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I'm a bit worried about this, but convince me it's ok

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  • I'm a bit worried about this, but convince me it's ok

    We are a PC family. My brothers are insane pros at dealing with PC problems, and any computer bug we've ever had has been taken care of by my older brother when he comes to visit us. He kicks arse when it comes to computers. DH and I are kind of hopeless. Very hopeless, actually. Now DH needs a laptop for work, and he's interested in the Mac, but I just don't know... I'm worried that if something goes wrong with it, my brother won't know how to fix it. And I'm worried that it will be a pain to move photos and what not from the Mac laptop to the PC home computer---


    I know there are some Mac people out there....

    Tell me it's ok? Or it's not?

    *If you switch to a Mac laptop do you have to switch to a Mac home computer?

    *And does the portable hard drive work to transfer stuff between the two computers or do you have to do some wierd formatting steps?

    *And what operating system does a Mac use-- do they use Microsoft Vista? Or XP? Or what????

    DH is primarily wanting good internect connectivity and Power Point...



    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

  • #2
    Re: I'm a bit worried about this, but convince me it's ok

    We are in the process of becoming a Mac house. My husband still has his PC and we still use the same wireless, same printer and same back-up hard drive. I used my USB hard drive to transfer a lot of stuff from my PC to my Mac.

    However if a Microsoft product (i.e. power point) is your main use, I wouldn't switch unless you're willing to use a Mac program like ppt. I've heard nothing but bad things about the Mac version of Office '08. I bought it and wish I hadn't the iWork software is just as good IMO.

    Mac uses its own operating system called Leopard (is the current one), you can do what they call Boot camp and run a windows on your mac if you need to run pc specific programs.

    I'm still getting used to my Mac but already love it, it does take some adjustment though.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Re: I'm a bit worried about this, but convince me it's ok

      We didn't have a problem transferring anything from the crappy PC to the Mac.

      We did have a problem syncing the old PDA but it didn't sync well with the PC, either.

      Macs are intuitive- like if you think something should do something- it probably does. Things are so different but soooo much easier.

      We've also not had any problems with Office on the Mac and Rick does PowerPoint presentations pretty often for Morning Report.



      • #4
        Re: I'm a bit worried about this, but convince me it's ok

        Jenn- One of the other interns says there is a discount thru Mac for the Office suite for active duty military-- did you guys get this? Or is there a system to get the programs from the military some other way *aka for free* (DH used to get them thru the USU program, but I guess he can't use that anymore.)

        Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


        • #5
          Re: I'm a bit worried about this, but convince me it's ok

          We got the Apple through the PXtra on post. I would send him to the PXtra/BXtra at Ft. Meade or Andrews if he wants to see and play.



          • #6
            Re: I'm a bit worried about this, but convince me it's ok

            I've been a PC person forever, and I know MS Office applications really well. I guess I'm old & set in my ways, b/c I've had a hard time switching to a Mac. I still don't understand why DH got us a Mac laptop.

            We just got Office for Mac last week, and I haven't had a chance to work with it much. The little that I've done in Word seems like it will work fine. It's a little different, but familiar enough that I can figure out how to make it do what I want. On first glance, PowerPoint has a slightly different appearance, but I think your DH could use it with no problem.


            • #7
              Re: I'm a bit worried about this, but convince me it's ok

              We have made the switch about 6 months ago and I can't believe we waited this long. We both absolutely love the new Macbook. It's unbelievably easy to use and whenever I have a question or problem, I just take it to the local Apple store and they fix it or explain for free. I make an appt ahead of time, so I don't have to wait for anyone to free up at the store.

              You will never ever have to look for and download another driver. Everything is plug and go - printer, camera, etc. I also loved the camera, speakers and bluetooth are already build in. We've bluetoothed both of our cells and can transfer pictures and ringtones from laptop to phone. It's super cool.

              I will never buy another PC again.


              • #8
                Re: I'm a bit worried about this, but convince me it's ok

                We made the switch to Mac a couple years ago, and haven't looked back . I was nervous too, b/c my brother always fixed the pc (which was always having problems). However, the Macbook rarely has problems, and when it does a phone call to Applecare solves it quickly.

                The best part imo is iphoto. It is so easy to edit & organize photos. I love my mac!


                • #9
                  Re: I'm a bit worried about this, but convince me it's ok

                  Originally posted by SAHMkatie
                  The best part imo is iphoto. It is so easy to edit & organize photos. I love my mac!
                  iphoto and imovie were the two main reasons we switched and I LOVE them - I can put together a short movie/photo clip in minutes and send it to the grandparents.

                  I should add that the MSOffice issues I've heard, most are Excel.
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #10
                    Re: I'm a bit worried about this, but convince me it's ok

                    If your DH gets one of the new dual processor mac laptops, he can partition the hard drive and set up one side to run Windows. We have one laptop set up that way so that DH doesn't have to worry about any compatibility issues with work ever and we can use some of the cheap PC-only games for the kids. We can start the computer in Vista if we choose by holding down a key at start up. Normally, it starts as a Mac. It isn't hard to set up the partition, but the IT people at work couldn't figure it out for DH. We ended up doing it ourselves with a bit of online advice. I would suggest that you ask the Apple Store to do it for you if you go that route - and use your free hour of Apple Instruction time at the store to get familiar with anything you worry about!!

                    We love Mac. We'd never go back - but we do have our own little bit of PC stored inside one laptop!
                    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                    • #11
                      Re: I'm a bit worried about this, but convince me it's ok

                      OK-- Thanks everyone. I knew there were a lot of Mac people out there! I'll have DH go to the PX or an AppleStore and play around with it...

                      Even if he gets a PC, he's not getting Vista. :P So I don't think he's married to the windows operating systems or anything... It's just hard to learn something new! Yikes!

                      The good news is that DD has been using iMacs and the editing software, etc at school this whole year. I dont' think they have PCs, so she should be familiar with the mac system.

                      The confusing thing is that DH's name is "Mac", so perhaps the reason we haven't made a switch yet. :huh: I never wanted two "Mac's" in the house...

                      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

