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summer olympics anyone?

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  • #16
    Re: summer olympics anyone?

    We'll definitely be watching! I love to watch gymnastics. I actually went to the Olympic Trials a few weeks ago because they were here in Philly. It was great. DH loves track and field. He's a distance runner himself so those are his favorite events. I get bored watching them go around the track so many times. I doubt he'll have much time to watch now that he's started residency though.


    • #17
      Re: summer olympics anyone?

      I love the Olympics, especially the spectacle that is the Opening Ceremonies. Sometimes they are just pretty to look at, other times they represent the country that is hosting. I think these Opening Ceremonies will reflect China's amazing culture and people. I am excited for 8-08-08!

      I will probably be watching swimming, track & field, wrestling, gymnastics. My SO will watch anything that happens to be on the NBC family of networks. He is Olympic crazy - he has been excited for this since January. This include humming the John Williams music from the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta since at least May (we were band geeks, so we both marched in shows that used this music).

      I do not think the Bejing air quality will improve too much for the Olympics. The secretary in my office was there in late May/early June. She came back sick, basically hacking up a lung for a good week or so. She also talked about that they don't turn on any city lights in Bejing, like on tall buildings and billboards, on weeknights, only on weekends. I guess that they are trying to preserve power and use all of it during the Olympics.
      Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


      • #18
        Re: summer olympics anyone?

        I heard a lot of athletes are skipping the Opening Ceremony and flying in right before their events. I wonder if it'll be noticeable that each delegation is only half of the usual size.


        • #19
          Re: summer olympics anyone?

          I am very excited about the Olympics! I am anxiously awaiting the naming of the rest of the Women's gymnastics team by the end of this month. I love watching gymnastics, swimming/diving, and track and field.


          • #20
            Re: summer olympics anyone?

            Hmmmm... honestly, I've never watched the Olympics much before and I've really tried to get Ben to sit still and watch tv for a few minutes- but he just won't. So I'd love to check it out (not sure when they are, maybe they are already over) but it probably won't happen here yet. I wish Ben would watch even for a minute or two- I know that's terrible to wish my son would watch tv but he just doesn't ever slow down....


            • #21
              Re: summer olympics anyone?

              We have a TV but no cable!! Bad timing too, we just ditched it with this move, and I love the olympics. Wonder if we will get anything with rabbit ears?
              We will have me cheering for Britain, DH for Canada and DS for the USA


              • #22
                Re: summer olympics anyone?

                I actually think a lot of athletes usually skip the opening ceremonies especially if they have major events in the early days. I remember it being a big deal at Michelle Kwan's second Olympics because she insisted on walking and actually enjoying her Olympic experience the 2nd time around. Also, some of the events start the next day hundreds of miles away. I had friends on the US Sailing Team in Athens and the sailing site was hundreds of miles away (as it was every recent Olympics except Sydney).

                Either way, I'm going to enjoy EVERY minute of it (especially the montages )
                Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
                Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


                • #23
                  Re: summer olympics anyone?

                  As a former gymnast, I am really looking forward to watching the gymnastics, especially with my 2 oldest. We watched some gymnastics a few months ago, and it was fun to say "Mommy used to be able to do that," and then hear the kids say "Mommy will you do a handstand, or a cartwheel." (My body ached for a day after that. )
                  Gas, and 4 kids


                  • #24
                    Re: summer olympics anyone?

                    I have been playing around with their site for a few days and I've found the listing of competitions that will show live on the web instead of the TV but I don't see anywhere that lists things that you'll be able to access after the fact? Might just be safer to tape it.

                    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

