking care of two little boys 24/7 by yourself for a week is Really Damned Hard. Luckily, DH comes home tomorrow and starts a week of vacation.

                    The weather has been great so we've been trying to spend a lot of time outside. That's really about it...

                    -Wife of urology attending.
                    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                    • #11
                      Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

                      Currently, I am collapsed on the bed where I have been since I got everyone home from school. DS #2 stayed home from school today with what I think is going to be a bad cold, and I am afraid I am next. (I knew once my concert was over I would succumb to something.) So far, my symptoms are extreme vertigo and lack of energy. I went to school because there is too much to do there (end of the year stuff) for me to stay home. Five more days of school. We are supposedly heading up to the Indiana Dunes Saturday-Sunday, but I don't have the energy to think about that right now. I think we are going to have our upstairs painted next week and then we'll be listing the house. Ugh. No wonder I feel dizzy. At least hamsters can get off of their wheels.....I can't find the exit on mine.

                      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                      • #12
                        Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

                        Working extra hours, dealing with almost constant nausea, listening to the daycare bitch about my "biter," trying to find time to least I'm looking forward to Mudbug Madness this weekend.
                        Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                        • #13
                          Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

                          We're enjoying the warmer weather and trying to get out of the house at least once a day. They're saying it will hit the 70's by Friday and STAY there, I'm sick of these 60's in May! :huh: We've been getting out to the park, lunch with friends, and walks with the dog. We had some work done on our fence so it is now hopefully really Molly proof. We have 4 baby robins in one of our trees they are there every year so I'm hopeful they come back next year when Adele can really enjoy them. DH's best friend was in last night on his way to the cities for a business trip so we had dinner with him, it was good to catch up with him, even if just for a couple of hours. DH is getting ready to do a "charity case" next Tuesday for a patient from Algeria and he's very proud of himself that the day Kennedy went into the hospital he kept saying "its a tumor" and of course now he's right. I'm hoping the next month goes fast so that he can start his research and we can go to Texas to visit family. Otherwise just hanging out!
                          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                          • #14
                            Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

                            We are trying to stay a float during May(hem). This is the last week of preschool. Tomorrow is a picnic for DD#2 and school performance for DD#1. I have to figure out how to make a poodle skirt by Friday for a Daddy/daughter 50's themed dance when I can't sew and don't have a sewing machine. Friday DD#3 has a dr appt, we have a baby shower for DD#1 teacher followed by the kindergartener's Kindy 500 race. We have been building the car all week as well. DD#3 is getting over a crappy cold which has left her very clingy (very unlike her) and not sleeping well, therefore, I'm not sleeping either. She is on the mend though. Dh works all weekend. My mom is coming to visit. I am glad it isn't winter, but I am ready for some warmer weather! DD#1 will be out of school at the end of next week. Summer officially starts. I am ready to slow down.


                            • #15
                              Re: Official Watchadoin? thread.

                              Originally posted by Suzy Sunshine
                              . . . he's very proud of himself that the day Kennedy went into the hospital he kept saying "its a tumor" and of course now he's right.

                              Cheri: We are married to the SAME MAN!!! My DH said the SAME THING!

                              Actually, this is what happened:

                              So DH walked into the kitchen while I was doing the dishes and watching the all day news coverage on Saturday of Kennedy's hospitalization. Just as he entered the room, the newswoman said, "And to bring those of you who have just joined up-to-date, we can confirm that a 9-1-1 call was placed at around 8:00 AM, Eastern Time, from the Kennedy residence . . ." My DH snarkily interjected, "Oh, geez. What poor young hapless girl was drowned or raped THIS time?"

                              (So tacky! I mean, kind of understandable and a little funny, but so tacky...!)

                              Rolling my eyes and trying to make him feel badly about his remark given the gravity of the situation, I said in this somber tone, "Kennedy has been admitted to The General after transferring from the local hospital. He had two seizures. They are speculating that it could be epilepsy."

                              Totally disaffected (my guilt-inducing tone of voice apparently didn't work), DH said, "That's stupid. Seizures at his age? It's a tumor, probably a GBM, and he's toast. Less than a year." And he walked off.

                              Uh, nice bedside manner.

