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who else is moving this month?

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  • #31
    Re: who else is moving this month?

    There is a sticky in Call Room called Moving Advice. I highly recommend anyone who's moving to check it out. It was very helpful to me last year.


    • #32
      Re: who else is moving this month?

      We're heading the heck out of dodge in the morning! Got the diploma, ready to run. My daughter looked around the house full of boxes today and said "I don't feel like we live here anymore". She also keeps saying "I feel like I'm missing someone, but I'm not sure who".

      Dh starts residency on Monday!

      It looks like we're going to be driving through storms tomorrow...
      Have a good trip today! Drive safely!

      Thanks for all the sympathy. I slept in this morning... feeling much better today. I've decided to work on clothes & closets. If I get all the clothes packed (mine & the kids', except what we'll need for the next week) by Saturday night, I'm going to take a sanity break Monday and spend a couple hours at our zoo with them for the last time. (Sunday will be time w DH - not good for packing.)


      • #33
        Re: who else is moving this month?

        Well, we're here.... Home Swede Home.

        We're still in limbo, staying with family but looking forward to the new house in July.

        The sad thing is that our 18.5 year old cat had a really hard time with the car ride.... we'll probably need to put him down in a few days..... very difficult timing for the kids with this.

        All else is good. It looks like our house even sold to the people who had the last showing while it was "staged". They had the inspection last night and all seems good. The contract price is horrifically low.... still, there is a good amount of relief for us with being done.

        Dh is having orientation this week and jumps in to the trenches next week.


        • #34
          Re: who else is moving this month?

          Glad to hear you got there & are settling in. So sorry about your cat!

          This is my last full day of packing. My ILs come tomorrow, and we have several end-of-residency events tomorrow & Friday. The kids are taking a very long nap today, God bless them! I'm sitting down for a quick sandwich, then back to packing.


          • #35
            Re: who else is moving this month?

            Originally posted by Deb7456
            Glad to hear you got there & are settling in. So sorry about your cat!

            This is my last full day of packing. My ILs come tomorrow, and we have several end-of-residency events tomorrow & Friday. The kids are taking a very long nap today, God bless them! I'm sitting down for a quick sandwich, then back to packing.

            Thank you.
            good luck on your move.

