We are a PC family. My brothers are insane pros at dealing with PC problems, and any computer bug we've ever had has been taken care of by my older brother when he comes to visit us. He kicks arse when it comes to computers. DH and I are kind of hopeless. Very hopeless, actually. Now DH needs a laptop for work, and he's interested in the Mac, but I just don't know... I'm worried that if something goes wrong with it, my brother won't know how to fix it. And I'm worried that it will be a pain to move photos and what not from the Mac laptop to the PC home computer---
I know there are some Mac people out there....
Tell me it's ok? Or it's not?
*If you switch to a Mac laptop do you have to switch to a Mac home computer?
*And does the portable hard drive work to transfer stuff between the two computers or do you have to do some wierd formatting steps?
*And what operating system does a Mac use-- do they use Microsoft Vista? Or XP? Or what????
DH is primarily wanting good internect connectivity and Power Point...
I know there are some Mac people out there....
Tell me it's ok? Or it's not?
*If you switch to a Mac laptop do you have to switch to a Mac home computer?
*And does the portable hard drive work to transfer stuff between the two computers or do you have to do some wierd formatting steps?
*And what operating system does a Mac use-- do they use Microsoft Vista? Or XP? Or what????
DH is primarily wanting good internect connectivity and Power Point...
