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Has anyone?

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  • #31
    Re: Has anyone?

    And remember, I am VERY "pollyanna" about this entire process and we are at a "family friendly" residency (whatever the hell that is). If you look at most of my posts I am rarely negative simply because that is my personality but training is hard for everyone and we all have our ups and downs. I just don't want you guys to start over, get through school only to truly "get" that training is NOTHING like MS. MS is a walk in the park in comparison and you will long for these days once you hit residency.
    no kidding. you happy go lucky-crazy lady.
    happy, happy,happy...always putting a positive spin on things! THIS IS A NO SPIN ZONE! :P
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


    • #32
      Re: Has anyone?

      We had an intense talk last night about things. He did read some of the posts... He agreed that you guys had some seriously valid points. I told him point blank what my concerns were, but that I would support whatever he decided and we would do it. It's not that I don't think we can, it is just gonna be hard. I told him that too, but I want us to be realistic about everything. I do feel better about everything now that we talked. We have not made a decision about the year yet, but are praying and talking about it tonight. I want to thank you guys for your blunt honesty, this decision has been made easier just because of the realism you guys posted.
      Cheryl~wife to MS3 and Mommy to our two beautiful daughters...

