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who else is moving this month?

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  • #16
    Re: who else is moving this month?

    Originally posted by Cumberland
    Wow, what is ABF? I will look into that one....... Everywhere we priced was miles higher than a u haul. We rented a penske truck at $296 for a 26 ft truck. Even if gas was $1000 which I highly doubt, how can movers beat that?

    ABF = Arkansas' Best Freight
    *FYI, "LTL" on their website means "Less Than Truckload".

    Here's the link to their "U-Pack" program:

    They're a fairly large freight carrier. They're a great company to deal with. I used to work for an international commercial vehicles manufacturer in their aftermarket parts sales/marketing department. ABF was on one of the few carriers we rarely had issues with.

    I don't know how much they cost for an in-state move, but for a multi-state move they're definitely one of the cheapest. Also, they'll price match if you find another mover who'll give you a lower quote. DH mentioned another quote we'd received from one of their competitors to the customer service person at ABF and they matched it. He was only commenting on how we'd found cheaper movers, but that we'd had such a great experience with ABF and knew they were a very reputable company so we'd prefer to work with them, but they still matched the lower price.

    Our move is almost 2,000 miles so gas was a HUGE consideration that would push us one way or the other. We had to weigh the fuel surcharges from any carriers against having to pay for fuel ourselves and drive the stupid tank-like vehicles for 4 days. When we found ABF was cheaper than renting a U-Haul, Penske, or anything else and we wouldn't have to drive it, that was it. Decision done.


    • #17
      Re: who else is moving this month?

      Sueanne, you can also check out this website:

      They have a message board with excellent information. I priced both the U-Haul and ABF and I think we paid slightly more for ABF and it was worth every stinking penny. We also had our other car shipped which did bump up the overall cost of the move.

      With gas for the U-Haul and one extra day of travel for the U-Haul (driving slower, one driver for uhaul and one for the car meant no switching off) it was only a little bit more. Add to that all the stories I have heard of U-Hauls with non-functioning a/c, crappy brakes, breaking down, etc. It only takes a few minutes to get a quote on the ABF website and is worth checking out.


      • #18
        Re: who else is moving this month?

        Originally posted by cupcake
        Add to that all the stories I have heard of U-Hauls with non-functioning a/c, crappy brakes, breaking down, etc. It only takes a few minutes to get on a quote on their website.

        U-Haul is well known in the industry as having the least reliable fleet available. They start out with decent vehicles so if you get a new one, you're likely fine. But they don't do even the minimum basic maintenance which creates an inordinate amount of breakdowns for issues that should have been caught long before the vehicle was ever rented to a consumer. Far more than any other carrier I've ever dealt with. (Part of my job was to deal with large fleets in this industry.)


        • #19
          Re: who else is moving this month?

          When I moved from CO to CA in 2000 we used a U-Haul - NEVER again. As we're going over the Sierras the brakes started giving out, SERIOUSLY! In the midst of the move we took a rock to the windshield which cracked, they tried to charge us for it when we dropped the truck off - my dad threatened to sue b/c of the brakes and they quickly dropped the charge.
          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


          • #20
            Re: who else is moving this month?

            Originally posted by cupcake
            Add to that all the stories I have heard of U-Hauls with non-functioning a/c, crappy brakes, breaking down, etc. It only takes a few minutes to get a quote on the ABF website and is worth checking out.
            Interesting timing, I was reading some horror stories thismorning. We are still using them though because it is only $130 for the truck. Functioning A/C will be important though And breaking down in the desert does not sound fun Fingers crossed!


            • #21
              Re: who else is moving this month?

              We're moving on the 12th... the house is mostly packed and down to bare bones.
              We're using movers - we've got a lot of stuff even though we've been paring down.


              • #22
                Re: who else is moving this month?


                :thud: :banghead: :banghead: :badday:
                Mom to a 12yo boy, 8yo boy, 6yo girl and 3yo boy. Wife to Glaucoma specialist and CE(everything)O of our crazy life!


                • #23
                  Re: who else is moving this month?

                  Hehe! You've stolen the words out of my mouth.

                  Two weeks to go. Half our house is packed, and we have boxes everywhere. And I'm wishing I hadn't already packed essentials like baking chocolate and microwave popcorn!


                  • #24
                    Re: who else is moving this month?

                    Heh. We're half way to our new home. I'm currently sitting in the hotel laundry room doing a couple loads of grungy stuff and taking advantage of the free wi-fi.

                    Only 2 more days stuck in the car with the 3 stooges...


                    • #25
                      Re: who else is moving this month?

                      Heh. We're half way to our new home. I'm currently sitting in the hotel laundry room doing a couple loads of grungy stuff and taking advantage of the free wi-fi.

                      Only 2 more days stuck in the car with the 3 stooges...
                      How exciting! Safe travels! Let us know you got there ok.


                      • #26
                        Re: who else is moving this month?

                        Our moving truck is coming June 26th and we're flying out June 29th. I actually have a lot of stuff boxed, as we de-cluttered when we put the house on the market.


                        • #27
                          Re: who else is moving this month?

                          This move is really starting to get to me. I'm pg, trying to take care of two toddlers, cramming all kinds of appts & friends into the last two weeks here, and gearing up for DH's graduation dinner. Any of this is stressful enough in itself. Help! I don't know how I'm going to manage all this. By the time we get there, I'm going to be so frazzled that I think I'll end up telling my ILs (who are helping us drive there): DON'T touch a thing in our boxes! No questions about where things go, no putting things in the wrong spots! Just watch my kids & please, let me take a nap! :thud:

                          I know I sound like a big baby, but it's getting to me today.


                          • #28
                            Re: who else is moving this month?

                            I know I sound like a big baby, but it's getting to me today.
                            Um, no, I'd be whimpering if I was in your shoes. (No actually, I'd be throwing a full blown tantrum, but that's me). You have a full plate my friend, take care of yourself.

                            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                            • #29
                              Re: who else is moving this month?

                              Originally posted by Deb7456
                              By the time we get there, I'm going to be so frazzled that I think I'll end up telling my ILs (who are helping us drive there): DON'T touch a thing in our boxes! No questions about where things go, no putting things in the wrong spots! Just watch my kids & please, let me take a nap! :thud:

                              I know I sound like a big baby, but it's getting to me today.
                              I don't think you sound like a big baby at all. And that request to your ILs seems perfectly reasonable to me. Have them watch the kids long enough that you can take your nap *and* make a dent in the unpacking by yourself, in fact.
                              Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                              • #30
                                Re: who else is moving this month?

                                We're heading the heck out of dodge in the morning! Got the diploma, ready to run. My daughter looked around the house full of boxes today and said "I don't feel like we live here anymore". She also keeps saying "I feel like I'm missing someone, but I'm not sure who".

                                Dh starts residency on Monday!

                                It looks like we're going to be driving through storms tomorrow...

